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科技英语翻译基本技巧(一)词义引申词义引申是指改变原文字面意义的翻译方法。 词义引申 时,往往可以从词义转译、词义具体化、词义抽象化和词的 搭配四个方面来考虑。1.引申转译词义转译翻译时,遇到一些无法直译或不宜直译的词或 词组,应根据上下文和逻辑关系,引申转译。Like any precision machine, the lathe requires careful treatme nt.跟任何精密机床一样,车床也需要精心维护。(不译待遇)Solar en ergy seems to offer more hope tha n anyother source of en ergy.太阳能似乎比其它能源更有前途(不译“提供更多希望”)2.词义具体化翻译时,根据汉语的表达习惯,把原文中某些词义较笼 统的词引申为词义较具体的词,以动词cut(切割)为例:The purpose of a driller is to cut holes. 钻床的功能是钻孔。A sin gle-po int cutt ing tool is used to cut threadson engine lathes.普通车床是单刃刀具来车螺纹的。3词义抽象化把原文中词义较具体的词引申为词义较抽象的词,或把 词义较形象的词引申为词义较一般的词。The major con tributorsi n comp onent tech no logy have bee n the semi-c on ductor comp onen ts.跟任何精密机床一样,车床也需要精心维护。(不译待 遇)太阳能似乎比其它能源更有前途(不译“提供更多希望”)2. 词义具体化钻床的功能是钻孔。普通车床是单刃刀具来车螺纹的元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(不译主要元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(不译主要贡献者)跟任何精密机床一样,车床也需要精心维护。(不译待遇)太阳能似乎比其它能源更有前途(不译“提供更多希望”)2.词义具体化钻床的功能是钻孔。普通车床是单刃刀具来车螺纹的。元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(不译主要There are three steps which must be take n before we graduate from the in tegrated circuit tech no logy.我们要完全掌握集成电路,还必须经过三个阶段。(不译“毕业于”)4.词的搭配遇到动词、形容词与名词搭配时,应根据汉语的搭配习 惯,而不应受原文字面意义的束缚。The iron ore used to make steel comes from ope n-pit and un dergr ound.炼钢用的铁矿石来自露天开采的矿山和地下矿井。(不译制造钢)An in sulator offers a very high resista nee to the passage through which electric curre nt goes.绝缘体对电流通过有很大阻力。(不译高阻力)科技英语翻译基本技巧(二)词量增减英译汉时往往需要在译文中增加一些原文中无其形而 有其意的词,或减去原文中某些在译文中属于多余的词。 这种改变原文词量的译法就叫词量增减,这是翻译常用的技 巧。一、词量增加1. 在抽象名词后增加名词Were there no electric pressure in a con ductor, theelectron flow would not take place in it.导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象。(增加 “现象”)Metallurgy treats of the deriving of metals and their properties.冶金学研究金属的提炼方法及其特性。(增加方法”)2. 在形容词前加名词Pist on engines are used for relatively slow pla nesflyi ng at 20,000 feet or less.活塞式发动机用于速度较慢,高度在两万英尺以下的飞 机。(增加“速度”)In most cases small lathes are as complete as large lathes ,only smaller and lighter.小车床的结构与大车床的一样完备,只是体积小些,重 量轻些。(增加“体积”、“重量”)3 增加起语气连贯作用的词有时在译文中增加一些起连贯作用的词,主要是连词、副词和代词,可以使句子语气连贯,行文流畅,从而达到一定的修辞目的。Manganese is a hard ,brittle,grey-white metal 。锰是一种灰白的、又硬、又脆的金属。(试比较:锰是一种硬的、脆的、灰白色的金属。)4 增加概括词当句中有几个并列成分时,有时可在并列成分之后增加 表示数量意义的概括词,可以起到一定的修辞作用。Note that the words “velocity ” and “speed ” require expla nati on.请注意,“速率”和“速度”这两个词需要解释一下。(增加“两个”)The carriage of a lathe may be fed in the longitudinal and cross directions.车床的刀架可以纵横两个方向进给。(增加“两个”)二、词量减少为了更好地表达原意,翻译时往往可以省略原文中某些 词,以使译文更严谨、更精炼、更明确。所减去的词,在英 语中是必不可少的,但译成汉语则是多余的。因为这些词在 英语中多半是为了语法上的需要而存在。比如英语的冠词使 用很广,但汉语却根本没有冠词,所以一般可以不译。又如 介词、连接词和代词在英语中也用得很多,但汉语借助语序 表达逻辑关系,这几类词就用得不多,所以有时也可以不译。总的来说,在英译汉中词量减少的情况要比词量增加的情况 更为普遍。1. 省略冠词Practically every river has an upper ,a middle ,and a lower part 。实际上河流都是由上游、中游和下游组成。As the crankshaft turns to the left and upward,the conn ect ingrod pushes the pisto n upward.当曲轴向左上方转动时,连杆把活塞推向上方。(省略四个定冠词)2. 省略代词By the word “ alloy ” we mean “ mixture of metals ” .用“合金”这个词来表示“金属的混合物”。(省略人称 代词we)Hardened steel is difficult to machine ,but having bee n ann ealed, it _can be easily machi ned.淬火钢很难加工,但经过退火后很便容易加工。(省略人称代词it)3. 省略介词In win ter , it is much colder in the North tha n it isin the South 。冬天,北方的天气比南方冷得多。4. 省略连接词Ifthere were no heat-treatment, metals could notbe made so hard .没有热处理,金属就不会变得如此硬。(省略连接词if)The den sity of a body can be found providing its mass and volume are known.已知物体的质量和体积就可以求出其密度。(省略连接 词providing )5. 省略动词Automatic lathes perform basically similar functions butappear in a variety of forms .外形各异的自动车床基本功能是类似的。(省略动词perform and appear)Stai nless steels possess good hard ness and high stre ngth.不锈钢硬度大、强度高。(省略动词posses )6. 省略名词Heated to a temperature of about 500 C and then quenched , aluminum will develop a great tensile stre ngth.加热到500 C左右再淬火,铝能产生很大的抗拉强度。(不译“温度500 C左右”)Automatic lathes, particularly vertical mach in es, without tailstock are com monly called chuckingmachi nes or chuckers.无尾架的自动车床,尤其是立式自动车床,通常称为卡 盘车床。Exercise 1一、翻译下列各句,注意划线部分词义引申的译法:1. Such particles are far too tiny to be seen with the stron gest microscope.2. The runningof such automatedestablishmentsrema ins only a matter of read ing various meters moun ted on pan els.3. If iron is kept moist, running is rapid, which mightlead us to thi nk that water was the in flue nee caus ing the corrosi on.4. The shortest distanee between raw material and afini shed part is casti ng.5. The in creasein pressure with depth makes itdifficult for a man to go very deep far below the water surface.二:翻译下列各句,注意词量增减的译法:21 . The force acting upon the ends p( )must be equated to the Iongitudinal stress times the area over which the stress acts.2. Referri ng to Fig 2-38, We desig nate the in side radius of the cyli nder by b, the outside radius by p, the internal pressure p, the exter nal pressure by Po.3. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chose
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