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稿-分色稿-出菲林-制版-印刷(Manuscript - color separation - out of film - plate - printing)Manuscript - color separation - out of film - plate making - printingProcess descriptionBasic process: manuscript - Colour Separation - Film - plate making - printing.One, the manuscript is the manuscript that we want to print, should not need me to explain more.We know that printing usually refers to the concept of four-color printing because the colors in printed matter are made up of four colors, C, M, Y and K. Thousands of different colors are made up of these colors according to different proportions. Its blending principle is the same as watercolor, gouache and so on.We usually contact printing, such as books and magazines, posters, etc., is in accordance with the four-color overprint. That is to say, in the printing process, the substrate (paper) in the printing process has experienced four times printing, printing a black, a defective red, a cyan, a yellow. When finished, the four colors are folded together to form the colors on the screen.Two, color separationColor printing is a professional term, refers to the various colors on the manuscript is divided into yellow and magenta and cyan and black four colors of the color; in computer printing design or graphic design image software, color is color image scanning mode or other sources are converted to CMYK mode.General scan image for RGB mode, if you want to print, you must color separation, divided into yellow, magenta, green, black four colors, this is the printing requirements. If the image color mode to RGB or Lab, the output is probably only K (black) with dot version, namely RIP (RIP is used to image data interpretation for the film needs data, the interpretation of the language is PostScript. PostScript is a programming language that is best suited for printing images and text, whether in paper, film, or non - material CRT. In todays jargon, its a page description language. It was launched by Adobe in 1985 Only the color information of the image is interpreted as gray.In Photoshop, the color separation operation is very simple: you just have to convert the image color pattern from RGB mode or Lab mode to CMYK mode. The specific operation is to execute Image/Mode/CMYK. In this way, the color of the image is represented by the pigment (ink), with 4 color channels. When the image is output, the dot is generated according to the channel data of the color, and is divided into yellow, magenta, cyan and Hei Sizhang color separation films.The color separation we understand here is to separate the originals into separate cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Its not difficult to do that. When the four colors in Fig. 2 are printed on the paper, the effect in Fig. 1 will be achieved. Of course, there are some technical problems, mainly in the following aspects:1, the definition of network: to understand the definition of the network, we must first understand the concept of continuous, harmonic, discontinuous. Paintings or color photographs are used continuously to reflect the shades of the screen, i.e., where the color is concentrated, the pigments pile up thickly, and the areas where the colors are weak are somewhat thinner. However, the printing of pictures or color photographs, is to use halftone to show the color of the screen shading layer, specifically speaking, is the use of dot size to show the screen, each of the small parts of the color of the shade. In print, with a magnifying glass, you can see the level from locations shown (Figure 3) local outlets, the outlets of small local color light, (of course, if you see a piece of color and no idea, that is the field, field is 100% outlets, that all is dark. Networks of varying sizes make up a variety of layers. The shape of the network there are various, round, square, diamond, plum shaped and so on, the size of the network is a key factor in deciding the thickness of printing in the color, the size of the network according to the number, namely: a few outlets, can also be used. For example, 50% of the outlets are 50% of the outlets. In addition, we can see that the dot in Figure 3 has a certain angle, and this is the angle of the screen,Screen angle is a very important concept, because if the network does not fit, it is prone to moire, moire refers proofing or printing plate due to yang angle a collocation unsightly reseaus and graphics appear improper. There are ways to avoid it:Between 1. and three pieces of magenta and blue black color strong version of the screen angle difference must be not less than 30 DEG, 90 DEG in yellow version;There are 2. light colored version, light colored version of the ink may deepen;3. printing as the original, the various color version selection screen angle to be staggered with the corresponding document on the screen angle, such as the original yellow version of 90 degrees, 75 degrees, magenta green version, black versi
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