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New Standard English Book 5Module 1 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England? (1) Liu Lingling Huoxing School, Furong District, ChangshaI. Teaching content: II. Teaching aims:1.Learn to read the new words:rice, meat, sweets, ice cream, noodles, hamburger, chips, use, chopsticks, knife, fork.2.Learn to read the sentences: Its Chinese food. Its English food.Do you use chopsticks in England? No, we dont. We use a knife and fork.III. Important and difficult points in teaching:1.Mater the important words and sentences. 2. Distinguish Chinese fast food and English fast food. IV. Teaching aids:CAI, cards and stickersV. Teaching time: 40 minutesVI. Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming-up1. GreetingsT: Class begins! Good morning, students.Ss: Good morning, Miss Liu.2. Free talk. T: How old are you? Whats the weather like? 设计意图 以师生间的问候进入课堂,迅速营造温馨,愉悦的教学气氛,使师生均能以良好的精神状态进入课堂教学。3. Revisiona. Show the title of the text.(CAI) Do you use chopsticks in England?T: Look! Is it a word or a sentence? Why?Ss: A sentence.(英语句子的两大特征:开头大写,结尾标点。)b. T: Look at the word “England”. Is it wrong?Ss: No, its right. Its a name of a country.T: So, can you give some other examples?Ss: T-shirt, PE , Daming, Monday 设计意图通过课题的引出,让学生注意到开头Do要大写,进而复习句子的两大特征。然后再注意到不在句子开头的England也是大写的E,从而让学生复习一下学习过的特殊单词,请学生们举例说明有哪些单词本身就是大写第一个字母,好为后面新知识的教授做好铺垫。Step 2. Presentation1. Show the title of the text. (CAI)T: Who are from England? Ss: Amy and Sam.T: They are English people. What about Daming and Lingling?Ss: They are from China.T: They are Chinese people.(学习四个词语: England, English, China, Chinese )T: What about you ? You are Ss: Chinese people.T: What about Miss Liu ? Ss: Chinese people.T: We are Chinese people.(复习巩固两个词语: we and you)2. Show the chant of pronouns. (CAI)T: Lets say the chant together.设计意图通过学习we 和you,让学生理解两词的含义与区别,懂得对答时的转换,并通过歌谣的形式将过去所学的所有人称代词汇合到一起进行带动作歌唱,增加学生对英语学习的兴趣,同时帮助复习巩固所学的内容。3. Show some pictures of food.a. T: Whats this? (noodles)T: Do you like noodles? What do you use to eat noodles?.T: Chopsticks.(The teacher should remind students to pay attention to the pronunciation of “chopsticks” .Then let students read it by groups.)T: We use chopsticks to eat (CAT出示多种中式食物图片。)Ss: meat , rice, dumplingsb. CAT出示多种西式食物图片。T: Do you use chopsticks to eat beef steak?Ss: No. T: What do you use? (引出“刀叉”)Ss: We use a knife and fork.4. Show many pictures of food.T: These are Chinese food. What about them?Ss: They are English food. ( Learn hamburger and chips.)T: They are good. I feel very hungry. Are you hungry?Ss: Yes. (Learn hungry.)5. Practice (1)T: Do you want? S1: Yes, I do. / S2: No, I dont.T: Do you use? S1: Yes, I do. / S2: No, I dont.T: Do you want? Ss: Yes, we do.T: Do you use? Ss: Yes, we do. / No, we dont.6. Practice (2)Let the students to make dialogues.T: Please find your partner to make a new dialogue. You can use ( CAI)设计意图用所学过的句型进行对话创编,在与同学互动中呈现教学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,适时呈现本节课的话题。学生在活动中将句型和单词的学习相结合,培养了学生的语言表达能力,激发了学生用英语交流的兴趣,锻炼了学生瞬间记忆的能力。Step 3 Consolidation1. Listen to CAI. (P3)T: Listen carefully and tell me what you have heard. S1: Do you use chopsticks in England? S2: No, we dont. S3: We use a knife and fork.设计意图听课文之前设置问题,让学生带着问题听录音,有助于学生理解课文内容。2. Read after CAI.设计意图让学生跟读,模仿正确的语言语调,训练学生的正确发音,培养其良好的英语语感。3. Read together.设计意图让学生齐读,加强学生对课文的熟悉度,进一步锻炼学生自我的认读能力。4. Practice a. Role playing T: Who can be Amy? 设计意图给学生提供操练句型的机会。增进生生互动,培养学生的合作意识。b. Say a poem. 设计意图吟诵包含本单元所学单词和句型的诗歌,不仅能达到正音和帮助学生掌握语言难点的目的,还可以培养学生的节奏感和韵律感,吸引学生的注意力,增添语言操练活动的趣味性。Step 4. Sum upa. T: What have you learned today?设计意图让学生回顾本节课所学的内容是非常必要的,这对学生记忆和再现所学知识很有帮助,同时也能进一步引导学生掌握梳理知识的学习策略。b. Homework1. Review the words and phrases we have learned in the class.2. Listen and read after the class.3. Copy the key words 3 times.设计意图 课后复习巩固非常重要,温故而知新。没有语言环境就要不断自我创设环境。Blackboard design Module 1 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England? England EnglishYes, I/ we do.No, I/ we dont. China Chinese
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