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从海尔看中国企业的服务营销摘要: 现代社会企业间竞争日趋激烈,在如此残酷的生存压力 中,如何才能让自己的企业不在这激烈的竞争中成为别人的垫脚 石。服务营销对企业来说有多大的意义,怎样用正确的服务营销让 企业得以更好的发展?企业强大竞争力的根本取决于有没有高质 量的服务,有没有忠诚的客户,竞争的胜利者将是那些理解顾客需 要,做好营销服务的企业。本文对我国企业服务营销存在的一系列 问题进行分析,并在理解服务营销的基本概念上,通过海尔服务营 销的成功来探讨中国企业提升服务营销能力的手段和途径。abstract : the competition among enterprises in modern society is increasingly fierce, in such a brutal survivalpressure , how to make your own business do not become a stepping stone to other people in such fierce competition?, through haierhow much meaning does the marketing services have for businesses ? how to use the right marketing services to make the enterprises develop better ? the enterprise s powerful competitiveness depends on service quality and the loyal customers. the competition winners will be those who understand the needs of customers and have good marketing services. this article analyzes a series of problems of enterprises marketing services. based on understanding the basic concepts of marketing services
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