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Unit 6 Earth firststarting out一、单词拼写Working at night needed lights, so I rented a machine toproduce (电)for the site.1. The research paper published is primarily c withfactors affecting employee performance.2. It is easy to think that a junior team member may have lessto (贡献)than more experienced ones.3. As the a age of the population increases, there aremore and more old people to care for.4. For your protection, your credit card information will be r from our records.二、阅读理解Golden lion tamarins(金头狮彼)are part of the monkey family. These small creatures live in thick forests in Brazil, South America. They travel in small groups in search of food. They hide and sleep in the hollow(洞)of a tree. They take very good care of their babies. Even the male tamarin takes a strong interest in feeding and raising the young ones. Unfortunately, the forests in which they live are being cut down for farming and they are also caught and sold as pets.There are only about one hundred tamarins left.The European otter (水獭)lives all around Europe. It has soft, brown fur on its body. It is almost 75cm long. Its tail is half as long as its body. Its head is flat and broad. It has small and round ears. It can close its ears and nostrils(鼻孑L) when it dives in the water. It has short, strong legs with webbed feet.Loss of habitat is a threat to the European otter. It is also hunted for its fur.Orangutan(猩猩)is a long- armed, red- furred animal that lives in the warm, wet forests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia. It looks like a man in many ways. So it is named orangutan , which means man of the woods. Orangutans are in danger only because of people. People are cutting down the forests where they live and hunting orangutans. The hunters kill the mothers and sell the babies to zoos. But most babies die because the hunters don,t know how to take care of them.Giant pandas live in the forests of China and they are in danger. They eat only one kind of foodbamboo shoots (竹笋).But there are not always enough bamboo plants to be found. Every hundred years the bamboo plants produce seeds and die.It then takes several years for the seeds to grow. By the time the plants are big enough to eat, many giant pandas have already died of hunger.1. What do we learn about golden lion tamarins?A. They usually search for food alone.B. Males seldom look after the young.C. They are hardly seen when they are asleep.D. They can be easily seen because they are big.2. European otters are hunted mainly because A. people like keeping them as petsB. hunters want their meatC. zoos want to keep themD. they have valuable fur3. What is the biggest threat to giant pandas in China?A. They have only one choice of food.B. Hunters don,t know how to look after the babies.C. They cannot move fast to look for food.D. The forests where they live are being cut down.4. The four paragraphs above are most probably taken froman article about .A. things we can do to protect wild animalsB. the effect of human activities on natureC. the living habits of some wild animalsD. endangered animals in the wild三、语法填空We all know how good nature can make us feel. The sound of the ocean, the smell of a forest and the way sunlight dances through 1 (leaf) help us to relax and think more clearly. The idea 2 humans own a deep biological need to connect with nature has been called “Biophilia, 3 (mean) ulove of life and the living world, . Yet, according to the United Nations Population Division, so far the number of us going to urban areas 4 (grow) sharply. By 2050, it is estimated that a shocking sixty-eight percent of the world, s inhabitants will live in cities.Cities are wonderful places 一 full of 5 (excite), innovation and energy. But living in a city can be _6 (stress). And the more we live in them, 7 more stress we have, leading to increases in mental illnesses 8 depression and loneliness. The good news is that the global science community continues to explain the medical benefits of nature on the brain. Through conducting research and sharing information with different organizations, new ideas are being carried out that encourage us 9 (step) out of the fast street and reconnect with nature in a 10 (rapid) changing world.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9.10.一、单词拼写electricity1. concernedcontribute2. averageremoved二、阅读理解1. C 推理判断题。根据第一段的They hide and sleep in the hollow of a tree. ”可推断金头狮彼睡觉的时候不容易被发现。2. D 细节理解题。根据第二段的It is also hunted for its fur. ”可知欧洲水獭被猎人捕杀是因为它们的皮毛很值钱。3. A 细节理解题。根据第四段的They eat only one kind of food一bamboo shoots. But there are not always enough bamboo plants to be found. ”可知,对大熊猫的威胁主要是它们只吃一种 食物,没有别的选择。4. D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,这四种动物都是濒临灭绝的 动物,故可推断以上几段来源于一篇关于濒临灭绝的动物的文章。三、语法填空1. leaveso考查名词复数。leaf是可数名词,前面没有不定冠词,所 以要用复数形式。故填leavesothato考查同位语从句。分析句子,可知此处是idea的同位语从 句,从句中不缺成分,所以使用无实义,只起连接作用的连接词that 引导。故填thato2. meaning。考查非谓语动词。句意:人类有一种深层的与自然连接的 生理需要,这
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