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Period 2来源&:中%国教育*出版网班级 教师 备课时间 课题StarterUnit1Goodmorning!教材分析预备篇的主要内容为26个字母和最基本的英语日常用语。教材的编写主要是帮助那些没有英语基础的学生更好地使用本套教材,同时又帮助有一点基础的学生尽快熟悉教材中的人物,激发他们的自信心,增强说英语的兴趣。 学情分析学生在小学时已经有了一些英语知识,在学习时学生会感觉比较简单,而且有信心。明晰目标1. 学会正确朗读和书写A a H h 八个字母。 2. 了解缩略字母HB, CD, BBC的含义。 3. 巩固所学的八个人名和问候语 4. 记住自己和同伴的英文名字。重点难点重点字母A, C, G, H的正确发音难点 字母A a H h 的正确书写需用教具或器材 Pictures,a tape recorder教学流程Period 2Teaching procedures:1. Warming-up and revision(1)Play the Good morning! song on Page 4 before the class starts. (2)Greetings: (3)Revision 2. Presentation(1)给学生呈现下表: Alice Bob Cindy Dale Eric Frank Grace Helen A a C c (2)学生观察图标,找出规律。 T: Look at the chart. Can you find out the rule? S: (Aa,) Bb, (Cc), Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh 3. Work on 2a(1)Play the recording. Students listen and repeat. Teacher: Listen to the recording and read after it, please. (2)Teacher shows some letter cards. T: Read these letters, please. 4. Work on 2b (1)Play the recording for the first time. Students listen. (2)Play the recording for the second time. Students listen and number the letters. (3)Play the recording for the third time. Students listen and check their answers. (4)Students read them aloud. 6. Presentation Teacher shows some letters and asks students to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have some difficulties, teacher can give them some hints. e.g. T: Can you read the letters? S: BC / AD. T: What does it mean in Chinese? S: 公元前/公元。 7. Work on 2e(1)Show the pictures and students read the letters below each picture. T: Whats it? S: HB / CD /BBC. (2)Students talk about some more abbreviations they know. 作业或练习设计(1)听读背诵字母AH。 (2)抄写字母A a H h 三遍。 板书设计 Starter Unit1Goodmorning! A B C D E F G H课后反思本节课主要是学习课本中的八个人名,让学生运用人名来进行问好。
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