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学校:_ 班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_-密-封-线- -2013-2014学年度第二学期八年级月考英语试题(卷)一、词汇。(每小题1分,共30分) A. 短语互译。 1. 躺下休息 _ 2. 推迟 _ 3. 赠送 _ 4. take out the rubbish _ 5. in silence _ 6. 一个18岁的男孩_ 7. in my opinion _ 8. 搭便车 _ 9. be excited about _ 10. 叠衣服 _ B.根据句意及所给汉语意思及首字母写出单词。 1. It was raining hard outside but I forgot to take the _ (雨伞). 2. Joe borrowed some money from me last month but he _(拒绝) to return it to me. 3.Its dangerous to _ (扔) rubbish from the tall building. 4. The girl _ (自愿做) in an old peoples house every Saturday. 5. Linda had a _ (牙痛) and had to see the dentist. 6. Something is wrong with my e_ . I cant see anything, 7. Lets c_ up the girl . She looks unhappy. 8. We should help d_ people like deaf. 9. Could I i_ my friends to my party, Mom? 10. Helen always feels n_ before final exam. C. 根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Kate rode away my bike without _ ( ask) me . 2. I _ (shop) when I saw a thief in the supermarket. 3. Lucy _ ( not go ) to the cinema last night. 4. Mother asked me _ ( get ) up early. 5. As a teenager, we should learn to take care of _ ( us ) 6. Could you please _ ( not play ) computer games? 7. Mom,I volunteer my time _ ( wash ) the dirty clothes. 8. I met a friend of _ ( I ) in the street yesterday. 9. The little boy spent too much time _ ( do ) his homework. 10. My friend is _ ( popular ) than me . 二、单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. -Whatsthematter_him? -Hecut_justnow.A.with,him B.with,himself C.to,his D.to,he( ) 2.-CouldI_somemoneyfromyou?-Sorry,I_ittomyfriendjustnow.A.borrow,lent B.borrow, lend C.lend,borrow D.lent,borrow.( ) 3. We decided to _sign around our school. A. catch up with B. put off C. put up D. give up ( )4. He looks unhappy today. Lets _ . A. cheer him up B. help out him C. look him after D. argue with him( ) 5.Ithink_isimportantforthekids_manyafter-schoolclasses. A.it,having B.it,tohave C.that,having D.that,tohave.( )6.The_youworkatyourlessons,the_resultsyouwillget. A.hard,good B.harder,good C.hard,better D.harder,better( ) 7.MyparentsdontallowmetowatchTV,WhatshouldIdo?_.A. Idontthinkthisisfair. B.Youcouldsaysorrytothem. C.Hopethingsworkout. D.Youcouldsitdownandcommunicatewiththem( ) 8.Afriendof_sentmeaphotoof_yesterday.A.me,him B.mine,him C.me,his D.mine,his( ) 9. Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? _. A. It doesnt matter B. Thank you C. Sorry to hear that D. Sounds great( ) 10.Myfatherusedto_uplate,butnowheisusedto_upearly.A.stay,get B.stayed,getting C.stay, getting D.staying, get( ) 11.Shelooked_whensheheardthe_news.A.surprised;surprised B.surprising;surprisedC.surprising;surprising D.surprised;surprising( )12.Mymother_whilemyfather_TV Acooked;waswatching Bwascooking;waswatchingCwascooked;watched Dcooked;watched( )13.Therichwomandidnt live_,butshe alwaysfeels_.A. lonely;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonelylonely D.alone;alone( )14._Tomshelp,theproblemsaresolvedsuccessfully.A. Asfor, BThanksfor CThanksto D. Instead of( ) 15. He had to give up playing tennis_his illness.A. because B
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