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课题:Unit 6 Healthy Diet(合理膳食) Getting Ready and Reading一、 本节考纲要求.重点单词Nutrition,diet,protein,fat,mineral,vitamin, .source,store,contain,proper,value,overfill,function,scale,starch,weight,mstandard,complex,belief,available.重点短语Be rich in ,In order to,a balance diet,enable sb to do sth,be high in,a variety,as long as,depend on. Contribute to,more than,make no differance,cut out,lose weight,.重点句型The simple truth is that二、 高考题与本节知识的关联1,句型The simple truth is that, It is believed that 的应用2.短语in order to,as long as 的应用三、 教法及教学过程I. Teaching Aims 1. Let the Ss know some foods name. 2. Enable the Ss knows how nutritional knowledge. Teaching aidsA multi-media computer, a projection instrument etc. Teaching proceduresStage 1 Getting students ready for learning. (1min)Stage 2 PresentationStep 1 Lead-in. (5mins)With the development of peoples living standard, more and more people realize the importance to keep healthy. But in order to keep healthy, you must have a healthy die and exercise everyday. And keeping a balanced diet is important to health.1.Getting Ready P79Tick the food you like in part one and add more if you can.What you like:What you dislike:Others:2.Discuss in groups and put the letters (A Z) into the proper baskets.Pre-readingDiscuss in groups. Are the following statements are true (T) or false (F)?Exercise 1 Read the test quickly and decide the statements in Task 3 of Getting Ready. Correct the false one(s) first and then write the proper statement on the line before each paragraph. 1) Youll get proper nutrition if you eat a variety of foods. ( )2) Food eaten between meals can be just as good for health as food eaten at regular meals. ( )3) If you weigh as you should, you are getting proper nutrition. ( )4) When dieting, avoid starchy foods, such as bread or potatoes. ( )5) Taking extra vitamins wont give you more energy. ( )6) As long as people eat dairy foods, they can get enough foods. ( )Reading Task I. SkimmingRead the text quickly and answer the following questions.1. What do the main nutrition groups include? Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins.2. What should you do if you want to lose weight? Eat fewer calories or use up more.Task II. While-reading Read the paragraph 1 and fill in the table.Nutrient groupsFunctionSource food Task III.Careful readingRead the text again and select the best choices.1. Which of the following mainly help our body to produce new cells? A. Vitamins and minerals.B. Fats. C. Carbohydrates. D. Proteins.2. If you want to get plenty of energy, youd better eat more _. A. sausage and potato chips B. fish and sugar C. butter and vegetables D. milk and cheese3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. People can get basic proteins from fish, wheat and fruits.B. Nutritional value depends upon when and where you eat.C. Taking much more vitamins than needed doesnt do more good to our bodies.D. We cant get Vitamin B and Vitamin C from peas, potatoes, bread, and rice.4. From Para. 5 we know that _.A. if you have proper weight, it shows you dont lack vitamins and mineralsB. if you weigh what you should, it doesnt mean you dont lack proper nutritionC. a can of soda has the same weight as two eggsD. sometimes the scales dont show ones true weight5. It can be inferred from the text that _.A. a balanced diet should contain fewer fats B. the best way to lose weight is to take few carbohydratesC. we should get as many proteins as possible in order to keep healthyD. with the development of science, peoples opinions about nutrition will be changedTask IV. After-readingAccording to the test, are the following statements are true (T) or false (F)?1) Youll get proper nutrition if you eat a variety of foods. ( )2) Food eaten between meals can be just as good for health as food eaten at regular meals. ( )3) If you weigh as you should, you are getting proper nutrition. ( )4) When dieting, avoid starchy foods, such as bread or potatoes. ( )5) Taking extra vitamins wont give you more energy. ( )6) As long as people eat dairy foods, they can get enough foods. Task V. consolidation1.用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。 nutrition, variety, balance, available, store 1. Mobile phone users often receive _ of messages every day. 2. Nowadays its not a piece of cake for women to _ their family and career. 3. Squirrels are animals which like to _ food for winter. 4. The washers have been sold out and they will be _ next Friday. 5. Having known more _
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