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1. Puritans: is English protestant, one division of Protestant (one division of Christianity, appeared in the 16th c, against the ruling Roman Catholic. In England, there were many divisions in protestant, for instance, Quakers, Baptism, 震颤派,喧嚣派). They regarded the reformation of the Church under Elizabeth as inplete, and called for its further “purification” from what they considered to be unscriptural and corrupt forms and ceremonies retained from the unreformed church. They objected, for instance, to the wearing of the surplice and to government by the prelates, and they demanded the right to partake of the munion in a sitting posture. Their Millenary Petition (1603) requested a reform of the church courts, a doing away with “superstitious” customs, a discarding of the use of apocryphal books of the Bible, a serious observance of the Sabbath, and various ecclesiastical reforms. The 17th century American Puritans included two parts: one part of them were the creators of the Plymouth colony, called “Separatists”. They were so suppressed by the church of England that they sought escape. Those Separatists first went into exile to Holland, then were aboard “Mayflower” in 1620 and settled down in Plymouth. America, therefore, as an infant was born. They considered that the Church of England had bee hopeless and advocated to separate from it since general reform would be useless. The other part was the Englishmen in the Massachusettes Bay Colony. Though they came later than those of Plymouth colony, they were richer and better-educated. They devoted themselves to the reform of the Church of England and meant to clear away the rituals of the Roman Catholic Church in it. In reality, only this part of them were true Puritans. They accepted the doctrine of original sin and total depravity, and predestination, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. The main doctrine of Calvinism Puritans believed in was first shown in “total depravity”. They believed in the “original sin” in which Adam the first man God created sinned and which led to the conclusion that “in Adams fall, we sinned all.” They considered that man was born sinful, was a sinner and could not redeem his original sinfulness. Moreover, they could not save themselves. Secondly Puritans underscored that man would be chosen by God unconditionally. They thought that God occupied a dominant position. He could save a part of people willfully, made them rise to the Heaven after death, and could also destroy some other part of people wantonly, made fall into the hell after death. Therefore, determinism took firm root in their minds. They believed in mans destiny, everything of man was disposed in the hands of God, only God knew who were “chosen people” after they died. Man himself was predestined and could not master his own destiny. They thought that God willfully granted people the favor that man could neither strive to gain, nor refuse to accept. The obtaining of the Gods special kindness or Gods providence for him meant his “rebirth” or “being sainted.” In this sense, they strived to be saints while they were still alive. Man did not know whether they could be Gods chosen people, but should live a saint-like life at ordinary times according to Gods will. The Holy Bible was the guidebook to mans behaviors. In New England where Puritanism was popular, ones life was only the course of moral training and that of his struggle between God and devils. People had an austere and rigid way of life governed by the church. Therefore, clergymen were the dominant authorities. Puritans tended to suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin: they didnt dance, did not go to theatre, but sang chant in church and listened to the music. However, they allowed drinking, smoking and putting on beautiful clothes. Puritanism encouraged people to struggle in their careers. If ones business was booming, it proved that he had gained Gods providence.They held extreme opinions. They regarded themselves as “chosen people” of God. Those who challenged their way of life were opposing Gods will. They were zealous in defense of their own beliefs, intolerant of others. They drove out or persecuted those whose opinions seemed dangerous to them. They embraced hardships, industry and frugality. They favored a disciplined, hard, somber, ascetic, harsh life. They opposed pleasure and arts. They suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin. They made laws about private morality as well as public behavior. They emphasized a wrathful God and to forget His mercy. They were much concerned with authority than with democracy.2. Puritanism: a religious and political movement that developed in England about the middle of the 16th century and later spread influence into the New England in America. Puritanism was a logical aftermath of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the establishment of the church of England, and the growth of Presbyterianis
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