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2022年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分基础知识考点Unit9Wheels课时训练北师大版必修.单句语法填空1.He was injured in the accident and was admitted _ the hospital.2.I appreciate your _(ring) back to me so timely.3.She has been addicting herself to _(drink) since she broke up with her boyfriend.4.You may rely on _ that hell pay back all your money.5.Helen was fully occupied _ business matters yesterday.6.She spends _ large amount of money on clothes every year.7.When the policeman stopped us,we all looked questioningly at him,_(puzzle).8.It was not until the authority approved it _ the cinema could show it.9.Dont keep the boy _(occupy) with homework all day.10.There _(be)two world wars in the past hundred years.答案1.to2.ringing3.drinking4.it5.with6.a 7.puzzled8.that9.occupied10.have been.单句改错1.Exhausting,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.2.You may rely on that hell pay back all your money.3.Helen was fully occupied in business matters yesterday.4e and see me whenever it is free to you.5.Every year large amounts of water has been wasted in our daily life.6.She spends a large number of time to carry out the plan.7.It was not until he came back which we got the news.8pared that house,I show great love to this one.9.I want you to live and learn to the benefit of mankind.10.Amazing,she stood and stared while the police arrested her husband.答案1.ExhaustingExhausted2.on后加it3.inwith4.freeconvenient5.hashave6.numberamount7.whichthat8paredparing9.第二个tofor10.AmazingAmazed.课文缩写语法填空In the 1960s,a group of cycling fans came up 1._ an idea that it would be better for everybody if cars were not allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were.It could contribute to 2._ (save) energy and protecting environment.Then people were free 3._ (use) the bicycles painted by the group for short journeys.4._,all the bicycles were stolen by thieves,5._ annoyed the cycling fans.6._ three decades later,the “white bike” has returned,with each one 7._ (fix) with a puter chip,by which the bikes every move is recorded.In addition,the bicycles have special parking places.Nowadays,with locals and tourists 8._(use) the white bikes,there is already 9._(little) traffic in central Amsterdam.Therefore,this city,where people have been enjoying the benefits of cycling for many years,is called “City of Bicycles” because of the 10._(convenient) for bicycles there.答案1.with2.saving3.to use4.However 5.which6.Over7.fixed8.using9.less10.convenience.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.现在很多青年沉溺于网络。(be addicted to)_2.上周我们举行了一次会议辩论因特网的利弊。(argue)_3.大部分承认因特网的大部分内容对我们有很大好处。(admit,content,of great benefit)_4.它不适宜的内容也占用了我们宝贵的时间。(occupy)_5.我们制定了一个计划控制我们的上网时间。(work out)_答案1.Now many young people are addicted to the Internet.2.Last week we held a meeting and argued about its advantages and disadvantages.3.Most people admitted that most contents of the Internet were of great benefit to us.4.Its unsuitable contents also occupied our priceless time.5.We worked out a plan to control the time well spend surfing the Internet.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】Now many young people are addicted to the Internet.Therefore,last week we held a meeting arguing about its advantages and disadvantages.Most people admitted that most contents of the Internet were of great benefit to us.But its unsuitable contents also occupied our priceless time.At last we worked out a plan to control the time well spend surfing the Internet.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解ASometimes the best family vacations are those newlyplanned trips that require just a little bit of planning and a short drive in the car.These trips will get you out of the city and into the fun.Trip 1: Boston to Fitchburg, MassDrive northwest out of Boston to this city with a smalltown feeling.Then head indoors and cool down as you look through the artworks at downtown Fitchburg Art Museum.Pit stop (中途停车): Historic Concord, Mass is a perfect place to stop for lunch and visit the Orchard House.Trip 2: Dallas to Grapevine, TexasKids will love the Grapevine Vintage Railroad in this historic town.Climb aboard old trains pulled by an 1896 steam lootive (蒸汽机车) or a 1953 diesel engine (柴油内燃机) for a short ride to and from the Fort Worth Stockyards.Pit stop:The 5.2acre Nash Farm in Grapevine gives visitors a quick glance at life in the 19thcentury Texas.Trip 3: Philadelphia to the Pocono MountainsMake a break from the City of Brotherl
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