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科齐高二英语上期中测试A (满分100)第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1A bird in the hand is_two in the bush.AworthyBworthwhileCworthDworth of2Mr Smith was_because of his carelessness.Alaid aside Blaid off Claid down Dlaid out3I will try my best to help you._anything else youre my good friend.AAside from BExcept CBeside DBut4Mums gift?She_have chosen a better one for me.She_be very happy to know it.Acouldnt;must Bshould;mustCmight;wouldnt Dmustnt;should5A committee has been_to organize social events in the college.Aset out Bset up Cset off Dset down6Jack,may I use your cell phone?Oh,sorry.It doesnt work.It_repairing.Arequires Bacquires Casks Dinspires7Wang Li failed in this examination.How he wished he_it.Apassed Bpass Cshould pass Dhad passed8They urged that the Science Museum_open during the vacation.Awas kept Bwere kept Cbe kept Dwill be kept9He finds it hard to keep_with the change of society if he stops learning.Acompany Btime Cfaith Dpace10Hes a very_dresserhe always looks like hes wearing his fathers clothes.Amild Bconservative Cfrank Dunwilling11Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?If you make_most of the equipment,there will be_rise in production.A/;/ Bthe;a C/;a Dthe;/12Unfortunately,their car_in the mud after the heavy rain.Agot stuck Bgot promoted Cgot lost Dgot involved13Ill_the story where you left off.Aturn up Bcatch up Cgo up Dtake up14Do you mind if I smoke here?_.Ive got a bit of cold these days.AIm afraid I do BOf course notCNo trouble at all DYes,just go ahead15I_that he is the man who took away my dictionary.Adoubt Bpredict Csuspect Daccuse第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)I had planted different hot peppers in my garden.A Mexican fellow called Sam worked for me.He_16_hot peppers,too.It was late summer and a beautiful sunny day.My son,Marcus,eight,and my daughter,Ellen,ten,picked several_17_hot peppers and entered our workroom with their_18_.They wanted to see if Sam could_19_more hot peppers than IAfter a little joking with them we agreed to the contest but they had to_20_,too.That was not_21_terms for them so they left the room.They_22_about an hour later with a new proposal and new hot peppers they had just picked._23_they had reasoned that when a pepper was_24_in color it was the hottest kind.Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers_25_ Sam and I would eat the red colored peppers.Giving Sam a wink (使眼色),we_26_.Showing good sportsmanship (体育精神),I had the kids_27_the peppers that Sam and I would eat.They picked the largest two red peppers.Then they picked a_28_green one for themselves.Knowing what was going to_29_,I told them I would make it_30_for them.I cut one pepper in half and removed the_31_to reduce the heat a little.The contest was one of speed rather than_32_.Each child had pepper in hand and was_33_to start.Looking at my_34_I said,OK,on three.One,Two,THREE.So much happened all at once.Tears,screams and spitting running around,the children_35_their mouth with fast waving hands.A short time later,Sam and I agreed that the red tasted better than the green.16A.atBliked CsoldDstudied17A.heavy Bcolorful Clarge Dgreen18A.proposal Btricks Cimagination Dplans19A.plant Bpick Charvest Deat20A.taste Bparticipate Ccontribute Dshare21A.acceptable Bcomfortable Cprofitable Dtolerable22A.entered Breturned Cresponded Dreached23A.Somehow BUnfortunately CUnexpectedly DAnyhow24A.purple Bgreen Cred Dorange25A.while Bbut Cso Dif26A.smiled Bunderstood Cagreed Djumped27A.prepare Bselect Ccut Dcook28A.fresh Bsmall Cdelicious Dhot29A.take in Btake on Ctake place Dtake effect30A.more convenient Bmore interesting Chappier Deasier31A.seeds Bleaves Cskin Dflesh32A.time Bskill Cquality Dquantity33A.nervous Beager Cwilling Dglad34A.watch Bchildren Cpartner Dpepper35A.opened Bcovered Cfanned Dwashed第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AEven bird brains can get to know an entire continentbut it takes them a year of migration to do so,suggests a Princeton research team.The scientists have shown that migrating adult sparrows can find their way to their winter nesting grounds even after being thrown off course by thousands of miles.The team first brought 30 sparrows to Princeton from northern Washington State,where the birds had been in the process of migrating southward from their summer breeding grounds in Alaska.Half the birds were juveniles (少年) of about three months in age tha
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