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根据首字母提示完成单词Unit 71. There will be more p_ if there are more cars and buses.2. Who knows what will happen in the f_?3. All the living things on the e_ depend on the sun.4. Today is sunny. The s_ is blue.5. Ill be an a_ and fly rockets to the moon./ Zhai Zhigang is an a_.6. Well live in a new a_ next year.7. Its d_ to cross the street when the traffic lights are red.8. My father is a worker. He works in a f_.9. I d_ with my brother. I dont think he is right.10. There isnt enough s_ for 40 desks in the room.11. I only saw her once d_ my stay in Rome./ Koalas usually sleep d_ the day.12. Babies often f_ down when they learn to walk.13. When will you spend your h_?14. Well start as early as p_.Unit 61. -Are you going to be an e_? -Yes. So I must study math really hard.2. The boy gets a good e_ in the university./ everyone should get an e_ to improve himself.3. This man is s_ about living to be ninety.4. Jim plays the violin very well and he wants to be a v_. / Langlang is a famous p_ in the world.5. I m going to study Chinese m_ at a college.6. Im going to s_ letters to post office.7. You must study hard to i_ your English.8. We must exercise for our p_ health.9. Some students decide to go to f_ countries after finishing high school.10. I was a_ to speak English when I was two years old.11. I dont q_ his ability to do this job./ Why do you q_ the right of the decision?12. My mother p_ to buy a piano for me./ We should keep our p_.13. My New Years r_ is to lose weight.14. My brother joined in a football t_ last term.15. -Whats your h_? -Painting and taking photos.16. This letter is p_ and I dont want you to read it./ The camera is my p_ thing.17. How are you going to improve your r_ with your friends?Unit 51. A traffic accident h_ to his elder brother yesterday.2. China is f_ for its culture and long history./ Every country has its own c_.3. Jackie Chan is a great a_ movie star.4. You will be very s_ if you try your best.5. C_ always make people laugh.6. All the children like watching c_./ Children like c_ very much, especially Mickey Mouse and Donald duck.7. -Whats your favorite f_? -Lost On Journey./ we will see a f_ tonight.8. Please be r_ to run.9. Thirteen is believed to be an u_ number.10. I dont like reading these books. I think theyre m_.11. Jims father has lots of money, so he is very r_.12. My brother joined the a_ last year.13. The story is very e_. I like it very much.14. They want to have a d_ about shopping online.用所给词的适当形式填空Unit71. Today there are already robots _(work) in factories.2. Keep practicing and you _(improve) your English.3. Lucy often _(take) a train to visit her uncle on weekends.4. They planned _(send) a rocket to the moon.5. It seems difficult _(find) out who broke the window.6. Tony _ (write) a letter to his pen pal in the U.S. last night.7. We all know Brazil _ (win) the World Cup last year.8. There _ (be) a big football match between England and Italy on TV tonight.9. The doctor tells his mother he will be _ (well) next week than he is now.10. Do you think there will be more pollution or _ (little) pollution in 100 years?11. His sister always plays a part in _(save) the animals.Unit61. She promises _(come) back early this afternoon.2. Jackplaystheviolinverywell.Hemustbea_(violin)whenhegrowsup.3. Hegoesbackhome_(week).4. Whatsthe_(mean)ofwhathesaid?5. The_(begin)ofthemeetingisavideoaboutanimals.6. My New Years resolution is_(get) good grades.7. Thoseboyswanttobecomebasketball_(play).8. The man made a resolution _(make) a soccer team.9. Heisgoingtotake_(act)lessons.10. Iamgoingtopractice_(take)singinglessons.11. Whenshe_(grow)up,shewantstobea _(science).Unit51. I cant stand (listen) to the noisy music.2. There (be) some exciting news in todays newspaper.3. Would you mind (open) the window?4. The movie is _(meaning). We can get nothing from it.5. Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday?6. Where do you plan (go) this Sunday?7. Do you want (watch) the news?8. Sally thinks soap op
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