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课题Module5 Food编写人徐玉红年级组长徐玉红审核课时一课时班级四六班小组第五小组学生5学习目标1. 能听懂、会认、会说、会拼读本课单词词组:Chinese、 fast food 、want 、some、 make、 nice、chopsticks、 difficult、 cook、 vegetable、love. 2.熟练运用本课句型:Do you want some ? Yes,please. /No,thank you.Have you got in England? Yes,I/we have. No,I/we havent. What are you doing ? Im making dumplings./ Im cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please . / No , thank you .进行口语交际。3.培养学生团结合作的精神,对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与讨论。学习重点1. Do you want some ? Yes,please. /No,thank you. 2. Have you got in England? Yes,I/we have. No,I/we havent.3. What are you doing ? Im making dumplings./ Im cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please . / No , thank you .方法指导情景交际法知识链接一般疑问句、特殊疑问句温馨寄语善于合作、乐于讨论教学过程学案导案批注栏激趣导入T: Good morning, boys and girls. Have you got a book/pencil/pen?引导学生回答Yes, I have./No, I havent.T: Glad to meet you.(用Free Talk的形式,让学生置身于真实的英语交际环境,尽快融入到英语氛围中来。同时,在师生交流的过程中引导学生回顾相关的语言知识,也为本课的教学做好铺垫。)(1)热身复习。复习前一课的单词及重点句子。(2)同桌互读下列短语。look at/fast food/make noodles呈现新知1(Free Talk结束后,教师环顾全班同学,面带欣慰的微笑,)T: Class, lets chant. (拍手齐说) Noodles and rice are very very nice. Mmm, Mmm, very very rice. Ginger and spice are not very nice, Mmm, Mmm, are not very nice.T:Very good.(later on) T: Do you like noodles?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want some rice? 引导学生说出Yes,please.T: Do you like rice?T: Yes. T: Do you want some rice?Ss: Yes, please.T: Do you want some soup?引导学生说出 Ss: No, thank you.T:Noodles and rice are very nice. They are Chinese fast food. 2. show the cards ,learn the words : fast food 指名读,分组读。 齐读。T:Do you want some rice?Ss: Yes, please.T: Do you want some noodles?Ss: No,thank you.(1)学生自学:Chinese,fast food ,want 、some、 make、 nice、chopsticks、 (2)引导学习本单元前8个单词:(根据音标)Chinese、 fast food 、want 、some、 make、 nice、chopsticks、 difficult合作操练CAI 操练此句型。显示各种食物的名称。Do you want some ? Yes,please.No, thank you.3 Ask and answer: 看课件,让学生回答:指名回答,师引出回答:引出本课新句型:Do you want some ? Yes, please.No, I dont. 利用多媒体操练此句型:T: Please look at the pictures, (多媒体显示快餐店和快餐食品)T: Do you want to some hamburgers?Ss: Yes, please.T: Do you want some chips?Ss:No,thank you.T: Do you want some chocolate ?S: Yes,please.T: Do you want some meat?S: Yes, please.两人一组进行操练,互问互答。反复操练新句型。采取学生互问互答的形式. 两人一组,男生女生互问互答。老师及时表扬。看图片,师再问学生:T: What is he doing ?Ss:Hes playing football.T:What is he doing?Ss: Hes making noodles.T: What is he doing?Ss:Hes swimming.Ask and answer 操练此句型。What is he doing?Hes 师及时纠正。1.师生共同表演listen and point 老师重点强调句型Do you want some ? Yes,please. /No,thank you.Have you got in England? Yes,I/we have. No,I/we havent.2.以小组为单位,组长当老师,其它当学生表演listen and point3.组内帮扶,共同提高,做好展示竞争准备。巩固练习检测练习1.选择正确的字母,补全单词。(i,e,a) Chin_se w_nt m_ke nic_ veget_bl_ 2.根据汉语提示补全短语。 food(快餐) in (在英国)make (做面条)总结评价要点回顾、板书总结。课后总结 Read the words by yourselves. try to remember them. Listen to the tape and read the text
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