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Unit 15 Learning1. arrow n./ v.an arrow (箭头,箭号,箭) arrow toward the airportarrow ones way飞速前进2. oxygen / carbon dioxide / air / atmosphere3. tickTick yes or no to each question.4. ox /oxen / cattle/ cow / bull5. spell / spelling 6. backwards / forwardsHe looked backwards over his shoulder.7. correct /correctiona correct answer correct your pronunciationlook carefully at the correction(s)connect within connection withmake connections with8. simple / complex a simple question/ heartsimplify vt.Simplify a word by breaking it up into parts.simplifieda simplified version of the storysimplification9. break upSentences can be broken up into clauses. (分解;分割)The ship broke up on the rocks. (粉碎)The meeting broke up at 7. (结束)Their marriage is breaking up. (解散,分手)Police were called in to break up the meeting. (驱散)break down 崩溃;故障;垮掉break outbreak intobreak inbreak through突破;冲破;克服Lesson One1. qualify使具有资格,使合格;有资格,胜任This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualified有资格的,胜任的,合格的a qualified teacher/accountantqualification资格(证书),执照2. secure1. 安全的,无危险的(+from/against)Now my house is secure against burglary. 现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。2. 安心的,无忧虑的(+about)You have made me feel secure. 你使我觉得放心。3. 有把握的,确定无疑的(+of)Our success is secure. 我们的成功是有把握的。securitypublic security公安部security guard 保安人员3.frankly speaking=to be frankhonestly speaking=to be honeststrictly speakingexactly speaking=to be exactpersonally speaking4.lay off解雇;下岗;不理会;停止活动lay off workerslaid-off workerslay off fatty foodHe has decided to lay off smoking.5.blank n. / adj.Sign your name in the blank space below.Fill in the blanks with the following words.Suddenly my mind went completely blank.My mind was a complete blank.blank chequego madgo hungrygo blindgo wrong6. swell (swelled, swollen)Her arm was beginning to swell up when the bee had stung her.Her heart swelled with pride as she knew her son was admitted into Beijing University.7. suspect v./ n./ adj.suspect sbs motivessuspect the truth of the statementI strongly suspect that they are trying to get rid of me.I suspected Tom to be a liar, for what he said was not true.The police suspected him of giving false evidence.8. lump a lump of / two lumps9. throathave a sore throat / in the throat10. status地位,身份CU; 情形,状况,状态CWomen have very little status in many countries.seek status the status of the job market at the moment11. chief主要的,首席的,总的chief editorSmoking is one of the chief causes of lung cancer.12. say / sayingMore haste匆忙, less speed, as the saying goes. 欲速则不达。13. postage U邮费 邮资airmail / surface air an airmail letterThe postage for airmail is 50 cents. 一封航空信的邮资是五十美分。Surface mail takes longer than airmail.14. user使用者、用户15. instructIve instructed them to keep the room locked.Ive instructed them on how to drive cars.My job is to instruct her in English.instructor教员;教练;指导者instructionIn this course students receive instruction in basic engineering. ( U传授)Follow the instructions on the packet carefully(pl. 用法说明,操作指南; 指示)instructive有教育意义的;有启发性的The lecture was instructive and interesting.16. aside from=apart fromAside from his nose, hes quite good-looking.Apart from the injuries to his face, he broke both legs.17. buryThe miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.She buried her face in her hands and wept.Working as a shop assistant buried his musical talent.bury oneself in He buries himself in books.buried treasure18. alphabetThe English alphabet has 26 letters.19. distinguishdistinguish between A and Bdistinguish from A and B20. Heres what they have to say about.Here comes the bus.There goes the bell.Now comes your turn.(here, there, now, then, in, up, away, out, off, down.)The boy came in.In came the boy.In he came.The boy rushed out.Out rushed the boy.Out they rushed.21. people of various ages and backgrounds22. Its never too late to learn Its never too late to mend Its never too late to stop smoking.23. fail (in) the examfail to pass the exam24. graduate from Beijing University graduate in Civil Engineering25. by distance learningCan you jump that high?She had changed that much26. I felt as if I had done sth. wrong.It looks as if it is going to rain.He talks about America as if he had been there before.She treats him as if he were her own son.Tom raised his hands as if (he was) to say sth.27. set up set up a statue/tentThe government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.A fund will be set up for the dead mens families.set up a new recordset offHe set off for his remote farmhouse.set off the alarm/ a bombset off an event/ a chain reactionset aside (some money) set about doing=get down to doing set out to do
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