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如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!Lesson 3132 常用词组与语言点1. run after - 追逐2. in the garden - 在花园里3. under the tree - 在树下4. what about sb./ sth -怎么样 what about doing 做-怎么样5. climb the tree 爬树6. I beg your pardon? 请你再说一遍一、辩音( )1. A. garden B. grass C. after D. cat( )2. A. across B. cat C. thank D. handbag( )3. A. who B. blue C. whose D. under( )4. A. garden B. bed C. blue D. whose( )5. A. run B. under C. put D. umbrella( )6. A. cook B. tooth C. book D. good( )7. A meal B. meet C. heavy D. he( )8. A. drink B. orange C. thank D. think( )9. A. basket B. type C. bone D. blue( )10. A. bone B. window C. how D. own 二、补全单词( )1, ciga_tte A. re B. er C. ri D. ir( )2, t_e A. py B. iy C. yp D. pi( )3, cli_ A. bm B. m C. b D. mb如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!( )4, tr_ sers A. au B. oa C. ou D. ow( )5, ac_ss A. ro B. or C. ou D. oa( )6, ster_ A. ao B. eo C. oe D. oa( )7, g_ss A. ar B. ir C. ra D. or( )8, g_den A. ar B. ir C. ra D. or( )9, tr_ A. or B. ir C . ee D. re三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. _ these bottles on the table. (put)2.Shes _ under the tree. (sit)3. Please give _ an apple. (I)4. There are some _ on the plate. (knife)5. What are you _ ? (do)6. Dust the _table. (dress)7. They are _after the dog. (run)8. Take off _ coat, please. (you)9. What must I _ ?(do)10. My mother is _ the bed. (make)四、连词成句1. after, the, running, boy, is, the, dog2. is, the, he, tree, climbing 3. on, stereo, the, turn, please4. garden, the, in, Tom, sitting, is五、句型转换如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!1. The girl is turning on the tap. ( 变为否定句)2. Jack is reading a magazine. (变为一般疑问句)3. The children are playing on the playground. (变为否定句)4. Open the window. (用he做主语改为现在进行时)5. They are sitting under the tree. (变为否定句)6. They are watching TV at the moment. (变为一般疑问句)7. Make the bed. (用I做主语改为现在进行式)8. I am cleaning my face. (就划线部分提问)9. Tom is climbing the tree. (就划线部分提问)10. She is in the garden. (就划线部分提问)答案一、15 DADBC 610 BCBAC二、15 ACDCA 69 BCAC三、put, sitting, me, knives, doing, dressing, running, your, do, making 四、略五、12 略 3. The children are not playing on the playground. 4. he is opening the window. 5, 略 6, are they watching TV a the moment? 7, I am making the bed. 8. What are you doing? 9. Who is climbing the tree? 10. Where is she?Lesson 3334 常用词组与语言点如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!1, a fine day - 好天气2, with ones family-和家人在一起3, fly over-从上飞过4, look at-看.5, some clouds-几朵云6, in the sky-在天上7, on the river-在河面上8, under the bridge-在桥下一、辩音( )1. A. day B. make C. plane D. family( )2. A. over B. window C. boat D. aeroplane( )3. A. walk B. tall C. wall D work ( )4. A. river B. ship C. family D. right( )5. A. sleep B. sweep C. see D. near( )6. A. wash B. hat C. have D. fat( )7. A. cry B. family C. very D. empty( )8. A. cloud B. house C. boat D. how( )9. A. bridge B. day C. door D. window 二、补全单词写出汉语意思1. loo_ -( ) 2, cl_ _ d -( )3. sh_ p -( ) 4, sk_ -( )5, sh_ne -( ) 6, f_ m _ ly -( )7. bo_t -( ) 8, w_ fe -( )如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!9, _ _ der -( ) 10, _ ly -( )11, _ ver -( ) 12, b_ _ dge -( )13, r_ ver -( ) 14, ae_ _ pl_ ne -( )三、单项选择( )1. They _ over the bridge now. A. walk B. walking C. are walking D. is walking( )2. The aeroplane is flying _ the bridge. A. on B. of C. out D. over( )3. They are looking _ the sky. A. at B. over C. on D. in ( )4. There is a bridge _ the river. A. on B. over C. in D. at( )5. _ is a fine day today. A. That B. This C. It D. Today 答案一、DDDDD AACA二、略三、CDABCLesson 3536 常用词组与语言点1, out of - 从里出来2, in a valley- 在山谷中3, a photograph of-一张的照片如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载!4, wait for-等待5, along the banks of the river- 沿着河岸6, under the bridge-在桥下7, jump off ( the wall)- (从墙上)跳下一、辩音( )1. A. wife B. off C. knives D. photo( )2. A. another B. along C. long D. hot( )3. A. water B. bank C. have D. thank( )4. A. build B. under C. umbrella D. cut( )5. A. basket B. park C. water D. grass( )6. A. into B. photo C. go D. note( )7. A. village B. valley C. cat D. have ( )8. A. along B. long C. thank D. into( )9. A. village B. he C. she D. see( )10. A. cloud B. our C. house D. over 二、写出下列单词的现在分词形式1, eat-( ) 2, run-( )3, wash-( ) 4, cry-( )5, jump-( ) 6, empty-( )7, ma
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