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阅读理解: Have you ever seen a horse with toes(脚趾)? Millions of years ago, horses had many toes. They had four toes on each front foot. They had three toes on each back foot. The horses were smaller than cats.These small horses lived in the forest. Their many toes helped the horses run over the soft wet ground. It was very hot in the forest. But the weather changed. It became cold. Many trees couldnt live in cold weather. The trees died and fell. Open field took the place of(代替) forests. The sun made the ground dry and hard(坚硬). Horses began to change too. They began to get bigger. This took a long time. On the dry hard land, horses needed only their middle toes for running. Their middle toes became hard. After a long time horses had only one hard toe on each foot. We call this hard toe a hoof(马蹄).( ) 1. Long ago, the horse had four toes on each of its _. A. back feet B. front feet C. right feet( ) 2. The cats were _ the horses at that time. A. much biggerB. smaller than C. bigger than( ) 3. Which of the three sentences is true? A. The weather stays the same the whole year all over the world. B. When the weather changed, animals began to change too. C. Cats were bigger in the past than they are today.( ) 4. On the dry hard land _. A. horses needed a lot of room for running B. a horse needed more than four toes for running C. horses needed only their middle toes for running( ) 5. Now each horse has _ on its feet. A. one toe B. three toes C. four toes II Once there was a farmer. He worked for a landlord(地主). The landlord made the man work all day long, but paid him very little money and didnt give him enough food to eat. One day when the man was having breakfast, the landlord came and said to him. “Its too much trouble to go to work and came back for supper. So I want you to have breakfast and lunch and supper now, before you go to the field.” “How can I eat three meals at the same time?” The man thought. But he said, “All right.” He finished his breakfast and went off.Two hours later, the landlord went out for a walk. Now what did he see? He saw the man sitting under a tree and smoking. The landlord was very angry.“Why arent you working in the fields?” He said. The man said with a smile, “I have had my supper and you know very well what I should do after supper.”( ) 6. The landlord gave the farmer_. A. very little sleep B. very little work C. much food to eat D. very little money( ) 7. The farmer had three meals together because _. A. it was good for the landlord B. it was god for the farmer C. the landlord was very kind D. the farmer liked to do that( ) 8. Two hours later, the landlord saw the farmer _ A. working hard on the farm B. sleeping under a tree C. having his lunch under a tree D. smoking under a tree( ) 9. The farmer told the landlord that after supper it was time _ A. to work B. to rest C. to smoke D. to sit under a tree( ) 10. The farmer was very _ A. lazy B. angry C. clever D. foolish IIIOne afternoon some boys made a lot of noise in class. The teacher got angry. He kept them in the classroom after school. He told them to add all the numbers from 1 to 100 together. The boys took out their exercise-books. All of them began to write the numbers down except one boy. He was new in the school. He looked out of the window for a few minutes. Then he wrote a number in his exercise-book and put up his hand. “May I go home, sir?” he asked. “I know the answer now.” The teacher and the other boys were very surprised. “Bring it here.” said the teacher. The next morning, the teacher asked the boy. “How did you find the answer so quickly?”“Well, sir.” He said, “I did not want to stay here so long. So I did my best to find the answer quickly. Soon I found it. You see, if you add 100 to 1, you get 101, and 99 and 2 is 101, 98 and 3 is 101 too, and when you reach 51 and 50, you have 101 fifty times, that is 5050”.After this, when the teacher gave the class exercises to do, he gave this boy different exercises. The boys name was Karl F. Gauss. When he grew up, he became a great scientist. (判断正误)( ) 11. Little Gauss was a new student in that school.( )12. Little Gauss and his classmates always listened to their teachers very carefully in class.( ) 13. All the boys wrote the numbers from 1 to 100 down and added them up.( ) 14. Little Gauss left the classroom much earlier than the other boys.( ) 15. Little Gauss told the teacher how he found t
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