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必 修 四 Unit 3 限 时 特 训.单词拼写:根据汉语注释及首字母提示写出下列单词的准确形式。1. We got b_ with the long and meaningless speech given by Mr. Smith.2. As for his performance, he was a f_, but he succeeded as a singer.3. He succeeded in o_ many difficulties in learning English.4. There were many _ (时候) when the team could win, but they were not so lucky.5. Everyone has a moment in history which belongs_(特别地) to her. 词性变换 1_n.幽默 _adj.幽默的_ n.表演,履行,成绩_3._v.使惊讶 _adj.令人惊讶的 _adj.感到惊讶的 _n.惊讶4._adj.幸运的 _n.幸运,运气 _adv.幸运地,5._adj.忧伤的,忧郁的,消沉的 _v.使消沉,使沮丧,愁苦,使贬值6._vt/vi使欢乐,款待_adj.愉快的,有趣的_n.款待,娱乐,消遣7._vt.使信服 _adj.令人信服的 _ adj.相信的,信服的8._vt/vi导演,指挥adj.直的,直接的, _n.导演,指挥 _adv直地,直接地_ n指导,方向9._adj.特殊的,特别的 _adv特殊地,特别地10._n时刻,场合_adj.偶尔的,临时的_ adv.偶尔地,有时地11._v.使发笑,使愉快 _adj.愉快的, _adj.逗人发笑的,令人愉快的 _n.愉快,快乐12._v.做出反应,回应 _n.反应,回应. 单句语法填空1Scientists are convinced_the positive effect of laughter_physical and mental health.2If we are not_ _(满意) the progress we have made,we will have greater success.3_ _ _(一到家) her home,Jennifer turned on her computer and chatted on line.(directly)4My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very_(挑剔) about the food he eats.5We shouldnt complain about being poor, because many families are much_ _(更贫穷) after the big earthquake.6How could you_ _(认出) your friend so easily?She is the kind of person who_ _(显眼) in a crowd.7. Tommy is planning to buy a car.I know. By next month, he_ _ _(save) enough for a used one.8. He got up late and hurried to his office, _(leave) the breakfast untouched.9Some people try to knock me down, only_ _(make) me more determined to do better.10Wang Ming, will you take part in the coming National English contest?Thats _ _(sure). We should catch the precious chance.阅读理解AJuvenile Fire Stoppers If you live in Bellevue and your child has played with fire,deliberately set a fire or you are unsure how to teach your child about fire safety, the Bellevue Fire Department can help.Through the Juvenile Fire Stoppers Program, the trained teenagers can assess fire setting behavior, receive free fire safety education and stop their dangerous behavior. For your guidance, the Bellevue Fire Department offers the following:Fire SettingFire setting is the term used to describe the behavior of children who have begun to use fire in a dangerous way. Through the Juvenile Fire Stoppers Program, children can gain the skills to alter this dangerous behavior. Do not put off dealing with this behavior. Fire is a devastating and deadly force.Motivations for Fire SettingChildren set fire for the following reasons:CuriosityAbout 75 percent of children set fires, because they are curious. The opportunity is there because the child has access to fire tools and is not supervised. He or she decides to see what fire will do.ReactionaryReactionary fire setters are usually older, upset about something and not very good at expressing themselves. They typically light a fire as a way to let grownups know they need help. Their fire setting is in reaction to a problem. Delinquent_BehaviorUsually delinquent fire setters light fires for fun. Most of the time, its a prank(恶作剧) or because of a dare. Most fire setters in this group dont realize they are breaking the law and could go to jail. What you can do:Set a good example. If you smoke, be responsible for your use of matches and lighters.Children learn by watching you.Keep matches and lighters out of childrens sight and reach. Even toddlers (学步的儿童) can use lighters and matches to start a fire.Teach your children that if their clothes catch fire, they should not run, but stop, drop and roll. They should immediately stop what theyre doing, drop to the floor and roll over and over until the fire is out.Urge your kids to sign up for the Juvenile Fire Stoppers Program!Contact InformationFire Department450 110th Ave. NEBellevue, WA 98009Contact: Prevention DivisionPhone: 4254526872Email: fire _prevention bellevuewa. gov.1. The passage is meant for_.Aparents Bchildren Cteachers Dfirefighters2The Juvenile Fire Stoppers Program can help children_.Aobtain the driving skills Bch
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