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浦东新区教研室和沈华英语培训基地八年级英语联合教研活动教研主题:基于单元Unit3 Dealing with trouble的英语写话教学研讨上海市上南中学北校2017.10.18教学设计记叙文写作上南中学北校 杨琦1. 教学内容及本课教学设计思路本单元的阅读文本为日记体裁,小作者Paul在日记中叙述了他和父亲目睹盗窃案这样一段不寻常的经历。在这次经历中Paul学会了应对麻烦事。日记通过故事场景的转换,以事情发展的顺序记叙了这次不同寻常的经历。作者重点描述了人物的动作和对话,使叙述更形象生动,并以此突显主要人物的心理活动与性格、品质,这是学生学习叙事记叙文写作的优秀范本。在阅读课上,学生已经对事件所涉及的人物,故事的发展有了了解;在教师的引导下,学生通过对话和动作把握文章脉络,理清故事发展的主线,体会主要人物的情感变化,分析他们的性格和品质,为后续的写作任务做好铺垫。在本节课上,教师将采用以读促写的策略,引导学生关注原文本的文本特征、基本结构、组织方法和语言特点,通过具体的叙事文的写作任务让学生学以致用,提高记叙文写作能力,体验写作的乐趣。而在此过程中,教师将关注写作过程的指导,培养学生养成良好的写作习惯。2. 学情分析所教授的班级学生基础比较好,能用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。但如何基于原文本,引导学生熟悉记叙文的基本要素和结构,并通过观察图片,揣摩人物心理,借助简单的人物对话和动作描写人物心理,使记叙更丰富、更形象生动,则需要教师的引导。3. 计划步骤围绕本节课的写作教学任务,本课采用“Input-Output”两个阶段教学模式。Input环节:学生复习Dealing with trouble主要内容,激活对故事背景,情节发展的认知。通过回顾课文的叙事过程,寻找情节发展中的连接词,学会如何使用事情发展顺序记叙一次经历;教师在此环节帮助学生归纳记叙文写作的基本结构,引导学生使用一些连接词使叙事具有条理性。此外,在教师的引导下,学生通过关注原文本中的反映人物心理的对话和动作,学习、体会如何使用细节和对话描写使人物形象更鲜明,记叙更形象生动。Output环节:学生根据老师给出的图片思考、讨论图片中讲述的故事和反映人物心理的细节和对话,并在此基础上完成看图写话任务。之后,学生根据checklist进行同伴互评,教师选择12篇学生习作进行集体点评。学生在此过程中巩固之前所学的内容,基本掌握记叙文写作。4. 作业:(1)修改课堂习作,对语言做润色。 (2) 独立写作一篇叙事短文,记叙一次难忘的经历。5. 教学目标At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:l Write about a past experience based on the given pictures.l Identify the organization and useful expressions in narrative writing.l Foster their awareness of using details and dialogues in narrative writing to show a persons feelings.6. 教学重、难点The students know the basic elements of a narrative writing and learn to describe an experience with details and dialogues.7. 教学过程Step 1Ss activity: Tell what happened in the story based on the pictures and the question words presented by the teacher.Purpose: To review the story and five basic elements of narrative writing 4W+1Hn the story Guided questions:1. Who were the main characters of the story?2. When and where did the story take place?3. What was the trouble?4. How did Pauls father deal with the trouble?5. What happened in the end?6. What did Paul learn from the experience?Step 2Ss activity: Learn how to organize narrative writing.Purpose: To know the organization of narrative writing.Step 3Ss activity: Find and circle details (action words) which Paul used to describe characters feelings and personalities.Purpose: To understand that the feelings and personalities can be described through the details.Guided questions(1) What did the thief/ two women tourists/ the crowd do at the ferry pier?(2) How did they feel?(3) What do you think of Pauls father? Why?(4) What did Paul think of his father at first?Step 4Ss activity: 1. Find and read out the dialogues in Pauls diary.Purpose: To understand dialogues can make the description of the experience more vivid.Step 5Ss activities: 1. Learn some useful expressions in narrative writing.2. Find the expressions used in Pauls diary that help to show the order of the events clearly.Purpose: To know how to use different expressions to narrate an experience.Step 6Ss activities: 1. Discuss the pictures in groups.2. Complete the writing task according to the pictures.3. Do peer-check based on the checklist.Purpose: 1. To know how to write about an experience.2. To learn to make the description more vivid through details and dialogues.After-class Writing Assignment1. Revise in-class writing and polish the language. 2. Write at least 60 words on the topic An unforgettable experience and revise the writing according to the checklist.My treasure boxWorksheetIn-class Writing ActivityTuesday, 17 Oct. _.I was in big trouble. _._.
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