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计算机专业英语设计任务书课程名称: 计算机英语 设计题目: what is the internet of things 完成期限:自 2012 年 3 月 1 日至 2012 年 4 月 18 日设计依据、要求及主要内容(可另加附页):1设计依据:本课程设计是依据教材一书为设计依据, 撰写一篇计算机英语论文。2设计要求:(1) 该论文在2000英语单词内。(2) 用学术语言表达所描写的思想。(3) 论文结构严谨,逻辑性强,论述层次清晰,语句通顺,语言准确、生动。(4) 论点鲜明,论据确凿,论文表明有较强的分析能力和概括能力,文章材料翔实可靠,有说服力。(5) 不少于5篇参考文献指导教师: WHAT IS THE INTERNET OF THINGSABSTRACT:In this paper, I tried to answer the question What is the Internet of Things? I did so by digesting a careful study of hundreds applications that automatically or semi-automatically integrate real-world objects and places with the Internet. I looked at the differences between Internet applications and applications that probably belong in the category of the IOT, mainly to sharpen my own understanding of what the unique features of an IOT would be and where IOT-specific challenges could be found. I identified six characteristics that suggest that integrating the real world with the Internet requires a new set of infrastructure building blocks.Keywords: IOT, economic, management, system1. IntroductionI was always skeptical about the buzzword Web 2.0 - at least, it seemed like nothing more than a buzzword to me, until I read the paper from OReilly titled What is Web 2.0? Until then, I thought of Web 2.0 as a collection of a few fuzzy concepts some people gave a new name, just to plant a new tree in an already crowded Internet garden in order to attract unjustified attention. However, after reading the paper and understanding the concepts of user participation and service orientation more deeply, I became a convert. To me, the term Web 2.0 now provides a natural and important bracket around the design patterns and business models of the next level in Internet technology and usage.Many people may share the same feelings I once had for Web 2.0 for the term Internet of Things (IOT). Is it just another skin around well-known concepts such as ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, cyber physical systems, ambient intelligence, or technologies such as sensor networks and RFID? If not, what value does it add? And frankly, what is it really? What are its main building blocks?In recent years, the usage of the IOT-idiom has grown considerably. It has become a leading theme in conferences, books, academic and professional journals, university courses, research summer schools, research programs of companies, universities, applied research organizations and government-funded researchprograms, as well as reports on global future developments and industry analysis. However, the relevance of the term IOT is still not comparable to, for instance, Web 2.0 when measured in usage (e.g., in Google searches and hits) or in global spread, which is still somewhat European centered.With this paper, I first and foremost want to render an account of what I think the IOT is, what its constituting concepts are and which main impacts on society and economy we can see today and expect in the near future.Doing so, I want to provide my research team, students and, perhaps colleagues in academia and industry with a baseline and some directions for ongoing and future research and development endeavors. Thus, this paper is targeted towards students, practitioners and researchers who are interested in understanding and contributing to the ongoing merge of the physical world of things and the Internet.The conclusions of this work are based on information compiled from three sources: on vast numbers of academic and industrial publications, on numerous interviews and talks with colleagues, and on the personal experience I was lucky enough to gain within the last eight years. The paper is structured as follows: The first section identifies the differences between Internet applications and applications that would probably belong to a cloudy IOT. It is written to sharpen the understanding of what the unique characteristics of an IOT would be. The next section searches for patterns in the investigated IOT applications.It does so by identifying the root causes that drive the value of IOT-applications to users and companies. The resulting common theme, the reduction of the real world-virtual world transaction costs,provides the base line for the overall economic energy of the IOT, which is discussed in the subsequent section. The paper closes with a description of some less obvious and therefore juicy patterns of how companies approach the IOT, followed by a brief summary and outlook.2. What Is the IOT and How Does It Differ from the Internet?The basic idea of the IOT is that virtually every physical thing in this world can also become a computer that is connected to the Internet (ITU, 2005). To be more accurate, things do not turn into computers, but they can feature tiny computers. When they do so, they are often called smart things, beca
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