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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit3单元测试班级: 姓名: 一、选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余两个不同的选项。( ) 1. A. apple B. traffic C. ask( ) 2. A. sheep B. shop C. watch( ) 3. A. zoo B. look C. foot ( ) 4. A. along B. stop C. metro( ) 5. A. ride B. hospital C. library二、词组英汉互译。1. 等公共汽车_2. ask the way _ _3. 在你的右侧 _4. get there _ 5.向右转_ 6. next to the hospital_7. 去看电影 _8. walk to the zoo_ _9. 劳驾;对不起_10. too many cars 三、单项选择。( )1. How can we _ the zoo? _ foot. A. get;On B. to get;By C. get to ;On( )2. The sports shop is _ your left. A. inB. onC. at( )3. I dont have _ nice clothes _ shoes. A. some, and B. any, and C. any, or( )4. He _ every house. A. visit B. visits C. visits to( )5. Lets _ the metro now. A. to take B. takes C. take( )6. _ do you have dinner? At 6 oclock. A. How manyB. How oldC. What time( )7. We cant eat _. A. it B. they C. their( )8. What _ Tom like doing? He likes watching cartoons. A. do B. does C. doing( )9.Helen often _ in summer. A swimming B swims C swim( )10.-_do you go to school? -By school bus. A Where B How C When ( )11.He likes his new school _. A either B many C very much ( )12.He doesnt think _. A so B this C too ( )13.They _the way to the park. A not know B dont know C doesnt know( )14.How does Yang Ling get _? By bus. A to home B home C cinema( )15.How do you get to the hospital? I get _by taxi. A there B to there C the hospital( )16.Can you show your new book _ us? A to B for C with ( )17.We live near the zoo.We often go _ on Sundays. A to there B here C there四、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Lets _ ( take) a taxi to the library.2. We can _ ( go ) to the supermarket by taxi.3. Where _ ( be ) the testroom?4. Can the doctor_ ( help ) the man?5. I like _ ( read ) stories.6. The boxes _(be) too full.7. There are many traffic _ ( light ) in the street.8. Let her _ ( take ) the bus to the park.9. My sister _(find) the shop.10. The boy _(ask) a policeman for help.五、按要求改写下列句子。1. Go along this street. (改为否定句)_2. Does she waik along this road? (改为肯定句)_3. She gets there by bus. ( 划线部分提问)_4. He cant get out because he is too fat. (划线部分提问)_5. They pick some big red mushrooms. (改为单数句子) _六,将下列句子补充完整。1.公共汽车站离这儿不远。The _ _ is not _ _ here.2. 你可以在医院的前面上车,在动物园门口下车。 You can _ _ the bus in front of the _ and _ _ the gate of the _.3. 我们不能上车。车太慢了。 We _ _ _the bus. Its _ _.4. 我们学校在医院旁边。 Our school is _ _ the _.5. 沿着月亮街走,在交通灯处向左转。 Go _ Moon Street and turn _ at the traffic lights .6.我怎样才能到达书店?你可以步行。How do I get to the _? You can on _.7.沿着这条路走,电影院在你的左边。Go _ this street , the cinema is on your _.8.我奶奶经常向警察求助。My grandma often _ a policeman for _.9.这辆车满了。我们乘下一辆。The bus is _. We can take the _ bus.10.沿着这条路走,然后在第一个十字路口向右转。 _ _ this _, and then _ _ at _ _ _.11.向阳中学就在你的左边,你不会找不到的。 Xiang Yang middle school is _ _ _, you _ _ it.专心-专注-专业
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