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读之有物 读之有法 读之有理PEP book1 Unit4 We Love Animals Start to read教学设计一、基于教材分析 把准“读”的内容与目标1、话题分析话题:Animals适合级别:一级课时说明:本课为本单元的第六课时课题说明: 本课是PEP三年级上册Unit 4 Part B Start to read部分。2、内容分析:Start to read是学习完了本单元词汇和句型之后,针对专门阅读技能入门训练的板块,通过阅读活动,强化阅读字母、单词、短语和核心句型的能力。三上的起始阅读课是通过趣味性的活动,强化字母的认读和核心词的认读,主要通过趣味性的活动,在生活用品中认读学过的字母以及核心词。3、 学情分析本教学设计适合三年级学生。三年级的孩子作为英语的初学者,对英语充满着好奇与热情。本单元学生通过学习已经能够听、说、认读11个有关动物的单词,能够听懂、会说句型Whats this/that? Its a/an . Cool! I like it. 并能正确听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn。本课教学内容的重点是通过趣味性的活动,强化字母的认读和核心词的认读。人教版小学英语新教材在每个单元增设了Start to read环节,此版块主要有两类活动:字母认读和词形辨认。前者旨在提供有一定意义的语用情境的游戏活动,帮助学生巩固各单元中所学字母,并训练学生的观察力。后者是一个词形辨认的活动。教材提供了有一定意义的画面,使词形的辨认活动不会孤立地、没有任何意义地进行。新课标主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实的语言,并在此基础上进行学习和运用。因此本课紧扣We Love Animals这一主题,围绕学生喜闻乐见的动物园这一主情境,以学生为主体,让学生在真实的情境中进行认读训练,在阅读中复习巩固本单元所学的知识。4、 目标定位【知识目标】1. 能够在一定的情境中,通过一些趣味性的活动,熟练地听说、认读本单元的所有动物单词。2. 能够结合图文,认读核心句,综合巩固、运用Whats this/that? Its a/an .来询问近处以及远处物品是什么及作答,培养一定的阅读意识,为进一步阅读打下基础。3. 能够在一定的情境中认读本单元已学字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn,并结合语音渗透,巩固字母的发音。4. 能理解情境, 在老师的帮助下用支架语言进行对话。【能力目标】通过阅读活动,强化阅读字母、单词、短语和核心句型的能力。【情感目标】让学生就自己喜欢的动物进行交际,养成用英语交际的良好习惯,培养学生积极参与课堂,养成乐于完成任务的好习惯。5、 重难点分析教学重点:通过趣味性的活动,强化字母的认读和核心词的认读。教学难点:通过字母、单词的认读为后继阅读打下基础。二、基于课型特点 设计“读”的任务与方法1、课前准备设计: 1PPT课件 2词卡 3教师准备发给学生的拓展阅读资料4 板书中事先画好四线格。2、课堂框架设计:“读”后活动情境中拓展阅读 “读”前活动, 字母操热身“读”中活动情境中有意义阅读 “读”句子 延伸情境拓展阅读“读”单词完成任务体验情境“读”字母音形结合导入情境3、教学过程设计:教学结构教师指导学生学习设计说明Step 1Pre-reading1. Lets do the letter exercisesT: Class, lets dance together. Chant and dance with the students.T&Ss: A, A, A, /, /, /. B, B, B, / b/, / b/, / b/. .2. Free talkT: Letters are very fun. Now, lets look for letters.Chant and dance with the student teachers to review the letters.律动字母操读前先热身教师播放字母操音乐,请几个学生上台领操,通过身体的律动,一起复习本册已学字母的音、形,使学生的学习积极性异常高涨。延续热身部分字母的复习。Step 2While-Reading 1. Find and say(1)Present some pictures with letters.T: Wow! What do you see? Big L or small l? The teacher gives the students an example:T: L, L, L, /l/, /l/, /l/.Differ G/J, M/NT: Where is ? What colour is it?(2) Choose and sayThe teacher gives the students an example:T: Look! This is L. Big letter L.L, L, L, /l/, /l/, /l/.L is for long.Pair workT: How about you? Which letter do you find first? Please share with your desk mate. Feed backT: How many Ks/?(3) Elicit the topicT: M is for monkey. I love animals. Do you love animals? Today lets go to the zoo together! 2. Review words and sentences(1) Guess and say Look at the hint and guessT: Whats this? Whats the first letter of monkey? The teacher writes the words of animals on the board. Listen to the sound and guessT: Whats that? Its a _. Whats the first letter of elephant? Can you act like an elephant?(2) Pair work T: Now, look at your sheet and talk with your desk mate.Whats this/that?Its a/an .(3) Feed backT: How do you know? Whats the first letter of .?3. Read and countThe teacher presents a picture of animals and different kinds of foods. Let the students to feed the animals.T: The animals are very hungry. Lets feed the animals.(1) Feed the animals.T: Listen! What does the dog say?Listen to the dog:Im dog. Im so hungry WoofT: Can you act like the dog?T: Dont worry. Let me help you. Its for you! (Match the food with the animal.(2) Pair workS1: Im _. Im so hungry_S2: Its for you!(3) Present the words of animals and match them with the pictures.T: Whats this? Where is elephant? What color is it? (4) How many .s? T: Look at your sheet and count by yourselves. 1. Ss Look at the picture and try to find some letters.S: This is _. ( Point and say) Big/small letter _.2. Ss talk about the letters and their sounds.3. Ss differ the letters.S1: I see _. S2: Its _.4. Ss choose one letter and introduce.S:This is L. Big letter L.L, L, L, /l/, /l/, /l/.L is for long.5. Ss count together.Guess and saySs look at the picture and guess.S: Its a monkey.S: MS: Its an elephant.S: ESs act like elephants.Ss work in pairs and talk about the animals at the zoo.S: I see c/d/.1. Ss listen to the sound and try to imitate.Im _. Im so hungry_2. Ss Work in pairs to feed the animals.Match the animals with their favourite food.3. Ss match the animals with the words.S: Elephant is red.4. Ss read and count.一、 认读字母导入情境利用多媒体在Find and say情境图中呈现单个或几个字母,滚动What do you see? Where
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