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Page26nail D.J.neilK.K.neln.钉子, 钉状物He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。Magnets attract nails.磁铁吸引铁钉。指甲, 趾甲I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.我曾劝阻他不要咬指甲。My nails are too long, I must file them down.我的指甲太长了, 必须把它们锉平。vt.钉住, 钉牢He nailed boards together to make a box.他把几块木板钉在一起做了一个箱子。抓住, 逮住Has the police nailed the man?警察抓住那个人了吗?naive D.J.n:i:vK.K.nivadj.幼稚的; 无经验的; 单纯的Its naive of you to believe hell do what he says.相信他会言行一致, 你未免太单纯了。天真的; 轻信的Dont be so naive as to be taken in by their lies.不要太轻信, 以免被他们的谎言所欺骗。She is so naive that she believes everything he tells her.她如此天真以致相信他告诉她的一切。naked D.J.neikidK.K.nekdadj.裸露的Naked bathing is not allowed to this beach.这个海滩禁止裸泳。赤裸裸的, 无遮蔽的To the east of our school, theres a naked hillside.我们学校东边有片光秃秃的山坡。Beneath them the earth was naked of grass.在他们脚下是寸草不生的土地。不加掩饰的; 坦白的, 明显的name D.J.neimK.K.nemn.名字, 名称名声; 名誉著名的人物, 名人All the big names in the pop music world were at the party.流行音乐界的头号人物都参加了聚会。vt.给取名Have you named the new baby yet?你给新婴儿取名了吗?They named him John.他们给他取名为约翰。说出的名字, 提的名字; 列举The child can name all the flowers in the garden.那孩子能说出花园里所有的花名。Can you name the chief rivers of China?你能列举出中国的主要河流吗?决定; 任命; 提名They named Smith as president.他们提名史密斯担任主席。The President named him to be Secretary of State.总统任命他为国务卿。The President named him to head the delegation.总统指定他率领代表团。namely D.J.neimliK.K.nemliadv.即, 也就是Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.只有一个孩子缺席, 就是哈利。He could not do anything more than what he promised namely, to look after Charlottes estate.他只能做到自己答应的事, 那就是照看夏洛蒂的产业。nap npn.小睡, 打盹Mr. Green usually has a nap after lunch.格林先生习惯于午饭后睡一会。vi.小睡, 打盹He caught me napping.他发现了我打盹。napkin D.J.npkinK.K.npknn.餐巾The boys left their dirty napkins at the table.男孩子们把他们用过的脏餐巾留在餐桌上。英正 尿布This is a disposable napkin.这是一次性尿布。narrative D.J.nrtivK.K.nrtvn.记叙文; 故事His trip through the world made an interesting narrative.他周游世界的旅行是个很有趣的故事。叙述, 讲述; 叙述部分In narrative, the reporting verb is in the past tense.在叙述过程中, 间接引语的动词通常用过去式。Narrative makes up most of the book.这本书的大部分篇幅都是叙述性的。adj.叙述的; 叙事体的He was a writer of great narrative power.他是一位颇有记述能力的作家。narrow D.J.nruK.K.nroadj.狭窄的; 狭隘的The decision was taken for narrow economic reasons, without considering its social effects.这一决定是从狭隘的经济观点做出的, 并没有考虑社会效应。Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.你倒车入库时要小心, 门道很窄。The bridge is too narrow for two cars to pass.这桥太窄, 并排通不过两辆车。勉强的; 险胜的He was elected chairman by a narrow margin.他以微弱多数当选为主席。She won the champion by a narrow margin.她以微弱优势赢得冠军。vt. & vi.(使)变窄The river narrows at this point.河在这里变窄了。The road narrows here.路在这儿变窄了。The gap has narrowed considerably.分歧大大缩小了。In the bright sunlight she had to narrow her eyes.在强烈阳光下她必须眯着双眼。The doctor narrows his study.医生缩小了他的研究范围。Living in the convent narrowed her views.修道院生活使她的视野变窄。The benefit was narrowed.利益变得越来越少了。nasty D.J.n:stiK.K.nstiadj.令人讨厌的; 令人厌恶的Try to get rid of your nasty cold.想法除去你那讨厌的感冒。恶意的; 恶毒的; 卑鄙的The joke is a nasty hit at him.这个玩笑对他而言是个恶毒的讽刺。严重的; 危险的; 造成痛苦的She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.她跌倒时头部受到严重碰撞。下流的, 道德败坏的Theyd be laughing making nasty remarks, and make passes at her.他们会笑着说下流话, 并对她非礼。nation D.J.neinK.K.nenn.国家Some nations built their hopes for peace on the talks between big nations.有些国家把和平的希望建立在大国之间的谈判上。民族The British nation has not risen up in a generation.英国民族并非在一代时期崛起。national D.J.nnlK.K.nnl, nnladj.国家的, 民族的, 全国性的, 国民的These matters are vital to the national security.这些事情对国家安全至关重要。It is a national newspaper.这是一份全国性报纸。I love the national culture very much.我非常喜欢民族文化。国有的, 国立的He graduated from a national university.他毕业于一所国立大学。n.某国国民Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country.外国侨民被要求离开该国。A consuls duty is to help his own nationals.领事的职责是帮助自己的同胞。nationality D.J.,nnlitiK.K.,nnlti, nnl-n.国籍She lives in France but has British nationality.她住在法国但拥有英国国籍。民族群体A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.许多国家公园都位于少数民族聚居的地方。native D.J.neitivK.K.netvadj.出生地的, 故乡的, 本国的He read a poem in his native language.他用母语朗读了一首诗。At the end of the year some people will go back to their native homes.年终时, 有些人要回故乡去。当地(人)的; 原产于某地的Our best man was sent to treat with the native leaders.我们最能干的人被派去和当地领导人谈判。Tobacco is native to America.烟草是美洲的土产。The panda is native to West China.熊猫产于中国西部。天生的, 有天赋的His native musical ability impressed his teacher.他天生的音乐才能给老师留下了深刻印象。The ability to swim is native t
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