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2022年天津市和平区中考一模英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择Some small shops in Britain usually close for hour at lunchtime.A. an; theB. a;不填C. a; theD. an;不填I wanted to thank Jim for his. He is such a nice person that he is always ready to help others.A. illnessB. attentionC. kindnessD. reviewThis bike is neither nor. It belongs to.A. yours; my; her B. his; me; hersC. her; mine; himD. his; hers; meMary worked so hard that she her dream at a very young age.A. foundB. achievedC. offeredD. remembered. 一 Where is Joan?一 She a novel in her study.A. has readB. readsC. will readD. is readingI expect in Beijing at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow.A. arrivingB. arrivedC. to arriveD. arriveTen people were present at the meeting yesterday,Mr Smith, the boss of my company.A. amongB. betweenC. withD. includingMrs. Li always speaks at the top of her voice the students at the back can hearher.A. ever sinceB. so thatC. as soon asD. as long asChildren these days their parents too much. They should learn how to look afterthemselves.A. get onB. keep onC. hold onD. depend on一What do you think of the trip to Yunnan?一Its trip Ive ever had.A. the most exciting B. more excited C. the most excited D. more excitingWhere is Jenny?一 Im not sure. She in the school library.参考答案:1. DCDB2. DCDB3. DACD4. DBAA5. CDBB6. ACBD7. CBAB8. C答案第1页,共3页30. of47.in trouble48.No wonder49.first place#prize50.compares with51.Christmas52.excited/surprised53.sad54.The toys in the shop#The toys in the small shop#The toys55.The toymaker would go to find the three kids and give them the toys.56.(s)hape57.(a)round58.(e)scaped59.(a)lways答案第2页,共3页60. (f)ollow(c)leverer(n)ature(t)ired61. (p)ublished(f)ilms.例文Dear Mike,Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your weight. Td like to share some good ways to keep healthy with you.First, eat more fruit and vegetables. Say no to fast food such as hamburgers and chips. Eating too much of them may be harmful to your health.Second, do more exercise every day. Find out your favorite sport and keep doing it. But remember not to do too much at one time.Third, get enough sleep. As a teenager, you should sleep at least 8 hours every day. Never stay up too late.Finally, try to do things that make you happy such as talking with your friends and enjoying a relaxing movie.I hope these rules will be useful for you.Yours,Li Hua答案第3页,共3页A. maybeB. must beC. may beD. will be12. I my hometown for many years. I miss my friends there.A. will leaveB. have leftC. will be away fromD. have been away from13. More and more nature parks in the future in order to protect animals.A. buildB. will buildC. are builtD. will be built14. Fd like to buy a new jacket, but I dont know.一How about this one?A. which should I chooseB. which I should chooseC. where I can get itD. where can I get it15. . 一Raise our glasses. Heres to our success!A. Cheers!B. Well done! C. I hope so!D. Help yourself.二、完形填空As somebody whos spent a great deal of time being jobless or an aimless student, Ive felt like Im doing 16 with my life.Ive seen people like me who just 17 their situation. You can 18 your whole life saying Its too hard. Tm not going to do it, or Ill start tomorrow.But the good news is, six months is 19 to turn your life around for the better.A few years ago, I went to see one of my teachers in college, thinking I had a couple of courses left 20 I graduated. It turned out that I had nine courses left.I just wanted to 21 on getting my degree (学位).But then a friend of mine said, “Well, you can either complain about your courses or you can get them done.”I took more 22 than I ever had, and within six months I was finished.After graduating, I didnt have the experience to get an incredible (极好的)23right away.Six months of volunteering got me the references (推荐信)I needed to change that. And a few months at a low-paying job got me into a second job that was much better.Some people may have thought, dont want to waste my time volunteering-it wontme out. But the truth is, even just six months of volunteering can make a24 not only in others9 lives, but in ours.The bottom line is this: six months isnt that long, but ifs long enough to make someincredible changes.In just half a year, you can change your whole life.16. A. nothingB somethingC. everythingD. anything17. A. visitB reachC. acceptD. meet18. A. relaxB. findC. useD. spend19. A. readyB. enoughC. quickD. necessary20. A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. when21. A. give upB pick upC. end upD , make up22. A. adviceB. timeC. coursesD. trips23. A. degreeB. jobC. lookD. price24. A. callB. putC. driveD. help25. A. wishB decisionC. differenceD. discussion三、阅读单项选择It seems like on
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