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商务英语口语900句:变更约会Changing an Appointment 1.商务建议 履行按时赴约是保持良好人际关系的根本要求。但在实际工作当中,确实会遇到突如其来的变故需要临时变更约会。在这种状况下,必需用礼貌的语言简要说明改期缘由并商定新的见面时间。 此外,“礼多人不怪”,要用客气而真诚的表达歉意,对方才会充分理解。 2.商务英语情景对话 A:Good morning,Mr.Baker,this is Li Wei from ABC company. 早上好,贝克先生,我是ABC公司的李伟。 B:Hi,Mr.Li.How”s it going? 嗨!他先生,最近怎么样? A:Great,thanks.I must make apologies.I was phoning to change our meeting tomorrow afternoon. Some unforeseen circumstances compel me to leave for the heads quarters in New York tomorrow moming, and I will be gone for a few days 还不错,感谢。特别愧疚,我打电话来是想把我们明天的会面改期。有一些意外事情需要我明天一早到达纽约总部,唯恐要去几天。 make an apology 赔礼 B:Oh,that”s all right.It”s understandable. 哦!没关系,可以理解。 A:I”m afraid I”ve brought you too much trouble. 唯恐我已给你带来了一些麻烦。 B:Never mind.Maybe we can reschedule the appointment. 没关系,或许我们可以重新安排见面。 A:That”s fine.What time will be good for you? 好的,那什么时候好呢? B:At your convenience. 看你便利。 A:OK,I will get in touch with you as soon as possible when I return. And thanks for your understanding again. 好的,回来后我会尽快和你联系。再次感谢你的理解。be/get in touch with 联系 3.商务英语核心句型 I”m sorry.I won”t be able to keep my appointment with you on Friday. 很愧疚,星期五我不能守约了。 I”m afraid l will have to postpone our appointment. 唯恐我要把我们的约会延期。 I was calling to change our meeting next week. 我打电话来改一下我们下周会面的时间。 I am very sorry to be anuisance 我很愧疚不能赴约。 When did you have in mind? 你觉得什么时候适宜? I”m available on Thursday next week. 下周四我有空。
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