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international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (无处不在), they are. ( D )A. new technology and information systemB. changes in the worlds populationC. a shift in the worlds economic arenaD. A, B and Chas evolved that lets societies share cultural experiences with one another as films are produced and shown around the world.A. Show businessB. .C. international film industry D. Mass mediain the United States, because they have been profoundly affected by population and immigration increases, are a primary setting for domestic intercultural contact.A. SchoolsB. CommunityC. WorkplaceD. club4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because_D.A. the complex nature of communicationB. the issue of intentionalityC. the issue of unintentionalityD. A, B and C5. To Reusch and Bateson, communication often takes place _ _A_ .A. without awareness B. consciouslyC. intentionallyD. deliberately6. Which of the statements of communication is not trueA()A. Communication is dynamicB. Communication is symbolicC. Communication is InterpretiveD. Communication is static7. Communication has a consequence means that D_.A. Communication is irreversible B. Our response to message does not have to be immediate C. The nature of our responses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C8. Which of the item is not the basic component of cultureDA. ValuesB. EmotionsC. PersonalityD. Attitudes9. We learn our culture not through _.A. proverbsB. artC. mass mediaD. self-taught10. Although many aspects of culture aresubject to change, the _ of a culture resistsmajorA. historyB. the deep structureC. backgroundD. tradition11. _Dis at the core of intercultural communication.A. senderB. receiverC. cultureD. language12. Although cultures change through several mechanisms, which of the following item is not the three most commonA. DiffusionB. AcculturationC. InventionD. Innovation13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new language is learning the and in which they areA. different styles, the contextsB. grammar, accentC. different styles, the speech actsD. vocabulary, the pronunciation14. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of nonverbal communication, which involvesnot only but also andA. the tone, gaze, postureB. the voice, the face, the bodyC. the pitch, gaze, gestureD. the pace, the distance, touch15. _B is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way thatenables us to make sense of our physical and social world.A. InterpretationB. PerceptionC. AnalysisD. Understanding16. The maps are usually drawn by putting ones country in the center. This illustrates _C_.A. Misinterpretation B. Racial biasC. EthnocentrismD. Stereotype17. Many stereotypes are provided by the _D.A. School education B. Textbook C. History D. Mass media18. Cultural breakdowns, setbacks or conflicts result from misinterpretations, ethnocentrism, and stereotype as a result of B_.A. Misperception B. Racial bias C. Misunderstanding D. False impression19. _C_ are defined as “an enduring set of beliefs that serve to guide or direct our behavior”.A. LawsB. PerceptionsC. Values D. World views20. Which of the statements about cultural values is not trueCA. Cultural values, as is the case with cultural beliefs, guide both perception and communication.B. Cultural values have nothing to do with individual values.C. Cultural values are prescriptive.D. Cultural values, once formed, are enduring and relatively stable.21. Which of the countries doesnt belong to individualistic cultureD()A. Italy B. New Zealand C. France D. Greece22. In a high power distance culture, the superior tends to BA. treat employees respectfullyB. display his authorityC. interact with workers more often D. do important work23. Which of the statements about low uncertainty avoidance is not trueA. Divers population. B. Frequent innovations.C. Generally older countries with a long history.D. Citizens are proud of nation.24. Which of the following countries or region of no feminine traitsDA. Norway B. Finland25. Language culturalA. Expresses B. Embodies26. It is a universal truth that language is _C. DenmarkD. AustriaC. InfluencesD. Symbolizesby culture and in turn it _ culture.BA. influenced, reflectsC. determined, reflectsB. displayed, influencesD. shaped, influences27. Language is the representation of a people, and it comprises their historical andcultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living andA. Prescriptive B. Abstract C. Substantial D. Symbolic28. Which of the contextual cues do not matter in a high-context cultureAA. The type of relationship that exists between the speaker and the list
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