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在阅读中,我们不可避免地会碰到一些生词。若我们不认识这些单词,就会影响我们对文章的理解。接下来,给同学们介绍一些可以猜测出生词词义的好办法。如果同学们能够掌握一些猜词技巧猜出生词的含义,就可以有助于对文章的理解。1. 通过构词法知识猜测词义掌握一定的构词法知识有助于我们的阅读。这样,对于阅读中遇到的有些生词,我们就可以根据构词法知识来猜测其含义。例如:A: Are you having breakfast or lunch?B: Oh, I am having brunch. 句中的 brunch 为生词,但我们却可以根据构词法知识猜出其含义,它是由 breakfast 和 lunch 两词采用截留法构成的,取的是 breakfast 的前两个字母 br- 和 lunch 的后四个字母 -unch,故其意为“早午餐合而为一餐,早中饭”。2. 通过文中的定义猜测词义有时,文中已就生词采取直接定义的方法来解释和阐明生词的词义,以帮助读者理解其含义。用来下定义的常用句型是:被定义词 + is + 定义;被定义词 + means / is known as. 等。例如: “Diligent” means “hard-working” here. A president is known as the head of a country or university. 第句中的 diligent 通过 hard-working 来定义,其含义非常明了,意为“努力的”。第句中的 president 通过其定义可知意为“国家首脑”或“大学校长”。3. 通过文中的解释猜测词义有时,生词可通过文中所给的解释、注解来猜出其含义。句型“A + is another way of saying + B”可以用来解释生词。用来表示释义的有 that is, namely, in other words, i.e. 等。这就要求同学们在阅读中善于把握这些信息。例如:“Glance” is another way of saying “look”.通过句型,我们可以知道句中的 glance 为 look 的同义词,从而可猜出其含义。4. 通过同义词猜测词义有时,在行文中可能会同时出现某一生词的同义词,这时,我们就可通过其同义词来猜测该生词的含义。例如:The old woman has a strange habit(习惯) to keep over 100 cats in her house. Her neighbors all called her an eccentric lady.通过上下文可知 eccentric 为 strange 的同义词或近义词,由此可猜出 eccentric 的含义为“怪的”或“古怪的”。5. 通过反义词猜测词义有时,在行文中可能会同时出现某一生词的反义词,此时,我们就可通过这些词来猜测该生词的含义。例如:Be punctual when you are going to a party. Never be late. 文中 punctual 一词的含义,可通过上下文间的逻辑关系判定 late(迟到)为其反义词,既而猜出其意为“准时的”。6. 通过举例或实例猜测词义在阅读中,我们经常会在短文中碰到 for example, such as, as. as, e.g. 等用于举例之类的词语,它对我们猜测生词词义也有很大帮助。例如:There is little furniture in the room. For example, there is no TV set, no fridge, no electric fans. There is even no desk in it. There is only a bed and a chair and piles of books on the floor.可通过后两句所举的例子猜出 furniture 意为“家具”。另外,还可利用上下文提供的实例来推测词义。例如:Tom is often voracious. One day he ate as much as three pounds of meat. 汤姆常是狼吞虎咽的,有一天他吃了 3 磅肉。由后一句“有一天他吃了 3 磅肉”,我们可以猜测 voracious 意为“贪吃的”。 7. 根据上下文间的逻辑关系猜测词义我们还可以通过同类词来猜出生词的(大致)含义。例如:She brought out a lot of things for us to eatapples, pears, bananas, grapes, mangoes and some biscuits.句中的 grape, mango, biscuit 均为不熟悉的词,但根据“她拿出许多东西给我们吃”以及 apple, pear, banana 等词,不难猜出这些均为食物。He is a millionaire. He has a lot of money. Every year he travels to other countries with his family. He even plans a trip into space. 通过上下文,我们不难猜出 millionaire 意为 “a man with a lot of money”。 8. 根据常识或已有的生活历来猜测词义有时,结合生活常识或自己的生活体验,也可以猜出一些生词的含义。例如:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. “门很矮”,头肯定是撞到门的“横梁(lintel)”上。阅读实战阅读文章,猜测词义。How to Keep HealthyEat a variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, youre more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Some foods, such as green vegetables, are more pleasing when you get older. Shoot for five servings of fruits and vegetables a daytwo fruits and three vegetables.Drink water and milk most often. When you are really thirsty, cold water is the No. 1 choice.Kids need calcium to grow strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. How much do kids need? About 800 milligrams each day if youre 6 to 8 and 1300 milligrams if youre 9 or older. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients.Limit screen time. Whats screen time? Its the amount of time you spend watching TV, DVDs, and videos, playing handheld computer games, and using the computer. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time available for activities, like basketball, bike riding and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.Be active. Find ways to be active every day. Not everyone loves baseball, or soccer, maybe your favorite is boxing, or kickball, or dancing. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. You might even write down a list of fun activities to do. So you can refer to it when your mom or dad says its time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!1. What does the underlined word “calcium” mean in the text? A A. 钙B. 铁C. 微量元素D. 锌2. Whats the Chinese meaning of “screen time” in the text? C A. 显示屏上的时间B. 电视机上的时间C. 在电视、电脑等屏幕前所待的时间D. 电影时间3. What does the underlined word “activities” mean in the text? B A. 课堂活动B. 户外活动C. 娱乐活动D. 体力
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