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51Talk无忧英语 “平价英语培训”领跑者 www.51talk.com词汇症状:感冒catch(have)a cold流行性感冒flu 发高/低烧 have a high/slight fever浑身酸痛ache all over 全身无力general weakness 过度疲乏的overtired 鼻塞 have a stuffy/blocked nose流鼻涕 have a runny nose /get a running rose咳嗽cough咳嗽得很厉害cough a lot咳嗽有痰 cough up some phlegm咽喉痛 have a sore throat(声音)嘶哑的hoarse 发炎inflame 发冷shiver 发困sleepy 头痛headache周期性偏头痛migraine 脑膜炎meningitis 头晕dizziness中耳炎otitis media 呼吸急促short of breath舌苔厚thick tongue coating 口腔溃疡mouth ulcer 厌食anorexia饮食失调immoderate消化不良indigestion痛经dysmenorrhea 月经量过多lose a lot 怀孕pregnant 胃酸gastric acid胃痛、腹痛stomachache胃痉挛feel spasms in stomach慢性胃炎chronic gastritis腹泻diarrhea腹胀abdominal distension细菌性痢疾bactericidal dysentery 便秘的costive/constipated 便秘constipation 痤疮acne脚染上真菌have a fungus infection on the feet脚癣tinea牛皮癣psoriasis痒的itchy过敏性接触性皮炎allergic contact dermatitis关节炎twinge of arthritis常年性、季节性的过敏性鼻炎perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis 过敏性鼻炎allergic rhinitis 过敏性皮炎allergic dermatitis 受伤injury扭伤sprain瘀伤、擦伤bruise打伤、撞伤contusion烧伤burn烫伤scald破碎、骨折fracture撞伤collision撕裂、裂口laceration伤口wound 撞击、隆起物bump感染infection失眠 insomnia 高血糖hyperglycemia低血糖hypoglycemia高血压hypertension 低血压hypotension 甲状腺功能亢进hyperthyroidism 药物:药店drugstore / pharmacy非处方药 Non-prescription Drug / Over-the-Counter, OTC处方药Prescription Drug药品medicine 药片tablet 药丸pill 胶囊capsule 药粉powder 中医药traditional Chinese medicine 中草药Chinese herbal medicine 解热镇痛药antipyretic analgesics口服液essence 糖浆syrup 咳嗽药水cough mixture 平喘药 anti-asthmatic drug 小柴胡冲剂xiaochaihu granules金嗓子喉宝Golden throat退热的/退热剂antipyretic止泻药 anti-diarrhea medicine眼药水eye-drops 滴鼻剂nose-drops 鼻喷雾剂nasal spray 滴耳剂ear-drops 气雾剂aerosol 咀嚼片chewable tablet 泡腾片effervescent tablet贴膏plaster 邦迪、创口贴bond-aid 护创膏 protecting wound plaster 尿糖试纸Clinistix 杀真菌剂fungicide 软膏ointment 避孕品contraceptive 安全套condoms 早孕测试笔(纸)Home pregnancy test 安眠药sleeping pill 胰岛素insulin 氢化可的松 cortisol 可的松 cortisone抗真菌药 antifungal agent 抗生素 antibiotics 药物不良反应 ADR adverse drug reaction抗寄生虫药antihelmintic血压计blood pressure meter 抗高血压药 antihypertensive生理盐水physiological saline医用胶带medical adhesive酒精棉alcohol cottons消化类药物medicine for digestion促进消化improve assimilation油腻的greasy辛辣的spicy症状 symptom用法用量usage and dosage阿司匹林aspirin青霉素Penicillin 头孢氨苄Cefalexin 酮康唑Ketoconazole 诺氟沙星Norfloxacin 阿昔洛韦Acyclovir 甲硝唑 Metronidazole 普鲁卡因Procaine 布洛芬ibuprofen 酮洛芬Ketoprofen 地西泮(安定)Diazepam 吡罗昔康Piroxicam 卡托普利 Captopril 氯沙坦Losartan 二氢氯噻Hydrochlorothiazide 立心平Nifedipine 西咪替丁 Cimetidine 磺胺异唑Sulfafurazole 阿苯达唑 Albendazole 齐多夫定Zidovudine 非诺贝特Fenofibrate 洛弗斯塔特因Lovastatin 吡乙酰胺Piracetam 药房实用英语句型:询问病情:Are you feeling all right? 您感觉还好吗?Are your bowels acting properly? 您的肠胃还好吗?Did you have pains here before? 您这里有以前痛吗?Do you cough? 你咳嗽吗?Do you feel short of breath sometimes? 您有时感觉呼吸急促吗?Do you feel tired? 您感到疲乏吗?Does it hurt? 感到痛吗?Have you ever had this experience before? 这种情况以前有过吗?Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? 您从前得过慢性疾病吗?Have you got any feeling of nausea? 您有恶心的感觉吗?Have you lost weight recently? 您的体重最近减轻了吗?Have you taken anything for it? 已经采取什么措施了吗?How about your appetite? 您的胃口怎么样?How long has it been this way? 这样多久了?Howre you feeling now? 您现在感觉怎么样了?Hows your sleep? 你的睡眠情况怎么样?Since when have you been feeling like this? 您这种感觉是从什么时候开始的?What hurts you? 你哪里痛?Whats the matter with you? 你哪里不舒服?用法与用量:How do I take the tablets? 这种药片怎么服?Please take 2 tablets each time, 4 times a day. 1次2片, 1天4次。How do I take the buccal tablets? 这种含片怎么服?Please put one under your tongue, but dont swallow it. 请放在舌头下面, 不要往下咽。 How do I take the mixture? 这种水剂药怎么服?Please suck on it. 请喝下去。How do I take the pills? 这种药丸怎么服?Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it. 服药前, 请将药丸放在水中溶化。How do I take the syrup? 这种糖浆怎么服?One teaspoonful, 3 times a day. 每天3次, 每次一勺。How do I take the drugs? 这种药怎么服?One line (half a line) every time, 3 times a day. Shake it well before taking it. 每天3次, 每次一格(半格)。服前先摇匀。How do I take the pain-killers? 这种镇痛药怎么服?Take 1 tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but no more than once within 4 hours. 假如你感到疼痛, 就服用1片止痛片,但每两次必须间隔4小时以上。How do I use this adhesive? 这种药膏怎么使用?This is a special adhesive for releasing the pain. Apply it to the pain location and change it every 2 days.这种药膏是镇痛的, 贴在疼痛部位,每隔两天换1次。 How do I use the ointment? 这种药膏怎
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