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Unit 1 Why English Is So Widely Spread?I. Teaching Objectives:After the learning of this text, the students will be able to1. understand the main idea of the text (English is widely spread in the world);2. learn to analyse long difficult sentence patterns;3. grasp the key words, language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, speaking and translation exercises related to the text. II. Time Allotment: Eight periods (six for intensive reading and two for Exercises)III. Text Analysis1. The English language is used by more people in the world than any other living language today.living在使用中,实践着的,活动中的living language现用的语言a living hope, faith, reality 现存的希望,仍在信奉的信仰,活生生的现实2. the majority of people in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are also native English-speakers.majority: 多数,大多数e.g. The majority of people realize the importance of limiting population growth.大多数人认识到限制人口增长的重要性。He was elected by a majority of 3749.他以3749的多数当选。3. even if you add up the populations of these countries the total only comes to about 400 million,add up加起来e.g. Add up all the money I owe you.把我应付你的钱都加在一起。These numbers add up to 100.这些数目合计为100.come to总数为;苏醒;涉及,谈到e.g. That years grain harvest came to over 270 million tons.When she came to, she could not, for a moment, recognize the surroundings.When it comes to politics I know nothing.4. the important reasons for the spread of English language are economic.表示什么的原因 reason 后用介词 for.e.g. The most important reason for his success is his diligence.5. any country wanting, for example, to trade with the United States, or to take advantage of its technology, must be able to operate in English.Any country 在句子中是主语,“wanting, for example, to trade with the United States, or to take advantage of its technology”是现在分词短语做any county 的定语。trade with 与做生意e.g. China trades with many countries. take advantage of 利用;占的便宜e.g. The peasants took full advantage of the fine weather. Dont take advantage of the disabled.operatevi. 运转,运行;动手术e.g. The sewing-machine isnt operating properly.缝纫机运转不正常。The surgeon operated on her for appendicitis.外科医生为她动阑尾切除手术。vt. 操作,操纵;经营,管理e.g. The lift is operated by electricity.电梯是用电开动的。This private-owned airway is allowed to operate a new civil air line service.这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。6. To keep up with such developments, to talk about them in international conferences, or write and read about them in scientific journals and books, scientists, scholars and students must be able to understand English.“to keepdevelopment” “to talkconferences” “(to) writestudents”三个并列的动词不定式在句子中充当主语。7. English are by far the most famous.by far得多e.g. His explanation is clearer by far.他的解释清楚得多。It will be by far the most urgent issue of the age.显然,这将是当代最紧迫的问题。8. it has a built-in flexibility that allows constant adaptation.英语具有一种内在的灵活性,可容许不断的改造变化。built-in: 固定的,内在的 e.g. The mobile phone has a built-in microphone.9. This flexibility helps to explain why English has survived so well, why it can vary so much from speaker to speaker and why it has become a world language. “why English has survived so well, why it can vary so much from speaker to speaker and why it has become a world language.” 三个由why引导的名词从句在句子中并列做explain 的宾语。survivevt.活下来,幸存e.g. Youll have to learn to make difficult decisions if you are to survive in business.要在商界立足生存就得学会作出困难得决定。vi. 从逃出,幸免于;比.活到长e.g. She survived her husband by three years.丈夫死后她又活了三年。She seems to have survived the divorce pretty well.看来她离婚后日子过得还不错。IV. ExercisesReading ComprehensionVocabularyStructure Fast-readingV. GrammarVI. Word-building Unit 2 Going to CollegeI. Teaching Objectives:After the learning of this text, the students will be able to1. understand the main idea of the text;2. learn to analyse long difficult sentence patterns;3. grasp the key words, language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, speaking and translation exercises related to the text. II. Time Allotment: Eight periods (six for intensive reading and two for Exercises)III. Text Analysis1. .with a little preparation, you can build enough confidence to tackle any stress that comes your way.“with a little preparation” 介词短语作状语。build confidence: 树立信心tackle: to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem 处理难题e.g. It took twelve fire engines to tackle the blaze.用了12辆消防车对付那场大火。2. Living away from home tends to be the toughest adjustment for first-year students.动名词短语“Living away from home”在句子中作主语。3. Whichever role you fulfilled at home, when youre gonefulfill a role/function/duty etc. : to do the things you are supposed to or expected to do because of your job position in society, etc. 担当角色/履行职责/履行义务e.g. Does the established Church fulfill any useful func
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