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报关员考试报关英语复习(3) 32. Certificate of Quality(品质证书) Certificate of Weight(重量证书) 33. Certificate of Quantity(数量证书) Certificate of packing(包装证书) 34. Certificate of Health (安康证书) Certificate of Quarantine(检疫证书) 35. veterinary Certificate (兽医证书) Sanitary Certificate(卫生证书) 36. Certificate of Origin(产地证书) Certificate of Fumigation(熏蒸证书) 37. Fumigation / Disinfection Certificate (熏蒸/消毒证书) 38. Animal Health Certificate (动物卫生证书) 39. phytosanitary Certificate (植物检疫证书) 40. phytosanitary Certificate For Re export(植物转口检疫证书) 41. Sanitary Certificate For Conveyance交通工具卫生证书 42. Quarantine Certificate For Conveyance运输工具检疫证书 43. veterinary Health Certificate(兽医卫生证书) 44. consignee(收货人) consignor(发货人) 45. description of goods(货物名称) 46. quantity / weight declared (报检数/重量) 47. Contract No.(合同号) Invoice No.(发票号) 48. place of arrival(到货地点) means of Conveyance(运输工具) 49. date of arrival (到货时间) B/L or Way Bill No.(提单或运单号) 50. place of despatch(启运口岸) port of destination (到达口岸) 51. Date of completion of discharge (卸货日期) 52. Mark & No. (标签及号码) destination (目的地) 53. Name and No. of Conveyance (运输工具名称及号码) 54. port of despatch(启运口岸) port of destination (到达口岸) 55. date of arrival / departure (到达/离境日期) 56. name and address of consignor (发货人名称及地址) 57. name and address of consignee (收货人名称及地址) 58. number and type of packages (包装种类及数量) 59. document (单据) rule (规章) bank (银行) 60. importer(进口商) exporter(出口商) trade mark (商标)
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