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2013三年级英语下学期期末模拟试题题 号一二三四五六七总分得 分一、根据中文选出正确的选项补全单词(20分)( )1.r_dio(收音机) A. a B. e C. o ( )2. str_ _ t(街道) A. ea B. ee C. ou ( )3.l_rry (货车) A. e B.a C. o ( )4. m_ _ntain(山) A. ou B.or C.ar ( )5.b_ _utiful(漂亮的) A.or B .er C. ea ( )6.gl_ve(手套) A. e B. o C. a ( )7.p_ _ple(紫色的) A. ur B. or C.er ( )8. s_per (极好的) A. u B. e C.o ( )9.h_t(帽子) A. o B.e C. a ( )10.monk_ _(猴子) A. ay B. oy C. ey二、按要求写单词(10分)1.wet(反义词)_ 2. warm(反义词) _3. tooth (复数)_ 4.I(同音词)_ 5.see(同音词)_ 6.quiet(反义词)_ 7. soft(反义词)_ 8 .scarf(复数)_9.lemon(同类词)_ 10.here(同音词)_三、圈出不同类的词(20分)1.A. dress B.blouse C.shirt D.mouth2. A. pink B. brown C. violet D. colour3. A. my B. her C. his D. they4. A.tiger B. coat C. giraffe D. snake5. A. mouth B. fish C. ear D. face6. A.pineapple B.strawberry C. doll D. lime7. A. touch B. smell C.sweet D.taste8.8.A. aeroplane B. car C. bus D.taxi9.A. door B. rubber C. blackboard D. ruler10.A.sping B. shell C. winter D. Summer四、连线(14分)1. What colour can you see? A. Yes, I do.2.What colour is it? B. Oranges, please.3. Can I help you? C. I can see grey.4.Do you like cats? D. It is blue 5. Can Kitty hear a dog? E. I like balls6. What do you like? F. No, it isnt7.Is this your book? G. Yes, she can.五、选择填空(16分)( )1._is my coat? -Here it is.A.Where B .What C. How( )2 .I like _pens. A .these B.this C. that( )3.I_a dog. Kitty _a cat.A.havehas B. havehave C.hashas( )4.My teeth_big. My ears_small.A . isis B. areare C. areis( )5.This is my sister ._name is Lucy.A .She B .His C . Her( )6.What season is it?-_A. Its hot B. Its autumn C.The plants grow and grow( )7._is the boy? Hes nine. A . What B .How old C. Where( )8._are the trees? Theyre green. A. Where B. What C. What colour( )9.What are these_? A. noise B.noises C.the noise ( )10.I dont like these _.A . strawberry B.strawberrys C.strawberries( )11._the desk. Its smooth.A.Touch B.Taste C.Smell( )12.This isnt Bens bag._bag is brown.A.Hes B.His C .Her( )13 .Look_the blackboard and listen_the teacher.A.atto B.toat C .atin( )14 _do you like? Dolls.A.What B.Who C.How( )15.How _it feel?A.does B.do C. is( )16.We_like the red flower A. not B. do C. dont 六、连词成句 ( 10分)1. has, green, he, shirt,a, and, grey _2. colour, are ,what,flower, the _3. noise,this,is,loud_4. new, have, I,two,friends5.can,Ming, a, telephone,hear_七、阅读短文。判断正误,正确的用“T ”,错误的用“F”.(10分) My family(家庭) My name is kitty.I am eight. Look.This is my family.This is my mother. Shes short. Shes thin .This is my father .Hes fat .Hes tall.This is my brother.His name is Tony.He is six. He likes cars.We are happy. ( )1.Kitty is seven.( )2 .Tony likes dolls.( )3.Kittys father is not short.( )4.Kittys mother is short.( )5. They are happy.
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