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生存英语场景话题词汇1、校园场景:学生称呼: 学生 student 大一新生freshman 大二学生sophomore 大三学生junior 大四学生senior 本科生undergraduate student 研究生graduate/post-graduate student 学士学位bachelor degree 硕士学位masters degree 博士研究生doctor candidate 校友alumni(alumnus) 老师称呼: 老师teacher 教授professor 教员讲师teaching fellow 导师mentor supervisor tutor 家教private tutor 系主任dean 校长president 全体教职员工faculty 考试名称: 考试test exam 期中考试mid-term exam 期末考试final exam 随堂考试 pop quiz 成绩表示: 分数grade 成绩score 满分mark 高分full marks 及格分high score 不及格分failing grade A+ A plus A- A minus 优异的成绩perfect grade 考试没过to fail the exam 平均学分积GPA=grad point average 作业名称: 作业assignment 家庭作业home assignment 课题project 读书报告book report 课堂发言presentation 功课class work school work交作业 to turn in to hand in 做作业work on 期限名称: 上交的最后期限 deadline 延期extension 即将到期due 推迟hold up 选课: 选课to takecourse /to sign up for /to register for to pick up(口语学某一门课) 退课 to dropcourse 课程已经取消 the course has been canceled 学分credit 初级课程introductory 选修课selective course optional course 必修课required course 有学分的课credit course 没学分的课non-credit course 讨论班seminar 数学 math 社会学 sociology 地质学geology 计算机课程computer course 化学课chemistry 心理学psychology 生物课biology 物理学physics生物化学 biochemistry 经济学economics 理科课程science course 计算机科学computer science 教育心理学入门introduction to educational psychology 502化学chemistry 502 演讲者speaker 讨论班seminar 讲座人lecturer 讲座lecture 课堂发言presentation 学派school of thought 课堂class 论文paper 小论文essay 学期论文 term paper 本科毕业论文thesis 博士毕业论文 dissertation 开题报告 proposal 文学学士BA=bachelor of arts 理学学士BS=bachelor of science 硕士学位mater degree 博士学位PhD 准博士ABD=all but dissertation 学费tuition 学杂费fee 助学金总称financial aids 奖学金scholarship 助学金assistantship grant 减免学杂费的奖学金tuition-waiver 失去资格to disqualify学生贷款loan 助教TA= teaching assistant 助研RA=research assistant 全额奖学金fellowship2.餐馆场景 餐馆 : restaurant餐馆 place餐馆(口语) French place法式餐厅 Chinese place中餐馆 Italian place意式餐厅 pub酒吧 bar酒吧 inn小旅馆,小客栈 snack food小吃 snack bar快餐店 subway赛百味 sandwich三明治 Pizza hut必胜客 bread talks 面包新语 hamburger汉堡 burger king 汉堡王 cafeteria 自助餐厅食品: steak牛排 well down over down half down media down rare bloody buffet自助餐 main dish主菜 salad 沙拉 soup汤 vegetable sea food egg drop soup蔬菜海鲜蛋花汤 sauce 汁,酱 dessert甜点 pudding布丁 dressing调味汁 doughnut面包圈 French bread法式面包 a loaf一条面包 jam果酱 apple pie苹果 sandwich 三明治 toast土司 pizza披萨 hamburger汉堡 snack food 快餐 potato chips土豆片 French fries炸薯条 yoghourt酸奶 double cheese burger双层吉士汉堡 Mcdonalds spicy drumstick burger 麦辣鸡腿汉堡soda water 苏打水 mineral water 矿泉水 Orange Juice 橘汁 lemon juice 柠檬汁 soft drink 软饮料 beer 啤酒 wine 酒 a bottle of wine 一瓶红酒 liquor 烈酒 alcohol 酒精 coffee 咖啡 a cup of coffee动作: order dishes 点菜bring me the menu 看菜单recommendation 推荐,招牌菜付账:我有钱我请客。Let me treat you. Its my treat. 我来买单。I will check out. pick up the bill.foot the bill pick up the table 请客 Its on me. AA制: Lets go Dutch. 各人付自己的帐 Lets go fifty-fifty. separate checks split the billBackground: book reserve 预定 all the tables have been booked up Are you ready to order, sir? See the menu . What is the specialty of the house? I will be back with your order in a minute. Short-handed I will take care of it right now. Your meal will be free. 3.图书馆场景 图书馆设施: shelf书架 stack书库 reading room 阅览室 reference room参考书阅览室 periodical room期刊阅览室 copier复印机 study lounge 自习室 circulation desk 流通台 check out外借 return还书 renew 续借 library 图书 librarian图书馆长, 图书管理员 book number 书号 catalogue书目 index索引 volume卷,宗 library card借书卡规章制度: writing permission书面许可 book reservation 预定 due到期 over-due超期 fine罚款 reserved library books馆内收藏书 check out外借 = take it out return 还书 put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读期刊: magazine 杂志 journal 期刊 periodical 期刊 quarterl
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