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英语听力翻译-The Five: Good morning, Master! 早上好,大师! -Master: Panda! 熊猫! Panda! 熊猫! Wake up! 起床! -Master: He”s quit. 他退出了。 -Viper: What do we do now, with the panda gone? 我们现在怎么办?熊猫走了, Who will be the Dragon Warrior? 谁会成为“龙武士”呢? -Master: All we can do is resume our training and trust that in time resume: 连续 我们能做的,就是勤加练习,假以时日, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed. reveal: 显露 真正的“龙武士”便会脱颖而出。 What are you doing here?! 你在这干吗? -Po: Hi!Good morning, Master! 早上好,大师! I thought I”d warm up a little. 我想先热热身。 -Master: You”re stuck. 你是被卡住了。 -Po: Stuck? Nah. What? Stuck? 卡住了?什么,哪有? Nah. This is one of my. Yeah, I”m stuck. 这是我的一只没错,我是被卡住了。 -Master: help Him. 去帮他。 -Crane: Oh, dear. 噢,我的祖宗, Maybe on three. One two. 我数到三!一,二, .three. 三。 -Po: Thank you. 感谢。 -Crane: Don”t mention it. 不用客气。 -Po: No, really, I appreciate. appreciate: 感谢 不,我真的很感谢 -Crane: Ever. 永久别提! -Master: You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night? split: 劈开 你真以为你能一夜练成横劈? It takes years to develop one”s flexibility! flexibility: 柔韧性 这可是数年苦练才修得的柔韧性。 And years longer to apply it in combat! combat: 搏斗 再继以数载,才能用之以战。 Put that down! 把那放下来! The only souvenirs we collect here are bloody knuckles and broken bones. knuckle: 指节 我们只收集的纪念品是流血的指节跟断掉的骨头。 -Po: Yeah!Excellent. 好啊!棒极了! -Master: Let”s get started. 让我们开头吧。 Are you ready? 你预备好了吗? -Po: I was born re. 我天生就预备啊! -Viper: I”m sorry, brother. 真不好意思,伴计。 I thought you said you were ready. 我以为你说了你预备好了呢。 -Po: That was awesome! awesome: 令人叹为观止的 那太彪悍了! Let”s go again! 我们再来一次吧! -Master: I”ve been taking it easy on you panda. 我始终都还比拟照看你,熊猫。 But no more. 可现在不了。 Your next opponent will be me. 下一个对手,就是我了。 -Po: All right!Yeah , let”s go! 好!太棒了!上吧! Step forth. 上前一步。 The true path to victory is to find your opponent”s weakness 成功的两个诀窍就是,找到对手的软肋
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