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学术英语(医学)课后词组Unit 11. neuron overload 神经过载2. a typical office visit 典型的诊所就诊3. DEXA scan DEXA 扫描4. medical practice 行医5. blood pressure control 血压控制6. health maintenance 健康保持7. mammogram report孚L房 X 线检查报告8. physical exam in atio n 体检9. side effect of a medication 药物的副作用10. perpetual panic 永久的恐慌11. practicing physicians 职业医生12. transplant field 移植领域13. medical budget 医疗预算14. paracetamol tablet 扑热息痛药片15. childproof cap防孩子打开的盖子16. ra ndomized cli nical trial随机临床试验17. random allocation 随机分配18. patie nt prog nosis 病人的预后19. control group 对照组20. a 10-year follow-up study 10 年的跟踪研 究21. a medical ward 内科病房22.infectious hepatitis 传染性肝炎 23.Severe malaise身体严重不适24. bilirubin metabolism 胆红素代谢25. permanent liver damage 永久的肝损伤26. exacerbate pathophysiology 加重病理生 理状况27. medical literature 医学文献28. cli nical in vestigation 临床调查29.incidenee of relapse 复发率30. cli nical epidemiology 临床流行病学31. strict bed rest严格的卧床休息32. hospital stay 住院33. recurrent jaundice反复发作的黄疸34. clinical course 临床病程35.intravenous morphine 静脉注射吗啡36. diastolic blood pressure 舒张压37. brain perfusion 大脑血灌输38. primary care 初级保健39. aorto-coronary arterial bypass 主动脉冠状 动脉旁路40.informed treatment decision 知情治疗决41. an international humanitarian group 一个国 际人道组织42. the Red Cross 红十字会43. the first major relief effort 第一次重大援 助工作44. casualty of war战争中的人员伤亡45. emergency relief efforts 紧急援助Unit 21. re-emergi ng/re-emerge nt/resurge nt disease(再现疾病)2. new flu strain新流感变种3. antibiotics and vaccine 抗生素和疫苗4.infectious disease 传染病5. emerge nt/emerge nt disease 新现疾病6. prevention strategy 预防策略7. bubonic plague 腺鼠疫8. pathogenic microbes 病原微生物9. public heath authority 公共卫生机构10. drug resista nee 抗药性11. an course of antibiotic therapy 抗生素治疗 疗程12. scarlet fever 猩红热13. the level of virulenee 毒性水平14. flu pandemic流感大流行15. surface antigen 表面抗原16. genetic shift 基因改变17. neurological complicatio ns 神经性并发症18. waning of immunity 免疫力减弱19. public health infrastructure 公共卫生基础 设施20. a malaria case 一个疟疾病例21. swine flu 猪流感22. tuberculosis bacillus 结核杆菌23. the level of morbidity/i ncide nt 发病率水平24. health professional 保健专业人士25.latent tuberculosis 潜伏结核病26. tuberculin skin test 结核素皮试27. screening programmes 筛查计戈U28.interferon gamma tests 丫 干扰素测试29. drug toxicity 药物毒性30. a n curable disease 一种可治愈的病31,intractable infectious disease 难治的传染 病32. an unknown pathogen 一种未知的病原体33. chronic gastric ulcer 慢性胃溃疡34. exposure to carries of disease 接触带病者35. ge netic recomb in atio n 基因重组36. agent of bioterrorism 生物恐怖活动病原37. foodborne infections通过食物传播的传染 病Unit 31. the surge of adrenaline 肾上腺素激增2. an internal medicine residency 内科实习期3. an autoimmune disease 自体免疫4.loss of stami na 丧失持久力5. tra nsie nt weak ness 短暂的虚弱6. becoming bedridden 卧床不起7. a building block 基本构件8. an animal model 动物模型9. to slow neurodegeneration 减缓神经退化10. to excrete toxins 排除毒素11. to optimize nu triti on 优化营养12. toxic load毒素载量13. the risk of relapse 复发危险14. physician self-experimentation 医生自我实 验15. a cli nical trial 临床试验16. neuromuscular electrical stimulation 神经 肌肉电刺激17. physical therapist 理疗师18. the impact of micro nu trie nt 微量营养素的 影响19. brain function 脑功能20. track the emotio nal flow 跟踪情绪波动21. coord in ati on of emoti ons 情绪协调22. cardiovascular reactions 心血管反应23. feeling of rapport 亲密感觉24. rapid synchronization 迅速同步25. emotional contagion 情绪传染26. to mutually regulate 互相调节27. a psychobiological unit 生物心理单元28. emotional solace 情感慰藉29. functional magnetic resonance imaging 功 能性磁共振30. to activate brain zones 激活该脑部区域31. to make it mandatory使之成为强制性32. a dubious project无把握的项目33. medical background 医学背景34. proof of concept 概念验证35. dose regime n 齐 U量方案36. complicati on or con comita nt con diti ons并发症与合并症37. anti-tumor agents 抗肿瘤的药剂38. sta ndard therapy 标准疗法39. pharmacological properties 药理学特性40. poor solubility 溶解性差41.i n vivo pharmacology 体内药理学Unit 41. complementary medicine 补充医学2. alternative medicine 替代医学3. a medical paradigm 医疗模式4. acup uncture and herbs 针灸和草药5. adjunct treatment 辅助治疗6. nausea and vomiting 恶心,呕吐7. post-operative dental pain 术后牙痛8. clinical trials 临床试验9. physical therapy物理疗法,理疗10. therapeutic modalities 治疗方法11. a therapeutic intervention 治疗干预12. research desig n 研究设计13. mag netic resonance 磁共振14. positron emission tomography 正电子发 射型计算机断层成像15. analgesia effect 止痛效果16. biomedical establishment 生物医学界17. rehabilitation unit 康复中心18.licensed acupuncturist 持照针灸师19. therapeutic strategy 治疗策略20. herbal formula 草药配方21. a wide array of complicati ons 各式各样的 并发症22.integrative East-West medicine 中西医结 合23. acute abdomi nal pa in 急性腹痛24. to administer medicines 施药,用药25. surgical procedure 夕卜科手术26. scie ntific evaluatio n 科学评估27. prevalenee statistics 患病率统计28. conventional therapies 传统疗法29. evide nce-based models of care 询证医学模 式30. stress man agem
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