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五分钟英语演讲稿范文【推荐】 演讲又称演说、讲演,是指一个人在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场所运用有声语言和态势语言就某些问题、某件事件向听众发表意见、讲述见解、讲明事理、宣传主张、抒发感情的信息交流活动,下面是小编为大家收集的五分钟英语演讲稿,供大家参考。 五分钟英语演讲稿范文一 s evryoeknws,nglh isr iotnt tday.thas ben ued everwhre inthe rld.Itha become he mosomn laguagn Interne d fr innaional rade. If wecanspa Enliswell,we will aore ance to succeedBse more an moe people hae aen otice of ,the numberf te peope who go toarn glis hs incred at igspee. But formysel, lan ngli notonly becaue of itsmpoce and is usefuness,but al becaue of my ove f t.WhenI lernEnglish, Icafe aife wy fikingwichgies me r totouch the world.Whn Irea Ens novls, caneel te pleaurefrothe ok wih is iffe fro readig te ranslation.When I spk Enlih, Ican fee theconfident fom my rds.e I rite Engih,I see he eauy which i no h samas our Cinese. Iove Eglih,it gv a olorul re.Ihope I can trael arundth wrld one ay. th m god nglih, I cn akfiendswithmny plfrom diferentcones.Ian se man plaesof reat itrets dream a an g to Lnon,becasetihe brt pacef nglish. also w toue mygood E toitruc our great pleo t nli spo eopl,I hope that tey cove conty lk us. I know,Rom as notuiltin a day. I belie tht ar contnuou hard sudy, oy I anspeak English ery el. I uwt tobe lovd, you shul learnto love and be lvble. So I lieve I lovenlish everyda , i will loveme too. Iam ure tI l realie y drmon ay! 五分钟英语演讲稿范文二 Good ornig vedy, &rqo;m very ladtostndhere an gve you asht seec. Wel now hat ngxin has a fmos syig “;we always admire he beaty of lwrs but it prot was atered by ars fuge andrined by blo of sacrifice”;. ofor the ajorit, hindtheir uccess, ar filled o wea and tear.ale fying ithe sfirmamet, mustbe xprietepan fcnes tme fall undr th clif, thenhamerd oua r of volley igs A shinning of peals, nitbysfferedontless body fictin andnumeu wes&rquo; shock tis vew,a ral successful pepe,anhe ust epernce nuers ties o sand p ainand agi er failed, becuse wtout wea aterson he liferoad ,no one an casallyget the beutifl floers Alftr a heay fallShTieshg lot his lgs,it must b a eavy o o one. But he dnt lofath in f, but ue his ai ad a tohw he infinitelove o ife; Bethoven waslind ad def,but e stllhad rttnth quot;Herqu;uot;estny&t;nd s o a lge umerof usc rks, inhsufrtunatelie,he doggedly grpped t ut;fatefththrot Theyal had fll,but tey are strong enouh to stanup, ight agist fteandmisoun, fnay they scee o or ach of us,wesln isot trrl, lniene and courg in lif iste ost teribehng. Inmyopiio,hesweat andeasduringthe life’ ourny areveyimpotantf u, they hone orwill, adnrih or experinc. As te sayngges, ca yuse the rainbow withut a rany a, hil you dn#39;t ork hardad nt struggle,ow cn you aithe succesul floeAlnall, th setan ten he trugling road isnevitable, don&rsqo;t lo forhrtcs anyme, stadfas walk eve ep, wilsuceedin te en.Sobeef yoursel, nthigs impssl, jusd t. Thank you fortkng your tetsen myspeech, I hope i thenar ftur al ca b sucesful大家早上好,我很高兴站在这里给你一个简短的演讲。我们都知道冰心的一句名言”;我们总是欣赏花的美丽,但其发芽被眼泪浇灌的斗争和牺牲的血雨”;。所以对于大多数人来说,他们的成功背后,是充满汗水和泪水。鹰飞翔在辽阔天空,必须经历无数次的痛苦下悬崖,然后敲定一对凌空的翅膀。闪光的珍珠,不可避免地遭受了无数身体摩擦和许多海浪的冲击。在这个视图中,一个真正成功的人,他一定经历过无数次失败后再次站起来,反对,因为没有汗水和泪水的生活道路上,没有人能随随便便获得美丽的花朵。lfter重下降摘要史铁生失去了他的腿,它必须对任何人来说都是一个沉重的打击。但他没有对生活失去信心,而是用他的大脑和手显示生命的无限的爱; 贝多芬失明、失聪,但他仍然写了”;英雄”;的”;命运”;等等大量的音乐作品,在他的不幸的生活,他固执地抓住了”;命运的喉咙。他们都有下降,但它们足以站起来,对抗命运和不幸,最后他们成功。所以对我们每个人来说,摔跤并不可怕,对生活失去信心和勇气是最差劲的事情。在我opinion,汗水和泪水在生命的旅程是非常重要的对我们来说,他们磨练我们的意志,并丰富我们的经验。俗话说,你怎么能看到彩虹没有雨天,你不努力,不奋斗,你怎么能获得成功的花朵。总之,汗水和眼泪苦苦挣扎的道路上是不可避免的,不再寻找捷径,坚定的走每一步,最后我们会成功的。所以相信自己,没有什么是ipossile,就这样做。谢谢你带你的时间听我的演讲,我希望在不久的将来我们都能成功。 五分钟英语演讲稿范文三 Vicor Hugoocsid: T ause isle oer, and fuiti sweet cuse, let s do th ca fthe aves, ase thecuse of the idur is extrordiary and hbl, ther silentl as the reen leaes hat,wen th moet car frameo teeatiful floes. odyI alo had th norof di he caus o teea,but I was tl oung leave,whn I ft othis land, I hsitate, I cnd please But wen I sw aseiorducaton, I ca e vey roud to tel you thaI ve no rerstoda is ho leave thisdterinto to do s
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