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.词汇知识1_vt.毁坏(同义词)_2_n可能;可能性_adj.可能的_adv.可能地3_adj.吓人的;可怕的_adj.害怕的;恐惧的_v使害怕_n恐怖4_adv.幸运地;幸亏_adj. 幸运的_n运气5_n警告_v警告6_adj.积极的;活跃的_v行动;扮演_n行动;活动7_n& v损失;损害答案:1.ruin;destroy/damage2.possibility;possible;possibly3.terrifying;terrified;terrify;terror4.luckily/fortunately;lucky/fortunate;luck/fortune5.warning;warn6.active;act;activity7.damage.重点短语1_place发生2warn sb._sth 警告某人某事3_fire 着火;起火4put_ 熄灭;扑灭5_all 总共6after_ 毕竟7set fire_ 放火(焚烧)8allording_ 根据9turn_ 翻转;(反复)思考答案:1.take 2. of3.catch 4.out 5.in6. all7. to8. to9. over.必背句型1When the lava reached the sea, there was the _ of a huge tidal wave _ could flood half the island.当熔岩到达大海的时候,滔天的巨浪有可能会淹没一半的小岛。2Ash and lava poured down the mountain,_ hundueds of houses.火山灰和岩浆从山上倾泻下来,烧了几百座房子。3She _ home and found all her furniture _ by the flood.她回到家发现她所有的家具都被洪水毁了。4The fires burned for three days,_ of 25,000 buildings.大火烧了三天,毁坏了总共25000座建筑。5About 500 people were killed in the city of San Francisco and 250,000 _.在旧金山大约有500人死亡,250000人无家可归。答案:1.possibility;which2.setting fire to3.returned;had been ruined4.destroying a total5.were made homeless.品句填词1There is no_(可能)that he will come tonight.答案:possibility2I visited Italy on a_(先前的)holiday.答案:previous3_(幸亏,感激地),it has stopped raining at last.答案:Thankfully4_(幸运地),he passed the driving test at last.答案:Fortunately5The earthquake did great _(破坏)to the bridge.答案:damage6The whole blocks of the city were in _(毁坏)after war.答案:ruins.选词填空1There were twelve of us _ for dinner.答案:in all 2The firefighters are still trying to _ the fires.答案:put out3The concert _ next Thursday.答案:takes place4They were _ not to climb the mountain in such bad weather.答案:warned5One of the planes engines had _.答案:caught fire6Lightning _ several buildings.答案:set fire to.用所给词的适当形式或根据提示完成句子1You must make sure the fire has been _(熄灭)before you leave.答案:put out2Typhoon Morakot has _(造成巨大损害)to the local economies in Wenzhou.答案:caused great damage3He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _(interest)in his lectures.答案:interested4_(没有可能)Bob will pass the driving test.答案:There is no possibility that5“I wish youd look at me when Im trying to speak to you!”the teacher said _(angry)答案:angrily6The car runs at sixty kilometres an hour _(平均)答案:on average7Children need a lot to grow up,but _(最重要的)they need love and care.答案:above all8我们计划在七月中旬到达北极,到那时为止我们已走了六周了。We plan to reach the North Pole in midJuly,and by then we _for six weeks.答案:will have walked9Prices of daily goods _(buy)through a computer can be lower than store prices.答案:bought10Have you been wasting time on computer games again?_(绝对不会)Ive been studying a lot and I need a break.答案:Not likely.完形填空The subject of what separates art and design has been debated for a long time.Artists and designers both create visual works using a/an _1_ knowledge background, but their reasons for doing so are _2_ different.Some designers consider themselves artists, but few artists consider themselves _3_.So what exactly is the difference between art and design? Perhaps the most fundamental difference that we can all agree on is their _4_. Typically, the process of creating a work of art starts with nothing, a blank sheet of paper.A _5_ of art is born from a view or value that the artist holds within himself or herself.They create the art to share that feeling with others, to _6_ the viewers to relate to it, learn from it or be _7_ by it.The most renowned and successful art today is something that establishes the strongest _8_ connection between the artist and their _9_.By contrast, when a designer sets out to _10_ a new piece, they almost always have a _11_ starting point, whether a message, an image, an idea or an action.The designers job isnt to invent something _12_,but to communicate something that already exists, for a purpose.That purpose is almost always to motivate the audience to do something: buy a product, use a _13_, visit a location, or learn certain information.The most _14_ designs are those that most effectively _15_ their message and
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