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状语从句一、概述状语从句(adverbial clause)在句中作状语,可修饰主句中的动词、形容词和副词等。状语从句由从属连词引导。状语从句可放在句首或句末。放在句首时,从句后面常用逗号;放在句末时,从句前面往往不用逗号。When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.当飞机抵达时,一部分侦探等在主楼里面,而另一部分则等在停机坪上。When I came home, my wife was cooking dinner. 我回家时,妻子在做晚饭。Though he was poor, he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。If you ask him, he will help you. 如果你向他请求,他会帮助你。Since you ask, I will tell you. 你既然问,我就告诉你。I cant tell you when you wont listen. 既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。He stopped trying, when he might have succeeded next time. 他不再试了,其实他可能下一次就成功。二、引导状语从句的连词分类状语从句根据它们的含义分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、方式、让步、条件、比较等九种。状语从句连词时间when, whenever, as, since, till, until, before, after, as soon as, once, the moment, immediately, the day, no sooner than, hardly(scarcely) when, the minute, the second, every(each) time地点Where, wherever, everywhere条件if, unless, providing/provided that, as(so) long as, on condition that, suppose/supposing that, in case, only if, if only原因because, since, as, now that, seeing that, considering that, in that, in view of the fact that(鉴于)让步though, although, even if(though), as, while, whatever, wherever, whoever, however, no matter +wh词,for all that, granting/granted, whether or, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that比较asas, not the same as, not soas, than方式as, as if(though) the way目的that, so that, in order that, in case, for fear that, lest结果so that, so that, such that, but that三、时间状语从句1、 引导时间状语从句从属常用连词例析常用来引导时间状语从句的从属连词有:when(当的时候),whenever(每当),after(在之后),before(在之前),as(当 ;一边一边),as soon as/hardlywhen/no soonerthan(一就),while(在期间),till/until(直到),since(自从),once(一旦就)。如果主句是一般将来时,在时间状语从句中用一般现在时。since 所引导的从句一般要用非延续性动词,主句用完成时态。Dont be afraid of asking for help when it is needed. 如果你需要时别不敢求援。Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially as Father was away in France.妈妈很担心,因为小爱丽丝病了,尤其是在爸爸远在法国的这个时候。What have you been doing since I last saw you? 自我上次和你见面以后,你在做什么?-What was the party like?晚会怎么样?-Wonderful. Its years since I enjoyed myself so much.好极了。多年了我从未如此高兴。Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.直到河里的鱼都死了村民们才意识到污染的严重性。-Im going to the post office 我要到邮局去。-While you are there,can you get me some stamps?你在那时,能给我买些邮票吗? Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up before I could answer the telephone.有人半夜给我打电话,但是我还没来得及接他们就挂断了。He had no sooner got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment.他一到实验室就着手工作。Ill go to the cinema after Ive finished the work. 完成作业后,我将去看电影。Ill give you a phone as soon as I come back. 我一回来就给你打电话。I havent heard from Tom since May. 自从五月份以来我就没有收到汤姆的信。He worked till midnight.他一直工作到深夜。Come to see me whenever you like.不论何时,只要你高兴就可以来见我。Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.他刚一到, 她就开始抱怨起来。2、while, when, whenever和as的用法比较(1)while常表示一段较长的时间或一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。它不能表示一时性或短暂的动作。Dont talk so loud while( as) others are working.别人工作时,请勿大声说话。While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2.当他正在吃饭时,我请他借给我二英镑。We should strike while the iron is hot.我们要趁热打铁。(2)when引导的时间状语从句,可指时间的一点,也可以指一段时间,从句的谓语动词可用终止性动词,也可用持续性动词。when引导的从句表示的具体的时间,从句的动作和主句的动作可以同时,也可以先于主句的动作。Whenever指任何一个不具体的时间。It was raining when we arrived. 我们到达时,天正下着雨。(动作同时,指时间点)When you read the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you.当你再读一遍这首诗,你就更清晰它的含意。(动作有先后,指时间点,不能用while)Come whenever you like. 你爱什么时候来就什么时候来。(3)as用as时主句和从句的动作往往同时发生,具有延伸意义,一般同延续性动词连用,有时可译作“一边一边”。As time went on, his theory proved to be correct.随着时间的推移,他的理论被证明是正确的。As we walked, we talked.我们边走边谈。As(when)he finished the speech, the audience burst into applause.他讲话结束的时候,听众掌声雷动。(指一点时间不能用while)3、名词词组引导时间状语从句有时名词every time(每次),the next time(下一次),the next day(第二天),the moment(一就), the instant, the second, the year等,也可起从属连词的作用,引导时间状语从句。Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?你记着还给玛丽的欠款了吗?YesI gave it to her the moment I saw her是的。我一见到她就还给她了。I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her. 我第一次见她就对她印象很好并认为她很诚实。Every time you get back at night, you drop your shoes on the floor.你每一次晚上回来,都把鞋子丢在地板上。I didnt have a penny the last time I saw you.上一次见你时,我身无分文。4、副词作连词用引导时间状语从句有些副词如instantly, immediately,instantly,directly, presently等也可起从属连词的作用,引导时间状语从句,表示一就的意思。I recognized her instantly I saw her.我一看见她就把她认出来了。The young lady rushed into the room immediately she heard the noise.那位年轻女士一听到响声就冲进房间。Directly the master came in, everyone was quiet.校长一进来,大家就安静下来。5、since和before的用法比较两者均可用于“It+ be.+since/before-从句”的句型。区别在于since表示“自从以来”,所在主、从句的谓语动词的时态关系是:It is/has been sometime since sb. did sth.。而before的含义是 “(过了多久)才”,主、从句的时态关系是:It was/had been some time before sb. did sth.。表过去和将来时,两者相应的句型分别是:It was some time since sb. had done sth.和It will be some time before sb. does sth.It is 30 y
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