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人教版 2018 七年级英语下册第三单元复习学案人教版 2018 七年级英语下册第三单元复习学案Unit 3 Why do you like koalas ?A一、教师寄语: Haund along the way not adad.-Sol Gordon幸福将在路途中被发现,而不是在路的终点。 二学习目标知识目标: koakas tiger elephant dolphin panda lion penguin giraute map smart animal box kind of south Africa能力目标: Describe animals;Ex 情感目标:通过对本节 知识的学习,培养学生要热爱动物,保护自然 三 重点难点Importance: Maw words and phrases Difficulty: Ex 四、学习过程 (一)预习导学 (Warming Up)1. Read new words blvudents pron unciations2. Leaw words bg the ex (英汉互译) 只可爱的大象 有几分 一只有趣的海豚 几只可怕的狮子 wel a smart koala waandas(二)预习自测根据首字母和汉语提示写单词1. -Why do like tigers? -Becauare very c2. ( 让我们 ) play wats.3. Look at the (长颈鹿 ).They are eatingleaves.4. Penguins live in south A5. There are many kinds of a (三)情景导入First play a vedio about many kinds of animalake a dialogue by asking them questions: Do you like animals? What animals have you? And what s your favorite animal? Why?(四)自主探究1. 译成汉语,注意划线部分Let l2. 让他做这件事吧。 Letit.(五)合作交流Maversallowing the example A: Let lions . B: Why do you l? A: Becauare cute. B: Where are l?A: They auth Africa.(六)拓展创新 找出与划线部分意思相同的选项The panda is kindg.A little B a kindds of D a little分析: kind of 意为“有点儿”,相当于副词,用于形 容词前表程度, a little 也有此法,故选 D. little用于不可数名词前,表示物质的量,意为“几乎无”, a kind of 后接名词,意为 “一种”, kinds of 与 a kind of 一样,表种类,是 a kind of 的复数形式。(七)达标检测一、单项选择(每题 1 分)1. - do you like penguins ? -Becauseare very smart.A. Why , you B. WhaWhat, you D. W2 The dolphins are g.A .kind of B.a kindds of D. kind3. dies are funny,I like it very much.A. Because, so B. BecauBecause,/ D. Because of, /4. What animals do you like ?ABD-Where you? -I a.A. are, am B.do,am C .are , do D.do, do 二、用方框中所给词填空。 a, play with, Sunday, because, new, panda, want, beautiful,quietToday is. Jim and David to gaHer nameis Ling Lingly five years old. Shes very .Children lvery much. They wantto her, but Ling Ling is ( 饲养员 )llbe三、完成句子1. 树袋熊很有趣,而且有点儿聪明。 Koalas are funny,andclever.2. 不要和老虎玩,它们很可怕。 Dont thetigers. They are .3. - 你为什么喜欢海豚 ? - 因为它们很有趣。- do you ? -they arevery .4. 动物园里有各种各样的动物。 There are animal 五、典例分析 如何提问原因状语从句对划线部分提问1.I like lions becauare very cute.2.He likes koalas becauare kindg. 分析: because 为从属连词,意为“因为”,用来引导 原因状语从句,提问用 why。答案: 1. Why do you like lions? 2.Why does he like koalas?易错点分析:询问原因除用 why 外,也可用 wha 介词 for 表示原因,如: What do you learn Engl? 你为什么学英 语?练习: I waapples because I want to make appldo you want apples?do you want apples ? 六、中考链接1.( 2009 连云港 ).1. Wedidnthere was a suddenrain.A. if B. but C because D. however2. ( 2009 绵阳) 2. Elephants, pandas and areanimals.AB. duguins D. dolphins 答案: 1.C2.C 七教后反思;Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?B一、教师寄语: Failuuccess. 失败是成功之母。二、学习目标:谈论自己喜欢的动物并陈述理由; 问他人对动物的喜好以及理由;三、教学重难点:重点 : 1. vocabulary: ugly, clevdly shy, dog2: What (other) animals do you like?I like elephants. Becauadly.难点: 1.The new dwords 2.Use the language to describe the animalsfreely 四、教学过程:(一)预习导学 Free talkGreeting the students Talk about the animalslearnt before.复习巩固上一课所学的动物词汇(二)情境导入Step 2 RevisionRevwords by asking: What s this?W? Do you like? Why? Do you like? act.复习上一课所学的基本句型,引出新课内容 (描述动物的 形容词及国家名称) (三)自主探究 Presentation1.Teaw words by pictures. Ww wordblack board2.Do SB P10, Paaanswers 4.Lape and circle the dwords in part 1Listen agaanswers 学生学习新的词汇,并直接进行运用,便于掌握。ListeningLape twice and fillart Listen agaanswers.(四)合作交流 Pair workSB,P10, Part3Gudad the dialogue.Read in pairs.Talk abouanimaludent know 在范文的基础上学生创造新的对话,围绕重点进行训练。(五)达标测试选择适当的词填空: wdly, animals, clevA:What do you like? B: I like pandas.A: do you l? B:Becauare and cuA:Whatanimals do you like? B:I like dolBecauareandle.Blackboard writing design:(六) 小结回扣 ummaummaanwt ords and languagwla 本节学习了 4 个形容词和两个句型,学生通过本节课的 学习基本能用所学知识描述和表达个人喜欢的动物。 HomewLeaw words by heart 2.Make up a dialogue wword leal五、典型例题解析1.Pandas are cute, they are kindA .or B. andC. but D 解析: cute 可爱的, shy 害羞的,两个词的关 系是并列的。因此选用 B。 kind of 的意思是有点,对本 题的答案选择不产生影响。2.My uncle (relax) 3 hours every day.解析:从 every day 可知本题采用的是一般现在时, 从主语 my uncle 可知谓语需用第三人称单数。因此答案 为 relax 六、中考连接1.The teachers are(friend)ud2.Yangyang lives in Beijing. He likes(play) 答案: 1.friendly 2.playing七、课后反思Talk in your group about what you have learned and what you haven t答案UA、 1.D 2.A3.C 4 A 5. ASunday,want,Because,panda,new,China,beautiful,pla y wquiet三、 1.kind of 2. play with, very scary 3.Why, like dolphins, Becaug 4. all kinds ofUB达标测试题答案: animals,wlevdl
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