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Can I have the bill, please?请帮我结账好吗?A Can I have the bill, please?A 请帮我结账好吗?B Certainly.B 当然可以。B Here you are, sir.B 给你,先生。A Thanks. Can I pay by card?A 谢谢, 我能刷卡吗?B Yes, no problem.B 好的, 没问题。B Can you sign here, please?B 你能在这里签名吗?A Ok. Thank you.A 好的,谢谢你。I practice a little everyday.我每天都练一点。A: So how do you keep your English up to speed?A: 那么你是怎样使自己的英语不断进步的呢?B: Well,I practise a little everyday.B: 喔,我每天都练一点。A: How? In what ways?A: 怎么练?用什么样的方式练?B: Lots of different ways. I listen to my favourite music CDs in English. I usually look at an English-language newspaper most days. I try and speak a little everyday.B: 很多不同的方式。我听自己最喜欢的英语版的音乐CD。大多数的日子我通常要看英语报纸。我每天还努力说一点英语。A: That sounds good. I guess its important to keep it alive, to use it as much as you can.A: 听起来不错。我想持续不断地学习,尽可能地去使用英语很重要。I prefer the gymnastics.我更喜欢体操。A: I think I prefer the indoor events.A: 我想我更喜欢室内项目。B: You mean like gymnastics, weight-lifting and so on things like that?B: 你是说像体操、举重等之类的项目?A: Yes,I prefer gymnasticsto athletics. Its so beautiful to watch. The gymnasts have so much control and discipline.A: 是的, 跟田径项目比起来我更喜欢体操。体操看起来是那么优美。体操运动员有如此强的控制和协调能力。B: I know what you mean. I like it too and the other indoor sports. I like watching the weight-lifting and I like the judo and boxing.B: 我明白你的意思。我也喜欢体操还有其他的室内运动。我喜欢看举重,我还喜欢柔道和拳击。A: Im not so keen on the fighting, like judo and boxing, but I dont mind the fencing.A: 我不太喜欢像柔道和拳击这样的打斗项目,但是我不介意击剑。B: Yes, thats good. Its really fast and exciting.B 是的,击剑很好。非常迅速、激烈。Do you have any silk scarves?你们有丝巾吗?A: Im looking for a present for my friend.A: 我在给我的朋友挑礼物。B: What kind of things?B: 什么样的礼物?A: Something simple and nice. Perhaps a bag or a scarf.A: 又简单又好的。也许一个包或者一条围巾。B: We have bags and scarves over here.B: 那边有包和围巾。A:Do you have any silk scarves?A:你们有丝巾吗?B: Yes, we have lots. Here they are.B: 是的,我们有很多。在这。Its just south of Tiananmen Square.就在天安门广场的南面。A Wheres the famous Peking Duck restaurant?A 著名的北京烤鸭店在哪里?B You mean the Quanjude Restaurant?B 你是说全聚德饭店吗?A Yes, thats the one. Is it easy to find?A 是的,就是它。容易找到吗?B Yes, very easy. Its on Qianmen Street.B 是的,很容易。在前门大街上。A Its just south of Tiananmen Square, isnt it?A 就在天安门广场的南面,对吗?B Yes, thats right. Its on the left side as you go down Qianmen Street.B 是的,就在那。顺着前门大街走,它在左边。What time shall we meet tomorrow?明天我们什么时间见面?A Ping, what time shall we meet tomorrow?A 平,明天我们什么时间见面?B Im not sure. In the morning? What time is best for you?B 我不确定。上午好吗?什么时间对你最合适?A Anytime between 10 and 12.A 10点到12点之间的任何时候都行。B How about 11 oclock then?B 那么11点怎么样?A That sounds fine to me.A 对我来说合适。B Ok. See you at eleven.B 好。那就11点见。A Ok, bye. See you then.A 好,再见。到时候见。What are your plans for tomorrow?你明天的计划是什么?A What are your plans for tomorrow, Sue?A 你明天的计划是什么,苏?B Im not sure. Maybe visit the museum. Maybe go to the park.B 我还不确定。可能去参观博物馆。也可能去公园。A If its sunny, Beihai Park would be nice.A 如果天气晴朗的话,北海公园将是一个好去处。B Yes, I would like to go there.B 是的,我想去那里。A If it rains tomorrow, you could go to the museum instead.A 如果明天下雨的话,你就去博物馆。B Good idea! Ill wait till I see what the weather is like.B 好主意。我要看看天气如何再做决定。What would you like to do today?你今天想做什么?A Hi, Sue. How are you this morning?A 嗨,苏!你今天早晨好吗?B Hi, Yan. Morning! Im fine. And you?B 嗨,燕!早上好!我很好。你呢?A Im good. What would you like to do today?A 我很好。你今天想做什么?B Id like to buy some presents for my children.B 我想给我的孩子们买些礼物。A Thats a good idea. What kind of things do you want to buy?A 好主意。你想买什么?B Some clothes, perhaps. And maybe some traditional Chinese gifts.B 也许买几件衣服。也可能买一些中国的传统礼物。A Ok. I know a good place to go to.A 好。我知道一个好地方。Im chinese.我是中国人。A:Im chinese.I come from Shanghai, but I live in Beijing. And you, Paul?A:我是中国人。我是上海人,但我住在北京。保罗,你呢?B: Im British. I come from London.B: 我是英国人。我从伦敦来。C: And Im Canadian. I live in Toronto.C: 我是加拿大人。我住在多伦多。A: Hello, Nice to meet you. Where are you from?A: 你好。很高兴认识你们。你们从哪里来?B: We re from Paris. Were French.B: 我们从巴黎来。我们是法国人。C: And were from Sydney. Were Australians.C: 我们从悉尼来。我们是澳大利亚人。A: Welcome to Beijing! I hope you enjoy your visit.A: 欢迎来北京!祝你们旅行愉快!How about tomorrow?明天怎么样?A: Hi, are you busy today? We can go somewhere nice.A: 嗨,你今天忙吗?我们可以一起去个好地方。B: Hi, Ping. Id love to, but I have to see some friends.B: 嗨,平。我很愿意,但是我得见几个朋友。A: OK.How about tomorrow?Are you free?A: 好。明天行吗?你明天有空吗?B: Yes, tomorrow afternoon.B: 是的,我明天下午有空。A: Good. Well go shopping an Wangfujing street.A: 好。我们一起去王府井买东西。B: That would be really nice. Thanks.B: 那太好了。谢谢。A: Youve welcome. See you tomorrow.A: 别客气。明天见。What sports do you play?你做哪些运动?A: How about you, Lin?What sports do you play?A: 你呢,林?你做哪些运动?B: Well, I dont have much free time for sports. I prefer watching it on television!B: 哦,我没有太多的时间做运动。我更喜欢在电视上看各种运动。A:
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