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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 7 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1. Include/including Include: 动词;including 介词2. Freeze/freezing Freeze: 动词; freezing: 形容词,极冷的3. Achieve/come true Achieve:达到,完成,成功achieve my dream/the goal come true: 变为现实 My dream came true at last.4. Success/succeed/successful/successfully5. In the wall/on the wallin the wall:在墙内,为墙的一部分,on the wall在墙上,为外来物6. Feel free :随便做某事7. As far as I know:就我所知8. Take in:吸入,吞入9. In the face of:面对(问题,困难等) 10. Even though=even if:即使,虽然11. Walk into:走路时撞着12. Fall over:绊倒13. At birth:出生时14. Up to:到达(某数量,程度等)1. There are two windows (in the wall/on the wall).2. The traditional breakfast in this area (include/including) milk and eggs.3. Its really hot in summer but it can be (freezing/freeze) cold in winter in my hometown.4. Her dream to enter the famous university (achieve/come true).5. At last he solved the problem.(success/succeed/successful/successfully)基础演练一、单项选择 1. Frank took us on a of his new house. A. tourB. tripC. journeyD. travel 2. is the population of your city? A. HowB. WhatC. How muchD. How many 3. If you want to succeed in yourself understood, you need to know some of there differences. A. makeB. makingC. madeD. to make 4. My job in the company doesnt cleaning rooms for them. A. sendB. includeC. fitD. take 5. Nothing can stop you if you really want to your dream. A. practiceB. likeC. achieveD. reply二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 6. Today the g and many people realize the importance of saving these old city walls. 7. The ticket for a is ten dollars each and for a child is five dollars. 8. I bought this watch 30 years ago, but it is still in good c . 9. People can enjoy n in the countryside. The air is fresher and the sky is bluer there.10. You must do r before you make an important decision.三、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 11. His great (achieve) made him famous.12. The police give us so much (protect).13. Hearing the good news, she shouted with (excite).14. Bob didnt come to school today because of his (ill).15. Every year, a large number of (tour) come here and visit birds.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 16. 在夏天,我们要保护我们的眼睛不受明亮的阳光的侵害。We should our eyes the bright sunshine in summer.17. 就我所知,她今天不来。 , she isnt coming today.18. 即使明天下雨,我也要准时到那儿。I will get there on time it rains tomorrow.19. 这些士兵在敌人面前很勇敢。These soldiers were brave the enemies.20. 有些乌龟能活到200 岁。Some tortoises can 200 years.巩固提高一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 1. The reason why he made such a great (achieve) is his efforts.2. I have lots of hobbies, (include) swimming, drawing and collecting stamps.3. Kunming is in the (southwest) part of China.4. Bill Gates has made a great (succeed) in business.5. In the interview, she told the reporter her (amaze) story.二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)6. 面对危险她表现出了巨大的勇气。 (词数不限)She showed great courage danger.7. 我喜欢在不同的领域挑战自己。 (词数不限)Id like to in different fields.8. 你有一股青少年的朝气, 苏珊。(词数不限)You have a teenager, Susan.9. 这条山脉横亘在城市的南面。 The mountain the south of the city.10. 谁现在是最受欢迎的电影明星? (词数不限)Who is film star at the moment?一、单项选择1. The baby elephants is 200 kilos, but an adult elephant may 2,000 kilos. A. weight; weighB. weight; weight C. weigh; weighD. weigh; weight2. As soon as they saw their mother, the little baby pandas run with excitement. A. downB. overC. acrossD. along3. Tom missed the chair and . A. came overB. fell overC. get overD. walk over4. Tom ran Jack and got hurt as they played basketball on the playground. A. upB. intoC. downD. away5. - Is the baby asleep?- No, she is still . A. awakeB. sleepyC. wakeD. exciting6. - Did the poor man die sadness?- No, he died an accident. A. of; ofB. from; fromC. of; fromD. from; of7. I think stopping people from the forests is a good way to help the wild animals. A. cutting upB. cutting
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