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新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版) 1 Unit 2 Do You Work Out ? 教案本课程是听说课,主要通过精听、话题讨论和回答问题来培养学生的听说能力。通过听说练习可以扩大学生的词汇量,拓宽学生的知识面以及提高学生的英语口语表达能力和熟悉英式和美式英语口音。本单元主要学习在听力中识别数字,问路和指路的口语表达以及一些常见的体育运动项目的表达。Teaching material: New Horizon College English Speaking Listening Viewing (Second Edition) Students Book 1, Unit 2Students level: Freshmen Teacher: KimTeaching Aims:1. Improve the students listening and speaking ability by listening in and speaking out.2. Enable the students to master a lager amount of vocabularies, and have a broad view of sports and sports interests.3. Enable the students to be familiar with the pronunciation and intonation of American English and British English and the way of their oral expressions of asking for and giving directions.Teaching Important Points:1. How to improve the students listening and speaking ability.2. How to enable the students know the basic words and expressions.Teaching time: 45 minutesTeaching Aids: CD-ROM Teaching Procedures1. Lead-in (10 minutes):(1) Name the sports in the 8 pictures on the book and give them some adding information about some famous sports stars or sports activities to arouse the students interest.(2) Ask students to discuss the rest questions of lead-in part in pairs and then some of them will share their answers with the class: Do you often exercise?What is your favorite sport? Do you think regular physical exercise is important? Why? Are you a basketball fan? Who is your favorite basketball player?2. Listening skills: (10 minutes)Identifying numbers(1) Introduce some new words to the students and then review the numberical expressions, such as “hundred, thousand, million and billion”. (2) listen to the dialogs one by one and then ask some of the students to share their answers according to exercises in the books with the whole class. For the difficult parts, explanation for the details is necessary. 3. Listening in: (20 minutes)(1) Introduce some new words, some useful expressions and related cultural knowledge to the students, such as:New words: sponsor(赞助), convince(使相信), impact(影响), overweight(过重的,太胖的), overdo(做得过度)Useful expressions: hit a three-pointer(投三分球), we were really blown away!(震惊,征服), in good shape(身体健康), checkup(体检), track and field(田径), the World Cup Final(世界杯决赛)Cultural tips: 75(seven foot five)=2.26 meters, NBA, the Lakers, and so on.”(2) Listen to the passage one by one and then ask some of the students to share their answers according to exercises in the books with the whole class. For the difficult parts, it is necessary for the teacher to explain in detail. (3) Additional activities: ask students to summarize the news or retell some of the details.4. Speaking out (5 minutes)Asking for and giving directions(1) Watch the video clip first and pay careful attention to the underline expressions.(2) Complete the dialog with the expressions given on the books and then role-play it with your partner. Homework: review the new words and useful expressions. 说课稿一、教材分析1. 新视野大学英语视听说教程(第二版) 1 Unit 2 Do You Work Out ? 听说部分,本单元围绕锻炼身体这一话题来展开,在听力部分依次介绍了篮球明星姚明,锻炼身体的好处以及高尔夫球;在说的部分要求学生能够熟悉常用的问路和指路的表达,通过这些训练来提高学生的听说能力。2.教学目标:(知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)知识目标:要求学生掌握在听力中识别数字,问路和指路的口语表达以及一些常见的体育运动项目的表达。能力目标:培养学生掌握听说技巧,提高学生的听力水平和英语口头表达能力。情感目标:培养学生的合作学习能力,拓宽学生的知识面以及提高学生的英语口语表达能力和熟悉英式和美式英语口音。3.重点难点:学习和掌握在听力中识别数字,问路和指路的口语表达以及一些常见的体育运动项目的表达。二、教材处理本部分根据本单元的话题“Do You Work Out ?”来展开听说,因为此话题比较贴近学生的生活实际,他们有话可说,能够激发他们的学习兴趣。三、教学方法通过交际教学法和任务型教学法,精听巧练,由浅入深,循序渐进地深化教学内容,以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。四、教学步骤1.新课导入:通过描述图片和回答问题直接导入听说主题。2.Listening skills: 识别听力对话中的数字。3.Listening in : 精听各篇短文并完成相应的练习,掌握一些基本的有关体育运动的词汇及表达。 4.Speaking out: 熟悉问路和指路的英语口语表达。5.归纳总结:复习本次课的教学内容尤其是一些重点词汇,常用表达以及听说技巧,提高学生的听说能力。1
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