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商务英语口语会刊-工厂参观会 1.Efficiency 效率 A: What is the efficiency of this product line?B: Its about 85%.A:这个生产线的效率是多少?B:差不多85%。2.Labor costs 人工成本A: Why do we have such high labor costs?B: Our labor workers were from the state owned enterprise.A:我们的人工成本怎么这么高啊?B:我们的工人是从国企来的。3.Lean manufacturing 精益制造A: Why do we need lean manufacturing?B: Very simple, to cut the costs and increase the efficiency.A:我们为什么需要精益制造啊?B:很简单,为了节约成本,提高效率。4.Power consumption 能源消耗A: What is the power consumption for your plant?B: Ten thousand KWH each day.A:你们工厂的能源消耗怎么样?B:每天一万千瓦小时。5.PPM 百万分之一件A: What is your PPM?B: Our PPM is 25.A: Thats great.A:你们的PPM是多少?B:我们的PPM是25。A:很好。Note:PPM means part per million, usually a measure of quality.注:PPM是百万分之一件的缩写,通常是质量的一种指标。在外企生存必会的外贸英语1、Performance (n.) 人业绩、表现His performance this month has been less than satisfactory.他这个月的业绩不是很令人满意。2、Performance Evaluation 定期的员工个人评定The performance evaluation test is a way of seeing how efficient a workers performance is.定期的员工个人评定是一种考察员工的工作有多高效的手段。3、Challenge (v.) 在外企的英文中它不当“挑战”讲而是“谴责、批评、指责”His poor performance gave rise to the challenge from his boss.他差劲的表现遭到了老板的批评。4、Presentation (n.) 做介绍(一般指打投影仪的那种汇报)His presentation on the Earth Summit proves that we really need to pay more attention to the global environment.他在地球峰会上的报告证实了我们的确要更加关注全球的环境。5、Quota (n.) 员工的(一年或半年的)任务量Have you reached your predicted quota for this quarter?你达到了本季度预期的任务量了吗?6、Solid (n.) 可靠的、稳妥的Their partnership is solid as a rock.他们的伙伴关系像岩石一样坚不可摧。7、Complicated (adj.) 复杂的English grammar is very complicated.英语语法非常复杂。8/9、Vacation = Leave 休假 (n.) It is my vacation soon, I think Ill go to Huang Shan to relax.我马上就要休假了。我想我会去黄山放松一下。10、Follow up把某件事情继续负责追究到底Have you been following up on the news recently?你有跟踪调查最近的新闻吗?=Visiting A Factory 参观工厂1. We look forward to our tour of your plant.我们盼着参观你们工厂。2. If it is not too much trouble, we would like to talk to some of the technicians.如果不是太麻烦的话,我们想与一些技术员谈一谈。3. We learned a lot about your facilities and the process of wine making.关于你们的酿酒设备和酿酒过程,我们了解了不少情况。4. Were interested in learning about your food-making and pack- aging process.我们想向你们学习食品加工和包装过程。5. It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the plant.谢谢你陪同我参观工厂。6. You will surely know the products better after the visit. 参观工厂参观后你对我们的产品肯定会更了解。7. Let me give you this list of departments first.我先给你这份各个部门的清单。8. Next to each department is its location and the name of the manager.在每个部门的旁边都标有其具体位置和经理的姓名。9. Please let us know when you will be free so that we can arrange the tour for you.请告诉我们你们什么时候有空,我们好作安排。10. Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product?从原料到成品都是工厂自己生产吗?=商务英语:参观工厂 2006-04-13 13:35 谈生意才是目的,说英语只不过是一种手段。下面就教教大家如何用简单英语邀请和陪同客人参观工厂。 A: Would you like to look around our factory some time? 什么时候来看看我们的工厂吧? B: Thats a good idea. 好啊。 A: I can set up a tour next week. 我可以安排在下个礼拜参观。 B: Just let me know which day. 决定好哪一天就告诉我。 A: Thanks for coming today. 谢谢您今天的光临。 B: Ive been looking forward to this. 好久以前就想来看看你们的工厂了。 A: Youll have to wear this hard hat for the tour. 参观时必需戴上这安全帽。 B: This one seems a little small for me. 这顶我戴好像小了一点。 A: Here, try this one. 喏,试试这一顶。 B: Thats better. B:好多了。 A: We can start at any time youre ready. 只要你准备好了,我们随时可以开始。 B: Im all set. B:我都准备好了。 A: The tour will take about an hour and a half. We can start over here.这次参观大概需要一个半小时。我们可以从这里开始。 B: Ill just follow you. 我跟着你就是。 A: Please stop me if you have any questions. 有任何问题,请随时叫我停下来。 B: I will. 好的。 A: Watch your head as you go through the door there. 经过那儿的门时,小心别撞倒头。 B: Thank you. B:谢谢。 A: Thats the end of the tour. 参观就此结束了。 B: It was very informative. 真是获益良多。 A: Just let me know if you want to bring anyone else. 如果你要带别人来,请随时通知我。 B: Id like to have my boss go through the plant some day. 我真想叫我老板哪天也过来看看。 =2009剑桥商务英语(BEC)口试指导:工厂参观二.Inspection gages and fixtures 检测量具和夹具A: Who is going to design the inspection gages and fixtures?B: It will be the Stone Company.A:谁来设计检测量具和夹具?B:将会是斯通公司。2.Shift 轮班A: How many shifts do you have?B: Three shifts a day.A:你们是几班倒啊?B:每天轮三次班。3.Production line 生产线A: Who is in charge of the production line?B: We have a group leader for each production line.A:谁来负责生产线?B:我们每个生产线都有一个组长负责。4.Testing area 检测区A: Is this the Testing Area of the plant?B: You are right. We do part of the quality testing here.A:这是工厂的检测区吗?B:是的,有一部分质量
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