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Lesson 4Dont smoke.教学设计甘沟中学 何耀刚学习目标:1学习单词:Smoke ,breathe , cigarette ,risk, Somebody, lung ,disease. 2.学习结构 plenty of : Be bad for : stay healthy : cause: allow sb. to do sth: Encourage sb to do sth 3.To know the harm of smoking. 懂得吸烟的危害。 4.Learn how to be healthy. 学会怎样保持健康学习方法:教师点拨,学生自主学习,合作探究,掌握重点结构。学习重点:plenty of: Be bad for:stay healthy:cause: allow sb. to do sth: Encourage sb to do sth学习难点:Why is smoking harmful?How to stay healthy?学习流程:Step1;Greetings.Step2:Lead-in:Look at the pictures and answer some questions.Step3;Show Studying aims:1,单词:Smoke ,breathe , cigarette ,risk, Somebody, lung ,disease. 2,英汉对比记忆,巩固单词。3,阅读学习目标。Step4:预习自测,(小组自我展示)1.smoke(现在分词)_2.health(形容词)_ 3.bad(比较级)_4.plenty of_5.对有害处_6.stay healthy _7.cause_8, allow sb. to do sth_9,encourage sb to do sth_Step5.合作探究;活动一:Read and answerWhy is smoking not allowed in some public places?Because smoking can hurt other people , too活动二:讨论Why is smoking harmful?1. Smoking is bad for your health.2.It causes lung disease.3.It is also bad for your heart.4.It can hurt other people.5.It wastes money.6.It can cause fires. 7.It makes people live shorter.8活动三;讨论How to stay healthy?1.Dont smoke.2.Dont eat junk foods.3.Eat more fruit and vegetables.4.Eating healthy food is very important to our body.5.We need to drink enough water.6.Doing sports is a good way to keep healthy.7.Sleeping well every night is good for our health.8.Be happy every day.Step6:Language points:(小组派代表到黑板上总结展示课文知识点,老师提示并补充概括,老师可根据学生的展示给予适当的加分)plenty of : Be bad for : stay healthy : cause: allow sb. to do sth: Encourage sb to do sthstep7当堂检测:一根据汉语完成英语句子1.Smoking _有害于your heart.2,She is not _允许to go out at night. 3,Drink can _引起many diseases.二Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words. 1._(smoke)is bad for your health. 2.Teenagers are not allowed _ (drive) a car. 3.Yesterday his father _(drink)too much wine. 4.He feels _(bad) today than yesterdayStep8;Homework: 以Smoking is a bad habit为题写一个80词左右的说明文:吸烟的原因;吸烟的危害
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