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The rain dance playL: Do you like my clouds?E: Perfect.All: Hello, we got the corn plants.E: Oh, they do look wilted. H: Beautiful.O: They need water.D: I wish it would rain.E: We are wishing it would rain.L: Thats why were doing the rain dance play.E: Lets try to dance one more time, everybody? Sing: Little clouds are up in the sky, gather around and pass us by, you can give us nice cool rain to make the corn plants grow again. D: That wasnt a part of the dance.C: Here is the water. Do I stand right here?E: No, no, Cat, you are backstage with the bucket on the ladder.C: Backstage? I do my line from the backstage? No one would see me.H: Oh, stop complaining, youve got the most important line in the whole play. Do you remember it?C: How could I forget? Its only one line. One word.E: Lets practice. Little Bear, start with Dear clouds.L: Ok, I say dear clouds, what can we do to please you?H: And we say:All: What can we do? What can we do?E: Good, and what would you say, Cat?C: Dance, one word, dance.E: Excellent. And then we do our rain dance.L: And finally, at the end of the dance.E: Cat.C: I finally appear at the end of the dance. I dump the bucket.L: And we pretend its rained.D: And we pretend its rained.L: Ok? Are you sad, princess Salewa?E: Im sad, brave one. The corn plants are wilted. The poor things need water.L: They cant live without water, without water.E: They would die, die, die!L: But look at the sky.GF: Look at Cat.E: Cat, not yet! Oh, great clouds in the sky, we need your rain. Please send the rain.L: Send lightning, send thunder.D/O: Lightning, thunder.H: Stop, enough.L: Great clouds, we send our arrows to the great clouds to bring the rain. Get your arrows.H: What?L: The arrows.H: Oh, the arrows.L: Arrows for rain.All: Arrows for rain.C: Hey, watch!E: Sorry, great cloud.L: Ill hope so for Princess Salewa. She worries about the corn. Corn is food for us all.All: Corn is food for us all.L: Well be so thankful for the rain if you have some to spare.All: If you have some to spare.L: Dear clouds, what can we do to please you?All: What can we do?L: What can we do to please you?H: Cat, its your one big line. What can we do?C: Somersaults, Backflips, stand on your heads.H: Oh, Cat, cut it out, you are supposed to say dance!O: Its a rain dance play.D: Hes supposed to say dance!C: Did someone say dance? Do you want to dance? So dance.H: Get down, what a silly!E: Never mind, lets dance.sing: Little clouds are up in the sky, gather around and pass us by, you can give us nice cool rain to make the corn plants grow again.L: Please send rain, in buckets, if you like.H: Hurry up. Cat. In Buckets.C: OK,ok.D: Oh cat, that was a big bucket.E: No ways, its raining.L: Its really raining.D: Its raining.O: Its pouring.sing: The old bear is snoring, he rubbed his shoulder on the big big boulder and wouldnt get up in the morning. Audience: Bravo, bravo, Encore, Encore.E: Little Bear, do you think we really made a rain?L: I dont know. But I know Im getting soaked.
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