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四年级英语上册教案第一课时一、教学目标1、 能够听、说、认读单词classroom, window, door, picture, light, board.2、 能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应动作。3、 会唱歌曲“In the Classroom”.二、教学重点能够重点掌握有关教室设施的六个单词:classroom, window, door, picture, light, board.三、教学难点听指令,做动作,要求教师在正确示范的基础上引导学生最终自主地做出相应的动作。四、课前准备1、 教师准备一幅本单元My classroom的挂图,以及本课时所用的单词卡。2、 老师准备一张图片和一块抹布。3、 学生准备本课六个生词词卡。五、教学步骤.Warm-upa. Lets do. How many.can you see? 引导学生复习desk, chair, boys, girls等单词。b. Free talk.T: Hello, A! Welcome back to school!A: Hello, Miss Wang. Nice to see you again.T: Nice to see you, too.Presentationa. 教师出示本单元My classroom的挂图向学生介绍说:T: This is my classroom. What can you see in it? S1: Its a desk/ chair.T: This is a window/ door/ picture/ light/ floor.b. T: Now look at the board. This is a board. Its green, so its a greenboard. Thats a blackboard. If its white, we can call it whiteboard. c. Pair work.-Wheres the bag?-Its on the.d. Listen and respond. Show me the light. Show me the board. e. Games: A: Opposite the words. (教师响亮的读单词,学生则轻声。反之类推。)B: Look at my mouth and guess the words.f. Listen to the tape. g. Lets do. 教师通过动作演示,让学生在理解的基础上做出相应动作。h. Pair work. . Listen to the tape. Listen and do. Listen to the song. “In the Classroom”. Do activity book作业 :听录音10分钟,读课文3次。板书:Whats in the classroom? board clean the board light turn on the lightwindow clean the window door open the doorpicture put up the picture 教学后记:board 和 door 的发音有些混淆,所以在教的时候多练习和区别。在叙述的课室里有什么,重点是名词的复数,用以前的句型“How manycan you see?”来操练。
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