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Problems in Business Oral English LearningAbstract: With the further development of reform and opening up and international exchanges among all the countries, business English is more widely used in production and management, high technology and other various fields. As an important communication tool, business oral English plays an important role in international communication which has received unprecedented attention. After Chinas accession to WTO, the global economic integration is speeding up, more and more foreign companies enter China, Chinas trade with other countries have become increasingly frequent. Both the influx of Chinese domestic enterprises and multinational companies are in urgent need of a large number of English language learners who not only understand the business knowledge but also understand professional business English . Business oral English ability is one of the most practical requirements of business English learners. It allows learners to have a certain ability to increase their access to international business work. Most business English learners also see the trend of social development. However, the current situation of business oral English learning in China is still not satisfied. For a long time, there is a certain gap between Business peoples oral communication ability and actual social demands. There are certain problems in business oral English learning. In this paper, the author clarifies the problems existing in business oral English learning and divides the problems in business oral English learning into two categories: objective problems and subjective problems. And then the author of this paper describes more details about the problems, such as limitations of class materials, teaching methods, learning materials, necessary language environment, etc. and analyzes the factors causing those problems in business oral English learning. At last, some suggestions for business oral English learning are proposed to help those business English learners.Key words: business oral English; problems; reasons;suggestions摘要:随着改革开放的深入和国际交流的加强。近几年来,商务英语更加广泛的应用于生产经营、高科技和生活的各个领域。作为一个重要的国际交流工具,商务英语的交际作用受到ii of iii 了前所未有的重视。中国加入世界贸易组织后,全球经济一体化步伐加快,越来越多的外企进入中国,中国与其他国家的贸易往来也日益频繁。无论是本国企业还是涌入中国的跨国公司都急需一大批既懂商务知识又会英语技能的商务英语专业人才。商务英语的口语能力是商务英语学习者的最基本技能要求。商务英语口语能力使学习者增加了进入国际化企业工作的机会。大部分商务英语学习者也看到了这个社会的发展趋势。然而,目前在中国的商务英语口语学习情况并不令人满意。在很长的一段时间里,商务英语学习者的口语交流能力与实际商务需求存在着很大的差距,商务英语口语学习也存在很多问题。因此,本文作者首先概括了中国商务英语口语学习现状,从语言学习认知的角度分析了商务英语口语学习中存在的问题,把商务英语口语学习中的问题分成客观问题和主观问题两大类并借助案例进行详细的分析;此外,作者还从课堂内容,教学手段,学习材料,必要语言环境等方面对问题产生的原因进行了分析;然后,针对商务英语口语学习的提高技巧提出了有效建议,希望对商务英语口语学习者及商务人士有所帮助。关键词:商务英语口语学习; 主观问题; 客观问题;原因; 建议1. Business Oral English Learning in Business Oral English Learning With Chinas entering WTO and the deepening of global economic integration, more and more foreign companies enter China, foreign business continuing to expand. As a result, both Chinese domestic enterprises and multinational companies are in urgent need of a large number of English language learners who not only can understand English but also understand the professional business knowledge. Therefore, the cross-cultural communication and business English skills become very important. Business English is widely used in the business world, it is the key to business success. With the development of globalization, economic and cultural exchanges among different countries all over the world have become increasingly complex. Business oral English, as a major means of communication and media, plays a crucial role in this process. Business oral English belongs to English for special purposes. It contains both general English knowledge and business knowledge, including English for communicative activities, English for commercial services. These topics not only include the reception of guests, business visits and other daily international business activities, but also cover the meeting, business communication, negotiation, marketing, trading, capital and other basic international business links.1. Classifications of the Problems in Business Oral English Learning As we all known, there is a certain gap between business peoples oral communication ability and actual social demands for a long time. There are some certain problems in business oral English learning. Main problems in business oral English learning can be divided into two groups: objective problems and subjective problems. 2.1 Objective Problems in Business Oral English Learning2.1.1 Limitations of Class materialsThe establishment of business English subject is very late in china. The establishment and development of business English in China are not only related to the establishment and development of ESP theory abroad, but also are concerned with other connected subjects. However, the impetus to promote the learners enthusiasm and prosperity of learning business Englis
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