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东明中学九年级英语学科教学方案 主备教师 王玉璟课 题Unit 2 Topic 3Section A任课者总课时课 型问题解决课日 期第 周 第 课时 教 学 目 标1.Learn some new words and a useful sentence:2.Learn the compound sentences with “or”, “and”, “but” and “while”:3. Learn to talk about environmental protection. 重 点Learn the compound sentences with “or”, “and”, “but” and “while”:难 点Learn to talk about environmental protection. 关 键The dialogue and the exercises教学方法讲授法、小组合作、练习法Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)T: We talked about the harm of pollution in last topic. But do you know how these kinds of pollution affect our environment? Volunteers?Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:14分钟)T: Now, we know we should reduce, reuse and recycle some things to protect our environment. We call them the three Rs the three Rsreduce, reuse and recycleT: Now what can we do at home to protect the environment? Please listen to the tape, then find out the answer. (1) Who is working for an organization that protects the environment?(2) Whats her main job?(3) Should we use both sides of paper?(4) Why is the recycling useful?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟) Please read the conversation after the tape, then finish 1b.Please read the conversation again, and try to find the key words.Now, Ill ask some students to retell 1a. Please try to speak with your own words. Example:S1: Im Jane and Im studying at Renai International School. In my spare time, I am working for an organization that protects the environment Step 4 Practice 练习(时间:10分钟)T:Please listen to the tape carefully. Youll hear four people talking about environment protection. Then finish 2.(1) We should use plastic bags as few as possible.(2) We should throw the garbage in the river.(3) We should reduce the waste we produce.(4) We should use both sides of paper.(5) We should throw the plastic bags rather than reuse Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4分钟)T: Look at these objects in the picture. Which can be reused, reduced or recycled?2. Homework:Write a short passage about the three Rs in your daily life. 二 次 设 计
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