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2022年考博英语-清华大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The energy( )by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.问题1选项A.transferredB.releasedC.conveyedD.delivered【答案】B【解析】动词辨析。Transfer 转让, 转移; release 释放; convey 传达,运输; deliver 递送, 释放。句意: 链式反应 的能量被转化为热量。故B项符合句意。2. 单选题The speaker was very much( )by rude words and behavior of the audience in the hall.问题1选项A.jerkedB.incensedC.lacedD.limped【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。根据句意,演讲者被rude words and behavior激怒。jerked 急推,猛推;incensed 激怒;laced 系牢,系紧;limped 跛行,句意:演讲者被粗鲁的言行 ( )。选项B符合句意。3. 单选题Some African Americans have had a profound impact on American society, changing many peoples views on race, history and politics. The following is a sampling of African Americans who have shaped society and the world with their spirit and their ideals.Muhammad Ali Cassius Marcellus Clay grew up a devout Baptist in Louisville, Kentucky, learning to fight at age 12 after a police officer suggested he learn to defend himself. Six years later, he was an Olympic boxing champion, going on to win three world heavyweight titles. He became known as much for his swagger (趾高气扬)outside the ring as his movement in it, converting to Islam in 1965, changing his name to Muhammad Ali and refusing to join the U. S. Army on religious grounds. Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended and he developed Parkinsons disease, even lighting the Olympic torch at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and conveying the peaceful virtues of Islam followingthe September 11 terrorist attacks.W. E. B. Du Bois Bom William Edward Burghardt Du Bois in 1868, this Massachusetts native was one of the most prominent, prolific intellectuals of his time. An academic, activist and historian, Du Bois co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), edited “The Crisis” magazine and wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarly articles. In perhaps his most famous work, “The Souls of Black Folk,” published in 1903, he predicted “the problem of 20th century would be the problem of the color-line. Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is considered one of the most powerful and popular leaders of the American civil rights movement. He spearheaded (带头,做先锋)a massive, nonviolent initiative of marches, sit-ins, boycotts and demonstrations that profoundly affected Americans attitudes toward race relations. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Malcolm X Black leader Malcolm X spoke out about the concepts of race pride and black nationalism in the early 1960s. He denounced the exploitation of black people by whites and developed a large and dedicated following, which continued even after his death in 1965. Interest in the leadersurged again after Spike Lees 1992 movie “Malcolm X” was released.Jackie Robinson In 1947, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining the Brooklyn Dodgers, becoming the first black baseball player in the U. S. major leagues. After retirement from baseball in 1957, he remained active in civil rights and youth activities. In 1962, he became the first African-American to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.1.Which of the following is NOT true about Muhammad Ali?2.The italicized word “prolific” (Line 2, Para. 3) is synonymous to( ).3.According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT true?4.What is common among the celebrities mentioned in the passage?5.Which of the following can be a title of the passage?问题1选项A.He never served in the army.B.He learned to fight at an early age.C.His popularity decreased after his retirement from boxing.D.He loves peace.问题2选项A.smartB.skilledC.productiveD.pioneering问题3选项A.W . E . B . Du Bois was engaged in the cause of promoting the status of colored people.B.Jackie Robinson was denied by U. S. major baseball leagues throughout his life.C.Martin Luther King Jr. was highly awarded for his contributions to the civil rights movements.D.Malcolm X directly or indirectly inspired interest in leadership even after his death.问题4选项A.Each achieved enormous success in his / her field and was highly recognized.B.Each was devoted to his / her cause but didnt win recognition until death.C.All were active and famous in several fields in their lifetime.D.All loved peace and remained active in civil rights activities.问题5选项A.Life of Famous African AmericansB.Influence of Famous African AmericansC.Political Pioneers: Icons and IntellectualsD.Cultural Pioneers: Icons and Intellectuals【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节判断题。原文第二段尾句指出Ali remained popular after his athletic career ended( Ali 在运动生涯结束后仍然很受欢迎)。C选项说从拳击退役后,他的声望下降了,与原文不符。2.语义题。Prolific形容intellectuals, 原文第三段第二句wrote 17 books, four journals and many other scholarlyarticles可知,这里要表达的是 “丰富的才能,足智多谋”,productive最相符。
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