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武陵源宾馆员工礼貌服务用语一、常用词汇先生/女士 sir/ lady卫生间Toilet/ W.C/ lavatory/ bath room中餐厅Chinese restaurant西餐厅west restaurant泡脚feet-dipping演艺中心 showplace全陪导游tour guide 司机driver香皂 soap 沐浴液 shower洗发液shampoo 卫生纸 toilet paper电吹风 hair drier 剃须刀razor毛巾towels 浴巾bath towel面巾face towel 梳子comb牙刷toothbrush 牙膏toothpaste插座plug 烟灰缸ashtray信封envelope 衣架caat hangers湿巾 wet towel 茶水teas绿茶 green tea北京二锅头 erguotou made in Beijing 啤酒beer电话号码telephone number房间号码room number二、方位:前front 后behind 左left 右right 三、数字0100 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6six 7seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 四、基本礼貌用语 欢迎您下榻我宾馆。Welcome to our hotel! 欢迎welcome您好How do you do!/ How are you!早上(上午/下午)好。Good morning(afternoon) 晚安!Good night!祝您节日快乐Have a good holiday! 新年快乐!Happy new year!生日快乐!Happy birthday!对不起!Sorry!没关系!Dont mention it!不要紧!It doesnt matter.别客气!You are welcome!再见!Bye-bye!请问我能帮到您什么吗?What can I do for you?/May I help you?请稍等。Wait a moment please.不用担心。Dont worry!谢谢。Thank you!不用谢.Not at all./You are welcome./Thats OK.五、前厅部日常用语请把这个灯打开一下。Can you turn the light on, please.请把空调打开一下。Please open the air conditioner.现在几点了?What time is it?/ Whats the time? 现在是10:30It is half past ten oclock.请往这边/那边走。This way please. / That way please.房卡寄存。Keep you key, please.房间没有水。There is no water in the room.谢谢您提出的宝贵意见。Thank you for your advises.祝您住店愉快。I wish you have a good time in our hotel.打扰一下,您的行李到了。Excuse me, Here are your luggage.您好,您的行李需要寄存吗?How do you do. Would you like to keep your luggage?六、餐饮部日常用语请/这边请.This way, please.请问先生/女士(小姐)需要用餐吗?Would you like something to eat, sir/madom/miss?请问您共几位?How many , please?您好,这是我们的菜单,请您过目。How do you do, this is our menu, please have a look.请您稍等。Just a moment, please.请慢用。Help yourself!好走,欢迎下次光临。Bye-bye! Welcome to our hotel next time.先生/女士,请问您需要喝什么酒/饮料?Excuse me, sir/madom/miss, What would you like to drink?对不起,打扰一下,这是您的帐单,请过目。Excuse me. This is your bill, please check it.这是找回的零钱,请清点。Here is your cashes, please check it.先生/女士,您的菜已经上齐了。请问还需要加点什么吗?Sir/ Madom, here are all your ordered, would like something else.请慢用。Help yourself.先生/女士,请问需要试一下本餐厅的招牌菜吗?Sir/ madom, would you like try todays special?先生/女士,请允许我介绍一下本餐厅的土家风味餐吗?Sir/madom, may I suggest our special in Tujia food for you?先生/女士,这是您点的例汤。Sir/madom, here is your clear soup.您好,您需要什么酒水?How do you do, what kind of wine would you like?我们这里有啤酒、白酒和红酒,还有饮料。We have beer, white wine, red wine and beverages.有我们当地产的白酒,口感很好的,您要不要买瓶尝尝?We have the white wine made in Zhangjiajie, It tastes very good, how about trying some?韩国酒水只有真露。We have only one kind of Korea wine, Chamjinisulro Soju.我们这里还有二锅头、竹叶青,口感和韩国的烧酒差不多,而且价格也便宜。We still have Erguotou and Zhuyeqing, Which are the same taste with wine from Korea, and they are very cheap.您可以试试我们中国最有名的酒五粮液,剑南春和酒鬼酒。You can taste our Wuliangye, Janlanchun, and Jiuguijiu. That are the most popular white wine in China.请您买单。May you settle yourbill now, please?七、前厅部日常用语您的叫早时间已到。Good morning, this is your morning call.我让您的导游跟您说,好吗?May I ask your guider to speak with you.韩国对方付款。The collect call to Korea.空调不制冷(热)。The air conditioner doesnt work now.请把这个灯打开一下。Can you turn on the light, please?房间没有热水。There is no hot water in the room.请问您的房间号码是多少?May I have your room number?热水怎么开?How to open the hot water?左边是热水,右边是冷水。Hot water is on the left, and cold water is on the right.您好,接待处。Good moring(afternoon/evening), this is the reception.这是您需要的手纸。Here is your toilet paper.八、管家部日常用语我的钥匙锁在房间里了,麻烦帮我开一下门好吗?I lost my key in the room, can you help me to open the door?房间太热(冷)了,请开一下空调好吗?Its too hot(cold), Can you open the air conditioner, please?对不起,打扰了。Execese me.请问您还需要什么帮助吗?What else can I do for you?您需要打扫卫生吗?Would you like me to clean up your room right now?/May I clean your room now, please?对不起,让您久等了。I am sorry to keep you waiting so long.您这边请。This way please.欢迎再次光临。Welcome to our hotel again.祝您晚安。I wish you have a good night.您一路走好。Have a good journey.祝您旅途愉快。Have a happy journey./ Have a good trip.您退房吗?请把房卡交给前台。Would ypu like to check out? please give your room key to the front desk.请问您的房间是不是需要维修?Housekeeping, may I help you?现在已经维修好了,您可以放心休息了。Everything is all right, you can have a good rest now.这是您的房间,请进。This is your room, come in please.不用谢,这是我们应该做的。You are welcome.it is my duty.电梯在这边,这边请。The loft is over here, this way, please. 餐厅在那边,请那边走。The restaurant is over there, that way, please.这是您的房卡,请收好。Here is your roomkey, please keep it.这是您需要的东西,放这里可以吗?Here are all you need, may I lay them here?小心地面滑。Watch your step, please.马桶堵住了。The water closet is clogged up.九、财务(收银)部日常用语您好,前台收银,请问有什么可以帮到
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