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小学英语 就划线部分提问就划线部分提问。1 . Its a pen.2 . Hes Mr. Jone. 3 . They are on the lake.4 . Im twenty-one. 5 . We are reading an English book.6 . She comes from China.7. My father is here.8. Xiao Wang is looking for his teacher.9. Mrs, White is Toms mother.10. Toms mother is a music teacher.11. Toms mother is teaching music.12. You go to work at eight.13.1ts April 27th14.1ts wet and cloudy.15.1 am talking about the film.16.1 go in for basketball.17.1 have caught a bad cough.18.My uncle will take bus No.5.19.1 am writing with, my old pen.20.1 write with our teachers pen.21. Mr. Brown is from London.22. My sister began to learn English three years ago.24.1 go to the cinema twice a week.25.1ts about two miles from my home to the library. 26.Tom has two pieces of paper.27.1 havent any ink.28. There are thirty people in the room.29. The new coat costs three yuan.30. You can go there by bus. 31.1 like it very much.32. The students study English for the country.33. He didnt go to school yesterday because he was ill.34.1 am thirty-one years old. 35.1ll be back in a few minutes.36. Zhang Hong is 1.60 meters tall.37. This rope is 20 meters long.38. This elephant is one hundred weight.39.1 have been to Beijing three times.1. Its Helensdress.(戈寸线提问).2. Those pots areMr. Lis.(划线提问).3. The hairdryer is Han Meimeis. (戈线提问) .4. The blue one is mine. (划线提问).It means “No littering”.(划线提问)5. My birthday is on the first of June.(划线提问)6. Theylive in the town with their parents.(划 线 提 问)选择:1. Excuse me ,can you tell me _ is the way to the shopping hall ?A.where B.which C.why D.who2. got the 100th gold metal in the Olympics for China ?- Zhang Yining .a. Who b.What c. When d. Where3 are you talking about ?-We are talking about the Asia Games in Guangzhou . a. What b. Where c.Why d.How4._ do you visit your uncle ?- once a week.a.How long b.How many c.How often d.How soon5._ milk do you need ?- Three cups .a. How many b.How much c.How far d. How long就划线部分提问答案I go to see my grandpa every Saturday.How often you do to see your grandpa?My father is a doctor.What does your father do?The school trip is on June first.When is the school trip?She usually goes jogging before breakfast.When does she usually go jogging?My favourite hobby is playing chess.What is your favourite hobby?There is a little fish in the fridge. How much fish is there in the fridge?The computer cost 4.000 yuan.How much did the computer cost?Its Sunday today.What day is today?My fathers friend owns a big house.Who owns a big house?Most students do homework every day.What do most students do?Mr. Li works in a factory.Where does Mr. Liwork?The bike is black.What colour is the bike?The black bike is mine.Which bike is yours?Today is January 14thWhats the date is today?He lived twenty years.How long did he live?It is ten minutes,walk from your home to your school.How far is it from your home to your school?It is two kilometers away from your home to your school.1、 Its a book. (改一般疑问句)2、My father is in the study.(对划线部分提问)3、Do you watch TV every Sunday? (做肯定回答)4、This picture is very beautiful. (改为以 what 引导的感叹句)5、Kick the ball to me! (改为否定句)6、I have a big present.(对划线部分提问)7、There are some orange trees on the farm. (改为单数句子)注:1、一般情况:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。2、特殊疑问词在句中充当成分。3、不用 yes ,no 回答,直接回答。4、读降调。5、常用疑问词:who, what, whose, where, how, which, when, why, how many, how much, how far. How long, how often, how soon, how high, 等。对划线部分提问。(把各句变为特殊疑问句)1、对主语(人)提问:The boy is running now. Who is running now?2、对表语(人)提问:He is Lilys fatheWho is he ?3、对介宾(人)提问:She is looking for the little boy. Who is she looking for ?4、对动宾(人)提问:I often help Wei Hua with English. Who do you often help with English?5、对间宾(人)提问:Kate lent Tom a ball yesterday. Who did Kate lend a ball yesterday?6、对主语(东西)提问:The books are on the desk. What are on the desk ?7、对表语(东西)提问:These are boats. What are these?8、对动宾(东西)提问:I want a cup of tea.What do you want?9对职业(提问)提问:The man is a farmer. What is the man ? What does the man do?10. 对介宾(东西)提问:He is looking for his pen. What is he looking for?11、对是什么提问:Its a Chinese car. What is it?12、对计算结果提问:Six and nine is fifteen. What is six and nine?13、对年级提问:Im in Grade Three. What grade are you in?14、对班级提问:Li Lei is in Class Five. What class is Li Lei in?15、对年级和班级提问:Wei Hua is in Class Three Grade One, What class and grade is Wei hua in ?16、对排提问:We are in Row One. What row are you in?注:1、对年级、班级、排提问时,问句中的in不能去掉.2, what 后的 grade ,class , row 用小写形式.3, what 根据实际译为汉语.17、对学号提问:Lucy is Number Six. What number is Lucy? What is Lucys number?18、对后置定语提问:This is a map of China. What map is this ?19、对颜色提问:The flowers are red. What color are the flowers?20、对几
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