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昂立八年级英语同步测试卷听力部分.听句子。根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。(5分)1.A.Theyll like homes. B.Theyll help do some cleaning. C.Theyll be smarter.2.A.They were studying in the reading room. B.I was standing in front of the library. C.You were studying in the reading library.3.A.You should listen to CDs. B.You should do your homework. C.You should do lots of housework.4.A.Yes,she did. B.No,she wasnt. C.Yes, I was.5.A.Nothing has happened. B.The teachers will let them leave our school. C. They shouldnt come to our school.听对话。根据所听内容判断正(T)误(F)。对话读一遍。()6.The school will become bigger and bigger in the future.( ) 7.The man has no friends so he should be frendlier to others.( ) 8.The youngest person in the family was doing his homework at 8 last night.( ) 9.Mr.Chen said they would go on a field trip the next day.( ) 10.The man is doing well in every subject this year.听对话。根据所听内容选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)11.How is Li Leis English?A. Very good . B.Not bad. C.Not good.12.What does Li Lei nedd to learn English well?A. Some right ways. B.Many books. C.Some money.13.Can he watch English movies now?A.Maybe he can. B.Yes,sure. C. No,because he isnt good at English.14.Whats the most important thing for him to learn English well?A. He can find fun. B.He can travel aroud the world.C. He can get As on English exams.15.What will Li Lei do to solve his problem en Englishi?A. He will watch a movie. B. He will speak to foreigners.C. He willwork harder at it.听短文。根据所听内容完成下面表格。短文读两遍。(5分)SubjectsDescriptionWho16.there were _children and a young _in the storyWeather17.That morning the weather was very_and is was_hardWhere18.The children were enjoying_on the ice in the river while the man was ridinghis bike_the river.What19.Mike,the tallest boy,skated too_to see the hole in the ice.He fell into the water.Just then the man jumped into the river to_Mike out of the water.Result20.The mans clothes were all_through.At last Mike was sent to the_.笔试部分(80分)1. 单项选择。(15分)1. How much did that shirt_?A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take2. -Did you_Jack to your birthday party?-Oh,I forgot.A. invite B. hope C. wait D. wish3. -Whose English book is this?-_,It may be Daves.A. I am not sure B. I know C. No problem D. Thats all right4. -Could you tell us_to buy this kind of motorbike?-star supermaket. A. how B.what C.when D. where5. -It is said that there will be rainy tomorrow.-_.Well have a football match on the playgroud.A. Hope not B. Hope so C. Dont hope so D.Not hope6, You can_his number in the phone book if youre not sure of it.A. look up B. look for C. look over D. look into7, He cant decide which to choose_there is no difference between them.A. but B.so C. because D.and8.He got an“A” in the math test and his mother was_him.A. angry with B. mad at C. worried D.proud of9.Could you tell me_?A. whats on the desk B. how old is the pretty girlC. which one can I take away D. when did you get up yesterday10.Believe yourself!You are _to decide how to do it by yourself.A. enough old B. old enough C. young enough D. enough young11.Why not_your teacher for help when you cant finfish_it by yourself?A. ask;write B. to ask;writing C. ask;writing D.sking;write12.-Could you please buy a bag of salt,Tom?-_,Ill do it right away,Mum.A. No B. Sure C. Yes,plese D. sorry, I cant 13.-I called you at half past eight last night . But there was no answer. -Oh,sorry. I _ with my cousin in the supermarket. A. shop B. was shopping C.shopped D. am shopping 14.-I dont know if Linda _. -I think she _ if she is free.A. will come;will come B. comes;will come C. will come;comes D. comes;comes15.-Jim didnt come to school yesterday ,did he?- _.He was ill.A. No,he didnt. B. Yes,he did. C. Yes,he didnt. D. No.he did.16.The sick woman is_weak_look after herself.A. too, to B. so,that C. very,to D. so,to 17.-Do you know_?-Yes. I do. She came here on foot.A. where Kate came from.B. how Kate came hereC. when Kate comes hereD. why Kate didnt come here18.-What did you say to your mother just now?-I asked her_she cooked for dinner.A. that B. if C. how C. what 19.Its important_English well.A. of him to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning20.The farmers keep on working in the field_its raining heavily.A. but B. though C. until D. because.。完形填空。(10分)Someone says, “Time is money.”But I think time is_1_important than money.Why?Because when money spent,we can get it back.However,when time is_2_.itll never_3_. That is _4_ we mustnt wa
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